Friday, September 15, 2006

Son Chhay: Prince Thomico's plan asking Assembly to disband and hand power to King-Father should be taken with a pinch of salt

Friday, September 15, 2006
Prince Thomico Plans Petition Asking Assembly To Disband

By Pin Sisovann

Prince Sisowath Thomico Thursday called on the National Assembly to dissolve itself and hand power over to retired King Norodom Sihanouk.

Prince Thomico said he plans to circulate a petition calling for the move, inspired by recent statements of Funcinpec President Prince Norodom Ranariddh. During speeches this week, Prince Ranariddh called on the retired king to save the nation.

Prince Ranariddh in Kompong Chhnang Thursday urged nationalists, democrats and royalists to unite, adding: "If our King Father is happy to lead the movement, Funcinpec supports him.... The whole Khmer nation is waiting for the King Father."

Prince Thomico's newly formed political party, the Sangkum Jatiniyum Party, "solemnly announces complete support for the stance," the party said in a statement.

"I will contact the Sam Rainsy Party tomorrow," and ask them to support a petition offering complete power to the retired King, Prince Thomico said by telephone.

He said that, combined. Funcinpec and the SRP would have 50 votes in the Assembly, which he said would be about 14 short of the 64 needed to bring down the government with a vote of no confidence.

Prince Ranariddh's public affairs adviser Ok Socheat said the prince had not seen Prince Thomico's request but was attempting to unite the nation himself.

"If the prince cannot unite all political parties, he would ask the King Father to do so," he said.

Government spokesman Khieu Kanharith said Cambodia is stable and that there is no reason for the Assembly to strip confidence from the government.

SRP lawmaker Son Chhay said Prince Thomico's statements should be taken with a pinch of salt.

"I doubt what he says means anything.... I think he is starting to make some strange comments to attract people," he said.

In recent postings on his Web site, Norodom Sihanouk has distanced himself from Prince Thomico and Funcinpec.

(Additional reporting by Douglas Gillison)


Anonymous said...

How naive can one be?


Anonymous said...

Where do princes get power to offer to the retired king while they do not have any power? The appeal is so funny because when Funcipec had power Funcipec did not give it to retired king, but when Funcinpec does not have any power Funcinpec agrees to give power to the retired king.
The present poverty and corruption do not start recently, let's say this week or after the prince returned from Malaysia like what they claimed on international mission, but these problems had started when the prince was the first prime minister and president of national assembly.

Anonymous said...

Prince Thomiko is a bit stupid

Anonymous said...

Thomiko and Narraridth are stupid! Stop create more problems for Khmer people.

Sihanouk can't do anything beside create wars and conflicts in Cambodia. Don't you remember in the 60's, 70's, 80's and during UNTAC. Khmer had enought with you guys (ie Monarchy). Don't you have anything to do!

Hun Sen and his comrades are not that stupit.

I think you guys are having mental health problem!

Anonymous said...

Prince Thomico should not want to have anything to do with Funcinpec or Hunsenpec and Ranariddh if he wanted to be a credible leader. The above anonymous is right: Hun Sen and his comrades are not stupid. How many times did Hun Sen send Sihanouk to Beijing with his royal tail wagging between his royal legs?

We are in the 21st century now. You have to earn your respect, you are not born with it. Get a reality check before getting involved in politics.

Anonymous said...

That's so bizarre! He sounds quite weird. In effort to bring your names into people attention in that way is not a good idea.

Anonymous said...

Listen all you guys who continue to side with your royalty. Both princes can't be in their right mind to call for help from a former king who only accomplished to bring distress to his people, as the blogger above mentioned, remember what happened in 60s, 70, 80s, and 90s. A former king who obviously must be out of his mind judging from his kowtowing towards one of the worst dictators in the world - I am talking about that despot in North Korea - has no place to go but into seclusion and should keep quiet once and for all. His posts on the web are ridiculous at best. He has done enough harm to his people. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. His princes aren't much better - just look at the Ranariddh's shenanigans. Prince Thomlico, if I am not mistaken, used to be in the palm wine business. He should have stayed there. He doesn't seem to be lucid. Also, there is a rumor that Sihanouk has sired over a 100 children in his lifetime. I am sure he would be eligible for prosecution under that new ridiculous adultery law. Cambodia, where are you going? Get rid of those feeble-minded nit-wits.

