Voice of America
Phnom Penh
Former Phnom Penh police commissioner, Heng Pov, has launched his own website at www.hengpeo.com. He was wanted by the Phnom Penh court on a number of criminal charges.
The English language-based website was launced in recent days and includes a color message asking for outside aid to be sent to his email. The website also posts statement denying the government's charges.
Heng Pov was Prime Minister Hun Sen's adviser and former Ministry of Interior's Secretary. He left Cambodia on July 03, after being charged by the Cambodian government of serious crimes including the killing of a former judge, Mr. Sok Sethamony.
Message displayed on Heng Pov's website:
I am Heng Pov
I am in hiding and I can’t tell you where I am because I am worried about my life.
I am waiting for a decision on my refugee application by the UNHCR. I cannot go back to Cambodia, because if I do, I will be killed like they killed Ho Sok in 1997 (State secretary of internal Ministry of the FUNCINPEC party) because he knew about the illegal drug traffic of Hun Sen. My family in Cambodia including my two year old son Justin who is an American citizen had been under house arrest until recently when somehow miraculously they were released. Earlier through my lawyer,I made representations to the American Embassy in Phnon Penh for intervention on behalf of my son.
I have not done anything they say I did. I am innocent of the crimes they have accused me of.
I believe that my government wants me killed because I know all the horrible things they did to Cambodia and the Cambodian people. I also know their involvement in the illegal drug trade. Hun Sen is making up false allegations against me to stop me from talking to the world. I am ready to say all the truth. I heard a report about me wanting to make a deal with the government, that’s not true. The last thing I wanted to do is to make deal with that evil government.
I call on the International community to protect me and to help clear my name. I have evidence that will show that what I have said is the truth.
I am persecuted by my government for my support for the opposition parties, for bringing about judiciary reform and democracy in Cambodia, for daring to speak out about the violation of human rights, and for my determination to stamp out the rampant corruption involving high ranking officials including Hun Sen and Hoc Lundy and the illegal drug trade. I am not a traitor and I love my country.
I need your support so that I can live to tell the world what I know and to fight for Cambodia and for the lives of the Cambodian people.
Heng Pov
12 September 2006
The English language-based website was launced in recent days and includes a color message asking for outside aid to be sent to his email. The website also posts statement denying the government's charges.
Heng Pov was Prime Minister Hun Sen's adviser and former Ministry of Interior's Secretary. He left Cambodia on July 03, after being charged by the Cambodian government of serious crimes including the killing of a former judge, Mr. Sok Sethamony.
Message displayed on Heng Pov's website:
I am Heng Pov
I am in hiding and I can’t tell you where I am because I am worried about my life.
I am waiting for a decision on my refugee application by the UNHCR. I cannot go back to Cambodia, because if I do, I will be killed like they killed Ho Sok in 1997 (State secretary of internal Ministry of the FUNCINPEC party) because he knew about the illegal drug traffic of Hun Sen. My family in Cambodia including my two year old son Justin who is an American citizen had been under house arrest until recently when somehow miraculously they were released. Earlier through my lawyer,I made representations to the American Embassy in Phnon Penh for intervention on behalf of my son.
I have not done anything they say I did. I am innocent of the crimes they have accused me of.
I believe that my government wants me killed because I know all the horrible things they did to Cambodia and the Cambodian people. I also know their involvement in the illegal drug trade. Hun Sen is making up false allegations against me to stop me from talking to the world. I am ready to say all the truth. I heard a report about me wanting to make a deal with the government, that’s not true. The last thing I wanted to do is to make deal with that evil government.
I call on the International community to protect me and to help clear my name. I have evidence that will show that what I have said is the truth.
I am persecuted by my government for my support for the opposition parties, for bringing about judiciary reform and democracy in Cambodia, for daring to speak out about the violation of human rights, and for my determination to stamp out the rampant corruption involving high ranking officials including Hun Sen and Hoc Lundy and the illegal drug trade. I am not a traitor and I love my country.
I need your support so that I can live to tell the world what I know and to fight for Cambodia and for the lives of the Cambodian people.
Heng Pov
12 September 2006
Dear Heng Pov, May God bless you. You will soon received a blessing from God!!!
i just wrote this to mr. heng pov...
dear mr. heng pov:
you had your fun. you had your luxury. you had your laughs. you never had suffering.
while you had all those, you ignored the cries of the khmer people. now you are crying. why should any of us open our ears? how are you going to repay the khmer people for helping you? what are you going to do for the khmer people?
you are a hypocrite.
if you can prove your actions reflected the real values of khmer helping khmer, maybe i'll take 5 minutes to tell my senator your plight. until then, mr. heng pov, please go look at yourself in the mirror.
Heng Peo,
Your name was always connected with these current evil leaders. Your name was in very bad reputations connecting with killing, intimidation and corruptions... Now it is time for you to expose all what you have done to the public in order that we all can consider whether you deserve to get help from us.
