By Yun Samean
The Sangkum Cheat Niyum Front Party held its first congress in Phnom Penh Sunday, during which more than 300 party officials elected Prince Sisowath Thomico as its general delegate. After the election, the prince, who founded the party earlier this year by unifying several small parties, said he would travel throughout the country to set up party networks in villages, communes and provinces. "We will change the regime and social culture," he said, adding that his party will present its political platform Sept 8 during a meeting at Chaktomuk Theater. People are fed up with the current regime that only cares about monetary gain and provokes land disputes, Prince Thomico added. In a message dated Sunday and posted on his Web site, Retired King Norodom Sihanouk wrote that it was laughable that Prince Thomico hopes to one day replace "the irreplaceable and invincible Samdech Hun Sen" as prime minister. "The great Sisowath Thomico has been able to get a starring role every day in important Phnom Penh newspapers. But what makes one laugh is that he hopes 'one day' that he will be Prime Minister of our new 'Fatherland of Angkor,'" the retired king wrote.
As a Cambodian National, I am very disturbed to read this article. It is unacceptable for former King to look down on other citizen. He is clearly demonstrating to the world that he is a not a nutral figure for Cambodian National and he is a puppet of Hun sen. He is now serving hun sen for his life. He has looked down to all other leaders in Cambodia for unable to be Prime Minister to replace Hun Sen ( uncompleted Primary education). If Cambodia is conitinueing to be manipulated by this foulish king. Cambodians will be suffered indefinitely under this wishes of this former King. I wondered why thsi King was always sided himself with all killers such as Pol pot Ieng sary, Khiev samphann and now with hun sen and Chea Sim.
Well. Shithanouk=Khmer Rouge Leader, hope he'll be prosecuted in the KRT. Secondly, the asshole King, at his age he is demented. He can't think straight. Thirdly, he loves to make Khmer people suffer.
I can't believe that he encourage his Pighead Ranarith to be like Hun Sen. If this is a true King, our country would be prosper and self sustain, not a beggar society. I don't understand why some Khmers would support this idiot Norodumb family. They are nothing but a disgrace to the Khmers evrywhere.
Shithanouk, I wish you die in your sleep -- suffocating on your tongue.
Bravo Sisowath Thomico!!!!!!!!
Bravo Sisowath Thomico!!!!!!!!
Sisiwath Thomico is far better than hun sen and his support Sihanouk
Sisowath Thomico is a Nationalist!!!He is better than any royal family member !!!!!!
Someone needs to shut this fxxker up. This fool cann't stand to see Khmer getting better. Now you can see his real intention, it is to keep Khmer low and stupid. This old fool is the best Vietnamses agant that was hired. He does a good job in killing Khmer and serves his master the VietCong for so long. The royal family and the current gov't have the same goal, to serve their masters in Hanoi....
I am not a fan of Royal decendant, but Bravo Prince Thomico and Die! Die! Die! your child-minded Sihanouk. Are you afraid of the competition? Do you fear that your God's son, Hun Sen, will be losing? Did you follow what is happening lately? The accusation of Heng Pov on the current government, although Pov is another crook, I am sure that there are some truth to the allegation. Even it is only 10% true, it can drive Hun Sen's government to the mud. Anyway, did anyone know how much Hun Sen pays this fool to continue to advocate Him?
Go Go Go Thomico !
Sihanouk always keeps in the back of his mind his thirst for vendetta
against the Sisowath's.
His arch enemy Sisowath Sirik Matak was Thomico's uncle.
Besides Thomico never adhered to Sihanouk's Sangkum. That is what more for him not to trust Thomico.
Another point is that Sihanouk took Thomico as his adopted son not in good faith as it appears to be.
Being of high intellect such as Thomico, it is a thorn on the side of Sihanouk.
And Thomico is not without knowing this dark mind of Sihanouk.
The latter whould never stopp throwing the nails on the political path of Thomico.
Supersticious and gullible , Sihanouk is also fearful of the prediction about
News about the Sangkum Jatiniyum Front Party (or Sangkum Cheat Niyum Party) at this adress: http://khmer.cc/community/t.c?b=13&t=4934
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