Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Vietnam Said Pushing Cambodian Prime Minister To Plant Border Markers

Vietnam Pushes Hun Sen To Plant Border Markers Quickly So That It Can Invade and Seize Cambodian Territory Legally

By Sar Botum
Moneaksekar Khmer newspaper
3-4 June, 2006

Translated from Khmer

A few days ago, the Hanoi government "summoned" Var Kim Hong, chairman of the Cambodian Government Border Resolution Committee, to its country "in a move to push Hun Sen to plant border markers quickly so that it can invade and seize Cambodian territory legally. This is according to a report by Sar Botum published in the 3-4 June edition of the pro-opposition Cambodian daily newspaper Phnom Penh Moneakseka Khmer.

Officials at the Council of Ministers Office disclosed that the meeting was held between Var Kim Hong and Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, who acted on behalf of Vietnamese Prime Minister Phan Van Khai, the report said. At the meeting, Nguyen Tan Dung forcibly demanded that the planting of the border markers along the two countries' shared border be "carried out quickly, by no later than 2008, in accordance with the agreement."

Thousands of granite border posts, already produced by Vietnam, should be "planted officially between 2006 and 2008," the report added. However, as almost six months had already passed and as the Cambodian side had not been seen caring about the planting, the Vietnamese side then "summoned Var Kim Hong so as to push him to act the sooner the better."

Along with the Vietnamese Government's reminder of and push for the planting, the report said, the Vietnamese troops and authorities had reportedly "actively violated and intruded deep into Cambodia's territorial integrity along the Cambodian-Vietnamese border in the Cambodian provinces of Ratanakkiri, Kratie, Kampong Cham, Svay Rieng, Prey Veng, Kandal, and Takeo Provinces." The Cambodian Government under Hun Sen's control was "neither alarmed by nor caring about" the encroachment. That being the case, it offered the Vietnamese the "opportunities to commit the infringement fulfilling their ambitions at will," the report added. That was why the Hanoi government "urgently forced the Cambodian Government, its former puppet, to plant the border posts quickly so that the portion of territory they painstakingly grabbed from Cambodia fell into its hands once and for all."

It should be recalled that the Hun Sen government validated in October 2005 the supplementary treaty to the treaty on the Cambodia-Vietnamese land border of 1985, spawning controversial problems, the report said. Moreover, at the time, Hun Sen, in addition to facilitating Vietnam's ambition to successfully grab Cambodian territory to repay it for having elevated him to the power, also "threatened to change Cambodia's present [monarchic] regime to a republic if the king were opposed to the complementary treaty."

Anyway, the report said that now, as the process of planting the border markers would begin and that the contentious questions regarding the Cambodian-Vietnamese border, it seemed, would end, the government should reconsider and have the guts to "reveal the actual area that is still left for Cambodia, from its real territory of about 181,035 square kilometers." As for the planting, it should be carried out attentively with transparency, avoiding acting at Vietnam's behest, which would cause losses to Cambodia's interests, the Moneakseka Khmer report concludes.


Anonymous said...

The Vietcong think that they are God over Cambodian people! It is time for Cambodian intellectuals to aggressive pursue nuclear technology from all corner of the world! To blow up these Vietcong back to hell!

Anonymous said...

before we blow up the vietnamese, lets assassinate hun sen and his party first!! who's with me?

Anonymous said...

Hi 9:33 PM,

I am with you, i am thinking about that everyday, why don't we finish his life, so that our people can live peasefully.

Hi 12:41,

Good idea, i am thinking like what you are thinking, just want to blow uo VN to the hell. I really want to do it, however i commit the crime againt the humnanity, i am happy to be in the prison for my whole life or even die, if i die for all cambodia people to have a happiness, i am volenteer to do it.

Anonymous said...

The Vietnamese is taking us by land and sea. It is heartbreaking to see that our neighbors are abusing Khmers. And the world labeled us as "racist" by calling them "youn".

You know, sometimes, I wonder if the world care about Khmer at all. Everyday, not a day that I picked a newspaper or reading some news, and all I see/hear is Khmer people is suffering from exploitation or killing by the neighbors.

I hope that this demarcation is delayed indefinitely.

Anonymous said...

if anything that we are related to agreeing with the youn,we should always question it before signing any crabs.the only way that we going to sign it, is when they hand back khmer krom, our islands, ocean,,etc...the youn(control by hanoi) use catholic influence(ideas) to manipulate us khmer and use french writing to please the heart and eyes of the european(french)TO KEEP SHORT, PUT FOR ALL KHMER-never trust the leaches(youn).we just have to keep our head high and be sincere when we deal with them.

Anonymous said...

who is this idiot khmer talking about not trusted us? all khmer are stupid anyway.bow down you low life brownies. we are too intelligent and keen for your low life freak to catch up with us. we can manipulate you so many ways for your dumb brain to accumulate.we will use your city name in nooddle soup to intice the sell to all khmer so this way we will strip every pennies from your country drie,we will buy tree and turn that tree to furniture then sell to you khmer,,and so shut the hell up and surrender to your supreme master.

Anonymous said...

Danm 6:45 PM,

What are you talking about? shame on you, i asked you, don't feel ashame to be born as Youn (VN), your nation is the worst nation in the planet earth, you stole other land, you eat the animal that is the friend of yours, your govn never care about the youngster who have been sole to my country and others, take your relatives back from my country. One more thing, have you ever seen any other nation which is worst than you?

If i were you, i feel ashame to be VN, i pray the god everyday to do not give me a birth as VN because i hate you people to the bone.

You can manipulate, only he illiterate khmer people, and those who are selfish like you people. You people are the worst nation in the world, you swallow other country, you don't know what is the hornesty and promise, you peopel are a crocodile that never recognize the one who have helped you. Ashame on you.

Be a Youn, is just like a garbage and you never have the value as a human being, however your appearance or outsider look good, but insider is just the hell, messy thing that you can not clean it and it will ly on your body since you was born. You people have black blood.

I still wonder, how can you be proud of being Youn (VN), you said you buy wood from us and you made the furniture and sell it to us, but no you have never bought it, you just stole it and make a deal with the corrupted illiteratred officer, the one who have no braind. You have to accept yourself, that you people(Youn, VN) are a robber,stoler, you rob and steal everything from khmer, you still be proud of you people. Shame on you, A Youn(VN).

I tell you one thing, one day, this thing will reverse to you, i will destroy your race,if i can do it in the near future, you have alot enemy, you have to remember. If i have a chance i will destroy you people from planet us and pull you people into dust.

A blood of animal without conscious, is like that, it will never know what is right or wrong. Shame on you A youn (damn VN).

If you have anything to say to me i am welcome. Read the history and you will know where you people from. A black blood animal without conscious.

The idea the winner is the boss,is the idea of animal without conscious.

Go to the hell A youn(VN),

Anonymous said...

Hi 6:45 pm,

You know why we don't trust you? because the crocodil always be a crocodile, it will never become a bird!!!!!!!! your nation is the nation of robbers, nation of the black blood in planet us.

A Hocimin is the head of robber, i will destroy its tomb when i have a chance to do it.

Shame on you A youn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DO you see? what you people can do beside of steal the land from others countries, you should be embarrase of that, how can you be proud of being a Youn(VN). Shut your mouth down. Kiss my ass.

The cheapest nation on planet us, you can ly other who do not know you exactly, but for us, we are familar with your origine and your nature, you can not ly us. In khmer mind axcept afew puppet of yours, know exactly who you are, and you just a robber in our mind, you people just a nation without honesty.

Kiss my ass A youn(VN)