Heng Peo you are no better then Hunsen....if i beleive you i should beleive what Sihanok...
pol pot...and Hunsen do too...you are nothing but a killer...
DEar All, I can see in here all negative about Heng Pov. But immagine if you are working with Hun sen and your position is about Heng Pov, How much monies you would have in your bank? I do not support Heng Pov 100%. But if he want to continue to work with Hun sen, he wouldn't end up in this kind of problem. In Cambodia, everyone is corrupted to survive. But Heng Pov has fed up with this kind of life, he wants to change a new life, why can't we give him a chance? Look at all ministers of both parties F'cipec and CPP, how much have they got in their bank? They have 10 to 20 times more than this man. PLease look at Duch, he got paid nothing but just a full bowl of rice, but he has continued to kill all his comarades until the end of Pol Pot. Heng Pov has made up his mind and he wants to to be a good person, therefore give him a second chance. I nothing about him. But I found he was a public man. So we need to help him as much as we can. So that other people can learn from their mistake.
^^ you have a big heart to refuse against us all. most of us just see this as an 'eye for an eye'.
given heng pov can prove himself to become a valuable member in the community, i would give him 2 minutes of my time to him. but like most khmer elits who left cambodia like those who left during the 1997 attack, they arrive in america and go into oblivion working at the sweat shops, etc. heng pov will be more doubt become one of them. he won't make an impact in the society of whatever would adopted him.
We all should have a clear head before we believe anyone here. I believe there are some messages written here are trying to sway your opinion of Heng Peo.
Express your true opinion of what you think might be good for Cambodia in regard to Heng Peo. I do believe Heng Peo is not a clean man but he pocess some very important informations that no one has about the gov't of Hun Sen. Every Cambodian deserves to know the truth about Cambodia government.
I don't know who to believe! Mr. Heng Pov is no different than that of Mr. HUN SEN. They both are killers. They both are corrupted Cambodian officials. They both have alot of wives. They both carry guns. They both took advantage of their position and abuse Cambodian people with their power.
This is not the story of Mr. Heng Pov has enough of what is going on in Cambodian politic! This is a story of rivalry and betrayal at the highest level.
Yes! Mr. Heng Pov has something that no one has and that is the sensitive informations about Mr. HUN SEN serious crimes. For all the informations dish out by Mr. Heng Pov and he should deserve a lesser sentence for all his crimes but to let him off the hook completely is not a way to go!
Eh bloody killer Heng Pov,
How hypocrite you are? You should be killed in a mob, cutting your flesh piece by piece to deserve what you did in the city.
How many people cried because of your cruel action? Your fate is coming now.
Mr. Heng Peo,
I want you to be alive and to tell the truth about the mafia regime , so please please have your lawyer to request the Malasian Court to ask the Cambodia to prove of the whereabouts of the alleged disapperance of all important withness such as Phan Sary, Vy , Brazyl ,et... before they're considering to send you back.
Guilty or not guilty, he is out and he is one of Mr. Hun Sen greatest challenger. What are trying to do to him? Help him or fight him? Confuse him? No!!!!!!!!!!
To killer Heng Pov,
As I am one of the victims and survived From The Killing fields by Pol Pot I like say to you:
How hypocrite you are? You should be killed in a mob, cutting your flesh piece by piece to deserve what you did in the city.
How many people cried because of your cruel action? Your fate is coming now. It is your payback time what you have done in the past. You ar nothing but and evil man. You enjoyed your crime along side with hun sen. Now you beg people to help you. If you are innocent you should go back to PP and stand in court, prove to Cambodian people that you are innocent. How come you and your family are so rich, money, houses and everything you did. You are a blood sucker and MAY YOU DIE IN HELL and will HUN SEN will come next.
To killer Heng Pov,
As I am one of the victims and survived From The Killing fields by Pol Pot I like say to you:
How hypocrite you are? You should be killed in a mob, cutting your flesh piece by piece to deserve what you did in the city.
How many people cried because of your cruel action? Your fate is coming now. It is your payback time what you have done in the past. You ar nothing but and evil man. You enjoyed your crime along side with hun sen. Now you beg people to help you. If you are innocent you should go back to PP and stand in court, prove to Cambodian people that you are innocent. How come you and your family are so rich, money, houses and everything you did. You are a blood sucker and MAY YOU DIE IN HELL and will HUN SEN will come next.
If we want to find out the truth about Ah Hun Sen, some of you shouldn't think negative on Heng Pov.