Anonymous said...


I remind you that your beloved parents (Sisowath Methavy and Nanette Izzi had been murdered by the Polpot and Sihanouk regime and millions Khmers with, because they had given in the lure of DIABOLIC SIHANOUK.
You should remember that.

Why do you still want this traitor to take the power again? Do you think 2 millions deaths are not enough?
Or do you think it will benefit for your politic career?
I am telling you that You have done a grave mistake.

SIHANOUK: "I Will Support Samdech Hun Sen for My Whole Life”.

Please, Look at this site.
Naranhkiri TITH, Ph.D: Reflections of An Expatriate on Cambodia's Past, Present, and Future
You can contact me at either one of these two email addresses: ( or (

There was a joyful party last Saturday night [3 June 2006] at the Royal Palace, hosted by the Great Heroic King, the former King of the Kingdom of Cambodia.
Mr. Hun Sen and Madame Bun Rany and hundreds of officials from the Council of Ministers attended the party.
The Great Heroic King said that he will support Samdech Hun Sen for as long as the premier lives.
During the joyful party, Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk sung 21 songs, which added to the joy. The former King sang 21 songs, but this did not seem to satisfy his foster son [Hun Sen], so he requested a song entitled ‘Monika,’ which is Samdech Mae’s souvenir. Samdech Euv [the Father King] sang this as his present. Khmer people who were unable to listen to the songs should wait for CDs and VCDs that will be available soon. 4 Jun e 2006 - 10 June 2006, THE MIRROR 3.

During the joyful party, Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk said that Samdech Hun Sen is the only person developing Cambodia and helping Khmer people. The former King said that he will back Samdech Hun Sen for his whole life.

Mr. Hun Sen and Samdech Norodom Sihanouk mentioned their good memories of when they first met each other, and decided to be foster father and foster son.
Mr. Hun Sen considers King Samdech Preah Baromneath Norodom Sihamoni as his foster brother, part of his family, though he is the King.

During the party, Mr. Hun Sen and Samdech Euv showed their close friendship for the first time since the two had severely criticized each other over the 1985 supplemental [border] treaties last year. Their differences forced Samdech Euv to live abroad for nearly one year while he underwent treatment.

Samdech Euv had frequently issued messages in Khmer saying that he would not return to Cambodia, and if he did return to Cambodia, that would mean that he recognized the illegal 1985 supplemental [border] treaties.

Samdech Euv also confirmed that he would have to stay abroad until he died as Prince Norodom Yukanthor did.

A few days before returning to Cambodia, Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk said that it was just an informal return, so there was no need to have any welcoming ceremony.

The retired King also stated that he would not grant an audience to anyone. He needed peace and quietness in the royal family.
Khmer people also appealed to Mr. Hun Sen not to play tricks with Samdech Euv, because it is noted that the Strongman [Hun Sen] always does this with his partner [Prince Norodom Ranariddh].

Obviously, the former King’s great son, Prince Norodom Ranariddh, once hugged Mr. Hun Sen many times, but now he does not dare to return to the country because the Strongman’s tricks.”
Sralanh Khmer, Vol.2, #129, 5.5.2006,
The Mirror, June

Members of the Royal Family Appear to Agree with Initiative to Create a Law to Protect Their Honor
Some members of the royal family appear to be satisfied with an initiative proposing laws to exclude them from politics while protecting their royal honor and privileges.

Many members of the royal family expressed satisfaction this week that it is a suitable time for members of the royal family to withdraw from politics and leaving politics to ordinary people.

