Cambodia's National Assembly to pass reshuffle proposal by PM within month
Cambodian National Assembly President Heng Samrin said on Tuesday that the list of reshuffle of senior government officials proposed by Prime Minister Hun Sen last month would be approved within this month, but the exact date is yet to be set.
The shake-up of 10 positions held by the co-ruling FUNCINPEC Party members would be passed at the National Assembly, even if with opposition from FUNCINPEC Chairman Prince Norodom Ranariddh, he said after attending the assembly.
Under Hun Sen's proposal, the reshuffle included Serei Kosal who was to be replaced by Ly Touch as senior minister; Chea Chanboribo by Nouv Sovathero at the Ministry of Information; Tuot Lux by Meach Sam An at the Justice Ministry; Kassie Neou by Chan Houn at the Ministry of Justice and Pok Than by Tea Chen at the Ministry of Education.
The secretaries of state to be replaced comprised Nuth Nin Doeun at the Ministry of Tourism; Hor Sopheap at the Ministry of Information; Sok San at the Ministry of Labor; Tann Sithan at the Ministry of Water Resources, and Nge Chhay Ly at the Ministry of Commerce.
Earlier on Monday, the Senate confirmed another proposal from Hun Sen to appoint nine FUNCINPEC Party members to replace their colleagues as under-secretaries of state of the government.
The reshuffle dispute could be traced to months ago when Ranariddh frequently criticized the government for inefficiency and corruption.
In return, Hun Sen on Sept. 19 proposed the shake-up of 19 senior government posts held by FUNCINPEC for the National Assembly and the Senate to vote on, citing their incapability to live up to duties.
Right after the proposal was made, FUNCINPEC issued a statement to reject Hun Sen's proposal, saying that the shakeup was not based on national interests, but on personal interests as the officials had done nothing wrong.
The current government, the National Assembly and the Senate are dominated by the Cambodian People's Party headed by Hun Sen while FUNCINPEC just has an inferior share of seats. Both Heng Samrim and Senate President and Acting Head of State Chea Sim belong to CPP.
Source: Xinhua
The shake-up of 10 positions held by the co-ruling FUNCINPEC Party members would be passed at the National Assembly, even if with opposition from FUNCINPEC Chairman Prince Norodom Ranariddh, he said after attending the assembly.
Under Hun Sen's proposal, the reshuffle included Serei Kosal who was to be replaced by Ly Touch as senior minister; Chea Chanboribo by Nouv Sovathero at the Ministry of Information; Tuot Lux by Meach Sam An at the Justice Ministry; Kassie Neou by Chan Houn at the Ministry of Justice and Pok Than by Tea Chen at the Ministry of Education.
The secretaries of state to be replaced comprised Nuth Nin Doeun at the Ministry of Tourism; Hor Sopheap at the Ministry of Information; Sok San at the Ministry of Labor; Tann Sithan at the Ministry of Water Resources, and Nge Chhay Ly at the Ministry of Commerce.
Earlier on Monday, the Senate confirmed another proposal from Hun Sen to appoint nine FUNCINPEC Party members to replace their colleagues as under-secretaries of state of the government.
The reshuffle dispute could be traced to months ago when Ranariddh frequently criticized the government for inefficiency and corruption.
In return, Hun Sen on Sept. 19 proposed the shake-up of 19 senior government posts held by FUNCINPEC for the National Assembly and the Senate to vote on, citing their incapability to live up to duties.
Right after the proposal was made, FUNCINPEC issued a statement to reject Hun Sen's proposal, saying that the shakeup was not based on national interests, but on personal interests as the officials had done nothing wrong.
The current government, the National Assembly and the Senate are dominated by the Cambodian People's Party headed by Hun Sen while FUNCINPEC just has an inferior share of seats. Both Heng Samrim and Senate President and Acting Head of State Chea Sim belong to CPP.
Source: Xinhua
And when U.N say power is mounting in the hand of one man they all scream back "regime hater!" We can see clearly how it is happening. Why is there so much power given to one man so that he could remove any senators and politicians in the parliament?
Cambodia need a constitutional coup detat. The whole constitution need to be rewritten so that that executive branch, the president can not meddle and interfere in the affairs of senators and law maker except when he need to recommend and propose laws or veto them.
Senators need to be directly and transparantly elected by the citizens so we don't get a chinese or a foreign statesman who bought himself a position to secure corrupt practices of land grabbing and drug smuggling (Ly Yong Phat).
and Please limit ah kanchahs's presidential term limit. Each president should not have more then 2 consecutive 5 years term. After the 5th passing president then he can run again if his 2 term ran out. We need to find a way to add new leadership to the government so that new progress can be made in different styles so we can choose which kind of style is best for us.
Give Khmer people freedom Hunsen. Give us freedom. I don't f##cking care how much the population love you and its the people who put your in power etc.etc. shit. YOu need to step out of office and allow someone else run the country and then someone else after that etc. The country needs a step forward not not a step on the same place.
Stoping treating the Cambodian citizens like we are your Guinee pig and let us run in a wheel that goes nowhere. Thats what you doing to Cambodia right now mr. Great Ung Sen Bret.
We agree with above idears!!
reform the killer royal police force and army than we see how Cambodian understand the real demoncracy!
A toat sit on top of the fountain so no water of freedome can come out!
H.E. Nhek Bun Chhay is really President of FUNCIPEC
Ah Krom Pret hope to be Ah kaun chau of H.E. Nhek Bun Chhay
what nasty royal family!!!!!
Mr. Hun Sen does it again? First, he kicked the royal father's butt, and now the royal son's butt is at the receiving end of the peasant's boot!
Divide and conquer -
Would someone please send a copy of Machievill's "the prince" to Prince Rannarith!! Prince Rannarith sir, please give up your remain asset, political or financial or otherwise to Mr. Sam Rainsy. If someone have to kowtow to Mr. Hun Sen, let Mr. Rainsy do it. The Rainsy guy at least has balls...
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