Tuesday, June 06, 2006

SRP Members of Parliament Condemn Brutal Eviction of Sambok Chab Villagers

June 6, 2006


The Sam Rainsy Party strongly condemns the brutal eviction this morning of some 1,000 villagers from Sambok Chab village, Tonle Bassac commune, Chamcar Mon district, Phnom Penh municipality.

Following the dramatic boom in land price over the last few years, the current government's policy consists in expelling the poor from Phnom Penh so as to reserve the capital city for the rich.

The Sam Rainsy Party asks the government to reconsider its regressive urban policy that reflects an unacceptable social apartheid, and to take the following measures:

  1. Establish and publish a comprehensive inventory of State assets (lands, buildings, properties, etc).
  2. Revise illegal and fraudulent contracts related to recent disposals of State assets, while pushing for the adoption and implementation of a strong anti-corruption law.
  3. Reserve a portion of state-owned lands for the construction in downtown Phnom Penh of a significant number of social dwellings designed for the poor, like in other big cities in the world where responsible governments implement a social housing policy intended to allow people from all walks of life to live together in the same city.
  4. Reserve a portion of state-owned lands in all districts of Phnom Penh for redevelopment into public gardens, parks, playgrounds, sport facilities, museums and cultural centers.
  5. In city planning, ensure a constant and fair balance between private and commercial developments on the one hand, and social facilities for the common good on the other hand.

SRP Members of Parliament


Anonymous said...

We play Hun Xen game for to long!

Anonymous said...

Cambodian people tears dropped!

Anonymous said...

I'll defenitely vote for SRP in the next election!

Anonymous said...

Let's make sure that all of our brothers and sisters knows about the election and let's all go to the pole!.