Friday, October 20, 2006

Letter from Prince Norodom Ranariddh sent from France to King-Father

Translated from French by Luc Sâr

Aix-en-Provence, October 16, 2006

Very respectfully presented to
Very revered and beloved Papa,

It is with a deep and moved gratitude that my humble person learnt the content of very revered Papa’s very important “communiqué,” dated October 16, a communiqué in which the wordings were perfectly weighted and right. I can only come to very respectfully express to very revered Papa my most sincere and respectful admiration.

Funcinpec’s situation could be compared to a “piece of land” which very revered Papa deigned “offer to me in complete ownership.” My humble person then allowed some people to live on it and to exploit it. But, the latter, not only did they benefit from the piece of land by enriching themselves, they now want to take it as their own property and chase me out of the piece of land! Maybe, it would be time to get rid of it?

May very revered and adored Papa believe in the faithfulness of my very deeply respectful, admiring and grateful feelings.

Signature: Norodom Ranariddh


Anonymous said...

What a dragic letter. I must crie now hu hu hu hu hu hu hu hu papa papa papa papa papa. What about Marie who has no Papa. What should she do? See Hun Sen and happy happy happy happy happy happy. You take me you have the lot. Now you left me, you got nothing but with your Phalla hehe hehe hehe

Anonymous said...

this prince like a 5 years old boy, someone takes away his toy, run to tell his papa to help, how you going to protect the nation if you can't even protect your toy prince????? i wonder if you ask your papa to help you with Phalla....

Anonymous said...

My god! They are all Khmer, but are using French in the letter -- Are they Khmer illiterate??

Anonymous said...

It's idiotic first of all on your part to have compared Khmer land, Khmer life to a terrain. Secondly, it's ridiculous and comical for you to have behaved like a big baby crying to your Daddy with such a nonsensical letter. This shows that you're one childish, spoiled, ignorant royalist that has no idea about who, you and Khmer people are, and who Khmer as nation is. Shame on you!

[c'est idiot avant tout de ta part pour avoir compare tout ca a un "terrain". Deuxiemement, c'est ridicule et comique de ta part pour avoir pleure a ton Papa avec cette telle absurde lettre. Tout cela montre bien que tu es un royaliste enfantin, pueril, qui n'a aucune idee de ce qu'est Khmer comme une nation, et de ce qu'est le peuple Khmer en general.
Laisses Khmer tranquille. Tu fais Khmer honte. Bon voyage Ranarith!]


Anonymous said...

Well, if this letter is a personal address, who let this out?. I sent note to my family and only my family reaqd it. What is this?
You already address with VOA others news media. We know what you feel.
Noext please keep it within your family.
The lost of presidency of FUNCINPEC is good for you and for the country. Let it go. Kile you said you want to form a new party as the opposition party. Why don't you proove this without your PAPA?
Cambodian people won't stop you.

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk,Ranarith,Sihamoni communictate with each other in French language.They do not like to write in khmer ,but they like to reign in Khmer Country.
They like to eat european foods,they do not like to eat khmer food ,not even fish paste(Prahok).
Khmer language has special word for the royal family such as Papa or Maman, why don't they use it.
They do not deserve to be a khmer royal family ,or just a khmer a normal khmer citizen.

Anonymous said...

Papa et moi, we have all kinds of sins and we are completely powerless. there is one sure thing for us in the future: we will to hell together.

Anonymous said...

Not only go to hell together, Kingdom will be no more in a few years. Exactly what Vietnameses wanted.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how must Princess Arun Rasmey and her husband feel seeing this unwelcoming letter?

Hurtful,resentful and disbelief... i'm sure or else they would say that is what you deserve brother for being a dishonest man and dump. You cheat on your wife. How could anyone else believe you that you don't cheat on a country's bank as well? Good Luck older brother! That's just too bad and cry some more:)

Anonymous said...

Papa I feel so bad.
Papa I feel so betray.
Papa I feel so helpless
Papa I feel headless chicken.
Papa I feel AH HUN SEN kick me.

Oh Papa I wish you know how I feel and this is how I really feel.

Papa I feel so horny.
Papa I feel I want another wife.
Papa I feel to get out Cambodia.
Papa I feel "piece of land" is just like a piece of pussy and Papa I feel that I had disgrace you and I have to go now. Then End.

Man! This is such a sad story and I feel like crying already.ahahah.

Anonymous said...

10 3:49pm

Thanks for a cute joke. It was really a funny joke! Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

To 9:12PM

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

What a joke!!!!
He got kicked out from his own party, and now called his papa for help. I don't know about this. Travelled back and forth between France and srok khmer, did not have any job to do???? ohhh go teach in France??? that's BS. go back to france to collect unemployment preah ang!!!!

Anonymous said...

Prokach tov France Prokach tov Srok Khmer. Teaching what? who would want to be his student? ah nis lop doch Ov vear dae ter :-)