Heng Pov is not a killer...Hun Sen is a real killer and continue to be a Killer, a destroyer of our Khmer land by allowing Viet to occupy our land for free. The gentlement statement from 6:00am sound very fair and make alot of sense. We need to give Hen Pov a chance to prove and to exploit the evil regime lead by HunSen so the World can see and pay more close attention to Cambodia and the suffering of her people. Like the gentelmen said, why would Heng Pov chose to defect from HunSen's circle and risk his family's lives and his own life for all of these trouble? Why? Where he can just sit back and enjoy the power, the riches he has for obeying HunSen's orders. But this man got guts. He has heart and sicken tired of seeing Khmer suffers. That's why he chose to defect and risk it all. I don't think anyone else will risk everyting like this man did. Some of you don't got gut all all. So I give him a second change to live. After all, why can we be more forgiving instead of being an un-forgiver. When a man is drownomg in the water, we should not push him farther down with our foot. For all of us living oversea or outside of Cambodia. Don't you feel like you've been given a second change to live also? You should be thankful that other nations are mercyful enough to give you a a chance to live and be prospered. so you should feel the same for other Khmer people who is now walking in the same shoe as you once walks.
^^^ trust me on this one. what heng pov know is USELESS. Yes, useless. He will be useless.
there's a different btwn giving an innocent victims a second at life than a rapist, a molester or a murder.
as victims, we should know that we don't make sense of our traumas by examining the life of the perpetraters. we flush them out the toilets, and move on with our lives.
com'on khmers, stop being so stupid and nice.
If everyone works for Hun Sen follow Heng Peo's footstep, we will definately have a cleaner gov't and much more freedom for ourselves and our children, not to mention much bright future.
Each one of them is a "hero". Is Heng Peo a hero? That will determined when he has his day in a free and fair court.
^^ 'each one of them a hero'?
a definition of a hero:
he‧ro /ˈhɪəroʊ/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[heer-oh] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun, plural -roes; for 5 also -ros. 1. a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities.
2. a person who, in the opinion of others, has heroic qualities or has performed a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal: He was a local hero when he saved the drowning child.
3. the principal male character in a story, play, film, etc.
4. Classical Mythology. a. a being of godlike prowess and beneficence who often came to be honored as a divinity.
b. (in the Homeric period) a warrior-chieftain of special strength, courage, or ability.
c. (in later antiquity) an immortal being; demigod.
5. hero sandwich.
6. the bread or roll used in making a hero sandwich.
my friend, a hero, when he hears a cry and he works to bring a 'boon' to make a different in the society or community. mr. heng pov, on the other hand, came crying to us only after he felt his life is threatened. if anything, mr. heng pov is a 'whim'.
This is very sad, to see everyone is not agree on saving one man's life from being ship back to HunSen. Khmer people don't get along and will never be united. why? too much ego and pride and dumm. that's why the Viet brain washed us. They were able to controller us in the past and up to present. They made us Khmer killed Khmer and now they controlled our government and allow their peoplle roam our land for free. Because we don't get along and agree in a simple soluton.
^^ you are being presumptious. this is just a discourse.
you said "...based on ego, pride, and dumm (or dumb?)..."
how about based on resentment?
you see, we live and learn. we forgive, but we never forget.
what a person did in the past, we used that as a lesson to better decision in the future.
in other words, if a person hurts you or your family, you don't invite that person back into your home, or do we?
good day.
Dear All! I am a 6:00AM,
As I have said before that Heng Peo is just a political scapegoat from all greedies men. From my analysis, he is a man facing with two enemies in Cambodia.
-He is just like one of us wanting Cambodia to be a good country. He worked in Cambodia under CPP controled, therefore a millions dollars in his Bank account is nothing ( donnation from Mong Rithy, Ly Yong Path, that is enough). He faces with Hok Lundy and Mok Chito. We all know about Hok Lundy and Mok Chito already. THerefore his duties to make Cambodia a safer place is very hard and is full of ennemie.
-Another ennemie for him is that he was working closely with Mr Sar Kheng who is potentially candidate for Prime Minister. What happen if CPP is fed up with Hun sen, CPP is looking an alternative candidate to replace Hun sen ( he is PM for TOO long), therefore Mr Sar Keng is an alternative. Sar Kheng Can be nominated only if he can prove himself to be strong with support from Army and police. In this believe, I believed that Hun Sen is also wanting to take Heng Peo out from Sar Kheng ( to make him cold). Have you heard that when Hun Sen threat Chea Sim last year to sign a document for making Hun Sen legal to form the Government? Hun Sen have surrended Chea Sim'resident and have thread to kill him for refusing to sign that ducument. Hun Sen has back off during that time because Ke Kim Yann has thread back to Hun Sen. They have sent Chea Sim off to Thailand. It is HUn Sen vision, to eliminate all potential thread to him to be Prime MInister for Life. During PP uprising against Thai, it was Hok Lundy fault for not be able to control the situation. But the victim was Chea Sophara.
Please to be fair, before before condemn anyone, we must look closely all evenements in Cambodia. Heng Peo is a small bird and is a victim from all greedis people in Cambodia. If we put all the blame on him, Cambodian will not be able to find the trueth.
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