Friday, August 25, 2006

Cambodian should demand that crimes revealed by Heng Pov be investigated by ECCC since they are crimes against humanity

Friday, August 25, 2006
Letter to the Editor
The Cambodia Daily

Government Should Properly Reply to Heng Pov 's Allegations

The allegations made over recent weeks by disgraced former Municipal Police Commissioner Heng Pov need to be properly answered by the Royal Government of Cambodia if it does not wish to see its credibility further eroded and the international image of Cambodia tarnished even more.

Until now, the responses given by government spokesmen Khieu Kanharith and Interior Ministry spokesman Khieu Sopheak have not been serious and could be construed even as being irresponsible.

In this regard, such crimes as the grenade attack against a peaceful rally in Phnom Penh March 30, 1997, and the executions of a number of Funcinpec generals and senior officials during the July 1997 coup constitute crimes against humanity.

The people of Cambodia would be right in demanding that these crimes be added onto the list of crimes against humanity to be investigated by the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia.

These crimes are not unlike those committed by Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge and should thus not be treated differently.

Take for instance the execution of Interior Secretary of State Ho Sok.

According to a confidential US Embassy report, released to me by the US State Department under that country's freedom of information legislation, on July 23. 1997, the then-US Ambassador to Cambodia, Kenneth Quinn. met with Sar Kheng, the deputy prime minister and minister of interior, to discuss events following the July 1997 uprising.

Sar Kheng told Ambassador Quinn that he "was sure that Ho Sok had been executed" and that as of that day (July 23, 1997), he had established a committee to conduct an investigation of the case.

Furthermore, Sar Kheng also commented that he had "suspended the person from the Interior Ministry who he considered most responsible for that action."

The result of that investigation was never made public and the person suspended was soon reinstated on Prime Minister Hun Sen's instructions.

Similarly, Sar Kheng told the US ambassador that he was not sure if the other Funcinpec generals had been killed while engaged in battle, or arrested and then executed. He agreed that all these cases needed to be investigated.

Until such time as the result of investigations on these atrocities are made public and those persons found guilty are punished accordingly, Cambodia, I am afraid, will not enjoy national reconciliation and stability and its government shall not be respected by international public opinion.

Ambassador Julio Jeldres,
Khmer Institute of Democracy,


Anonymous said...

Why the prince, president of Funcinpec doesn't say a word on the statement made by Heng Pov for killing of HO Sok? ho, prince is a person like to keep calm for the benifit of (not the nation) him and young girl as usual. doesn't change prince!!! you will never change

Anonymous said...

Yes, this is a great recommendation. I can't wait to see ah Hun & ah Hok be prosecuted for the crimes commited and continual committed illegal act against the people. All the people who loss their homes through the land grabbing act or illegal or forces eviction should file charges against ah Hun. These acts are inhumane; it's a crime against humanity.

Anonymous said...

Excellent suggestion. Cambodia should re-investiage the case properly, rather than giving excuses.

Anonymous said...

It is constitutional right.Citizen can aggrieve and complaint of government wrongdoing and criminal allegation to the legislature. If the legislature does move on it,citizen can take legislature to court or to have case be heard the Constitutional council theoretically.But for Cambodia Hun Sen,only violent law can settle case like Heng Pov vs Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

Please wake up khmer, this is a good opportunity for us. We are hungry for peace.

Anonymous said...

International community should give us a real democracy no a fak one like this!

UNTAC come do you real job!!!

Anonymous said...

4:26PM what peace?

You meant dead?

We are hungry for justice and to be alive!!!!!! you fool!