Some members of the royal family told Samleng Yuvachun Khmer that they are happy with recent initiatives, revealed in newspapers, by politicians and civil society, who want to see members of the royal family receiving high respect from all levels of society and from politicians.
However, the members of the royal family have not met to discuss this matter yet, but it is hoped the royal family will discuss it soon.

Some members of the royal family said that in the past, some members of the Throne Council thought that the members of the royal family should not be involved in politics, but there was not yet a chance to discuss this, because members of the royal family and members of the Throne Council have not understood one another well. In addition, the Throne Council was afraid that there is no support from the political parties in Cambodia.

Recently, Mr. Sam Rainsy, the head of the non-opposition party [a mocking term], said he wishes to see the members of the royal family step out of the political arena at any suitable time, but he does not support a law to ban the members of the royal family from involvement in politics; this would be discrimination and incompatible with the Constitution, which states that all people are equal under the law.

Mr. Sam Rainsy added that he wishes to see the members of the royal family withdraw from politics on their own, without anyone forcing them.

Mr. Kem Sokha, the president of the Cambodian Center for Human Rights, who is now closely connected with the government, said last week that he supports the initiative to withdraw members of the royal family from the political arena, so that they can be protected by law and given honors.

The Cambodian People’s Party, which is currently in power, made no comments on recent statements about this.
Some members of the royal family said that the members of they want a national institutions to draft a law to offer the members of the royal family a fair and decent living.
Most members of the royal family said that they do not want to be involved in politics, because they would get criticism from other politicians if they do. Those members of the royal family continued, ‘To keep the royal family’s prestige and to be a model for other countries which have royalty, they must be involved in state affairs only in terms of diplomatic and humanitarian activities.’
They continued that former King Norodom Sihanouk once considered the problem, but did not make a public statement. Now it is assumed that there is a good opportunity to work hand in hand to make a proposed law to honor the members of the royal family.
It is not certain what Samdech Krom Preah Norodom Ranariddh will decide, because he is abroad. He once said that if there is any movement to force members of the royal family to withdraw from politics, he would volunteer to renounce his position as a member of the royal family in order to continue his political career.
However, it is not certain how Samdech Krom Preah will decide, considering his current difficulties.
It is noted that the seeds of the royal family’s potential withdrawal were sown after Funcinpec’s recent internal problems and the fluid political situation.
2 April 2006 - 8 April 2006 THE MIRROR 3 Samleng Yuvachun Khmer, Vol.13,

Anonymous said...

Why do you cry out for Ar Old king to lead the Parties? If you can't do the job why did you form it? You stupit ass.
Ar RRid too, FCP should be wiped out.The whole Khmer is NOT waiting for your FUCKING FATHER. All of your royal FUCKING family should stay out of politic. Khmer suffered because of your brainless FATHER. DO YOU UNDERSTANT? YOU STUPIT ASS.

Anonymous said...

I must say that I admired all the above comments. After reading this Thomico's Plan, I think back when I was about six years old playing and maybe I was a bit smarter than this stupid Prince Thomico at 6 years old. This is worst than a child's play. And now he is leading a party? Please we CAN NOT afford to have this kind of people to lead our country.
Despite how bad I hate Ah Hun Sen, but between these to criminals, I will lean my support to Ah Hun Sen than Ah Norodumm... I wish they all vanish from this planet. Yes, we all know now that almost 3 million innocent Khmer were destroyed by this stupid Norodumm Father.

Anonymous said...

Why Thomico and Rannarith are so naive? How they can call to dissolve the parliament. The Parliament members were all being elected democratically by people regardless of any corruption committed by CPP provided this parliament has been accepted by the three elected parties. The King has no right to dissolve this parliament ( Please learn how Thai King has handled their crisis ). Sihanouk is even worst to have power to dissolve this Parliament. He can complain to US about the abuses power by Hun Sen but UN may listen to him because he was the one to choose to kick UNTAC out from Cambodia.