Monday, June 05, 2006

Sihanouk Hosts Reception in Honor of Hun Sen in Phnom Penh Royal Palace

Phnom Penh, Television Kampuchea in Cambodian 1200 GMT 03 Jun 06

Cambodian Government-run Phnom Penh Television Kampuchea in Cambodian at 1200 GMT on 3 June carries, in its prime-time evening newscast, a recorded report saying a reception was hosted by former King Norodom Sihanouk and former Queen Norodom Monineath Sihanouk "in great honor of Samdech Hun Sen, prime minister of the Royal Government of Cambodia [RGC], and his wife Bunrani Hun Sen" as well as "Deputy Prime Ministers Sok An, Lu Laysreng, Tea Banh, Hor Namhong, Nhiek Bun-chhay," and other cabinet ministers and high-level government officials, at the Royal Palace in the night of 2 June.

The former king and queen hosted the reception so that they "could be together, in a joyful atmosphere of great Cambodian family, with RGC Prime Minister Samdech Hun Sen and his wife Bunrani Hun Sen as other as other RGC members," following their recent return to Cambodia, the report adds. The reception was to show the former king and queen's thoughtfulness and regards to Prime Minister Hun Sen and his wife, who are "highly patriotic dignitaries," and other leading dignitaries in the government. The reception was also to "show gratitude to the RGC," which has made constant efforts to achieve successes in accordance with its "quadrangular policy to develop the country and reduce the people's poverty."

In a speech he makes on that occasion, the report says, Sihanouk mentions that the reception is hosted to "pay respect to the prominent head of our RGC, who is a real hero" and carried out struggle with him. Sihanouk adds he "never forgets the good deeds" that Hun Sen and his wife as well as the Cambodian People's Party [CPP] have "done to him, his wife, his son, the throne, and especially to the Cambodian people and nation."

Sihanouk also recalls his meeting Hun Sen at the French town of "Fere-en-Tardenois in 1987" to solve major national problems with success.

Elaborating on achievements scored by Hun Sen, Sihanouk says the achievements that Hun Sen, "a new hero of Cambodia," has scored have so far "mesmerized" him and the countries all over the world. He also commends the RGC, saying it is "capable" and has "tried day and night with the samdech to serve our motherland, nation, and people."

Sihanouk adds that he and his consort are "very proud to pay respect" to Hun Sen and his wife and the RGC.

Sihanouk also says, "The new king, like his parents, is trying his utmost to have us united forever in the great family in the new peace that is the achievement of Samdech Hun Sen" and to maintain state stability and happiness for the people and nation. "Therefore, tonight, there is only joyfulness. There is no problem at all."
Sihanouk further mentions that music will be performed by the Fine Arts Faculty musicians to entertain "my most beloved Samdech Hun Sen that I love like my natural son, if you, the Samdech, give your permission." [laughter] "I will present you with 21 songs." Sihanouk then asks everyone to lift their glasses and drink to Hun Sen and his wife's health and happiness, and he says, "Long live our RGC under the leadership of Samdech Hun Sen!" [applause]

In his reply, the report says, Hun Sen "thanks" Sihanouk and his consort for hosting the reception in his honor. He says he is "very happy" with Sihanouk's speech commending the government under his leadership and that it is a "great honor" for him that Sihanouk and his consort have considered him as their "son in Pyongyang since August 1991." Hun Sen reiterates his pledge to "safeguard the second Kingdom of Cambodia," saying, "in the world history, no country where an overthrown monarchy has survived as in Cambodia." Hun Sen adds that although Prince Norodom Ranariddh is "not present here and has some problems," he still recalls that the "second monarchy was reborn at the initiative" of him and the prince.

Hun Sen also says that as he is the "adopted son" of Sihanouk and his consort and the "adopted older brother" of King Sihamoni, he, as the head of the government, will continue to "follow and protect all the tasks relating to the mission of the king as the head of state." "Everything the government has done can never overpass the king's roles," he points out.

Hun Sen also praises King Sihamoni for his activities in visiting and helping people every nook and cranny and Sihanouk and his consort for their care and assistance given to the people. He pledges to continue the government's tasks to make the nation and people "prosper, despite some obstacles." [applause]

Hun Sen wishes the former king and queen "longevity," saying, "We will continue following you both forever."

Speaking again, Sihanouk says, "I wish to proclaim anew that Samdech Preah Baromneath King Sihamoni and we both support Samdech Hun Sen. Samdech are asked to lead the nation forever, during your lifetime. We support you 100 percent at all times." [applause]


Anonymous said...

Can he bage for Ranarith comming back?

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk at his best.


Anonymous said...

This is a really exchange negotiation for keeping his party (Funcipec)

What nasty royal family!!

Nasty King Father!!! is a maker of killing field to kill 2 millions of Cambodian people during 1975-1979

Anonymous said...

Lightning and Thunder,please strike them all fore wanting to let Hun Sen oppress us all, all his life!!!

Neang Kong Hing ( Earth Mother ) please swallow them alive for distoted our Buddhist Religion!!!

Anonymous said...

That's probably it. Loming for Randranridth. I never thought he would stoop down this low to honor traitors of the nation. Could he be one himself?

Anonymous said...

In 1991 you returned to baptize Hun Sen and let him did evil thing for the country. Now you came to baptize him again as a great hero for our country because Hun Sen just sold our border territories and islands to Vietnam. It is shameful to you. You always takes side with the evil vs virtue. You are a leader without princeple. You will die with what you has done.

Anonymous said...

This is just another show in Cambodian politic. I mean what else can Cambodian King do beside throwing a big party and tell the enemy that everything is alright!

You see in politic, you break up and you make up and it is like a fight between husband and wife.

I remembered when King Sihanouk announced that he will not grant any audience to anyone upon his arrival in Cambodia! Now King Sihanuok get audiences by throwing a big party in honor of HUN SEN.ahahah

Cambodian people need to understand that most politicians say one thing and then they turn around do another thing. I bet most Cambodian people called these politicians as smart people! If anybody put me in such position and I can do same and it doesn't take intelligence or smartness!

Anonymous said...

What a dog eats dog!
The story of Royal Khmere. 1949 to 1969 can not do anything to proclaim Kompuchea Krom. 1970 to 1975 open his big mouth that lead to Khmere Rough and killing fields. 1991 till now, flip flop himself with Hen Sun just to get himself a King and his family still be a Royal Khmere but do not care of what the real deal and stand up for real principal.

What he does is to clear himself from associated with Cambodian Killer such as KR, Hen Sun and Chinese.

Anonymous said...

i am around 30 yrs old. i can not judge well about my grand father (Sihanouk)whether hight has been right or wronge since he lead the country. However, i understand that my beloved coountry has lost land, people still poor, no real equal freedom, not fast developing, those all happen under their lead (including my grand father Sihanouk). Just last week, he praised China, North Korea, but blamed other democratic counrties, i really don't understand what are my grand father has been doing for my country and his people.

Again, now, i think that is the same game, he prefer playing, just want Preminister to doing something favour to his Flip-flop son.

Anonymous said...

Hey 8:31AM,

You're referring Shithanouk as the grandfather. If you a true grandson, please do us a favor when stood next to him.

Would you grab his balls, squeezed it real thight and ask him have he ever thought of serving the people. Stopped being the royal assinine in the land of Lawless leaders.

Pay attention to the people and fight for them.

Anonymous said...

don't changed the history.. it's two millions... it's 3 millions, please do more research!!eeyore!

Anonymous said...

it's not 2 millions... it's 3 millions killed!..sorry just for correction!! eeyore!

Anonymous said...


1.7 Millions, neither 2 or 3.

Do more research.

Anonymous said...

3 millions of cambodian people killed during 1975-1979 following to Youns and the puppet governement

1.7 millions of cambodian people killed during 1975-1979 following to the international studies

Anonymous said...

What the diference 90% of my family were dispeare!

Anonymous said...

1620 the Khmer king Chey Chettha II (1618-28) married a daughter of Nguyen Phuc Nguyen, one of the Nguyen lords (1558- 1778), who ruled southern Vietnam for most of the period of the Le dynasty (1428-1788). Three years later, Chey Chettha allowed the Vietnamese to establish a custom-house at Prey Nokor, near what is now Ho Chi Minh City (until 1975, Saigon). By the end of the seventeenth century, the region was under Vietnamese administrative control, and Cambodia was cut off from access to the sea.

In the spring of 1965, NORODOOM SIHANOUK (AS HIS ASCENDANT CHEY CHETTHA II, HE made a deal with China and North Vietnam to allow the presence of permanent Vietnamese bases in eastern Cambodia and to allow military supplies from China to reach Vietnam by Cambodian ports.
North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces were increasing their use of sanctuaries in Cambodia, which also served as the southern terminus of the Ho Chi Minh Trail, their logistical resupply route originating in both North Vietnam and Cambodia's own ports.

In 1970, General Lon Nol overthrew HIM and shifted Cambodia to a pro-American policy. Sihanouk, opposing the new government, entered into a Chinese-supported alliance and NORTH VIETNAmese with the Khmer Rouge against the Cambodian government.
he was obsessed with destroying the Lon Nol government rather than in saving Cambodia.


The next year, on April 4, 1976, the Khmer Rouge forced Sihanouk out of office again and put him under virtual house arrest until Vietnamese invaded Cambodia in 1978.

NORODOOM SIHANOUK is a collaborator of the YUONS and the KHMER ROUGE and HUNG XEN. He must be judged with other bloodthirsty leaders Khmer rouge for his personal role in promoting the Khmer Rouge and bringing them to power. he must also have his name in our history as the architect of our country's misery.
Dear compatriots, don't forget this MACHIAVELLIAN MAN= SDACH THMIL

Anonymous said...

use your brain,, 4 out of 7 millions khmer left from the killing field, used your calculator please, and about the international studies, they don't know shit, they're not even khmers ..check the authors,!! jeesh..eeyore!