Saturday, November 25, 2006

IBA: "The prohibition by the Cambodian Bar is part of a wider scheme of opposition designed to obstruct the operation of the tribunal"

Saturday and Sunday, November 25-26, 2006
International Bar Association Cancels KR Trial Training

By Prak Chan Thul

The International Bar Association said Friday that it has cancelled training for defense attorneys wishing to practice at the Khmer Rouge tribunal following a call by the Cambodian Bar Association to boycott the 5-day course.

The IBA, the world's largest professional association of lawyers, said the Cambodian Bar Association issued orders forbidding lawyers from attending the training, which was to start Monday and was organized in conjunction with the tribunal's Defense Office.

Bar President Ky Tech publicly warned of "measures" against attendees and the IBA for hosting the training, the IBA said in a statement. The Cambodian bar had also wanted to control the selection of course participants and speakers.

"The prohibition by the Cambodian Bar is part of a wider scheme of opposition designed to obstruct the operation of the tribunal," the IBA wrote in a statement.

The training course was intended to improve legal services and the administration of justice in Cambodia, as well as inform the Cambodian public about international justice, IBA Executive Director Mark Ellis said in the statement.

"The Bar's actions represent a disturbing development in the functioning of international justice, placing obstacles in the path of bringing those accused of international crimes to trial," Ellis said.

"It is unacceptable that the Cambodian Bar, which should share these objectives, is seeking to frustrate them in this way," he added.

Ky Tech said the IBA had made the right decision by canceling the course.

"They made the right decision," Ky Tech said.

"We will cooperate with them if they cooperate with us. Next time, I ask for cooperation first," he said.

He also denied that he is motivated by an agenda, or is part of a scheme to derail the trial of former Khmer Rouge leaders for atrocities committed during their 1975-1979 regime.

"I don't have any intention to block the tribunal. When they made their complaint they accused me of obstructing. I am not obstructing, I am trying to find a solution," he said.

Foreigner lawyers will not be permitted to practice at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, Ky Tech said, adding that he met the ECCC's Principal Defender Rupert Skilbeck on Thursday and told him so directly.

Ky Tech added that he did not recognize Skilbeck's title or role at the ECCC's Defense Office.

"He also asked us that foreign lawyers be allowed to speak at the tribunal equal to Cambodian lawyers. But the law states that [foreigners] only have the right to accompany [Cambodian lawyers]," Ky Tech said.

ECCC Spokesman Reach Sambath said that the cancellation of the legal training course, which the Defense Office and the IBA said was essential for tribunal lawyers, would not affect the tribunal.

"They still have more opportunities to work out their differences. They can conduct the training at any time," he said.

"In every country, they have their own law."

Sok Sam Oeun, executive director of the legal NGO Cambodian Defenders Project said that misunderstanding between the bar association and the Defense Office was at the root of their fractious relationship.

The bar association may feel that the Defense Office, which is currently trying to train lawyers, is challenging its status, Sok Sam Oeun said.

"Both sides don't understand each other," he said, adding "the bar association doesn’t understand the role of the other side for sure."


Anonymous said...

Why wasn't he raising the issue when Hun Sen discussed the matter with the UN long time ago.
Now, out of the blue, he felt he's being bypassed by the IBA?
It is interesting that the government is silent at the moment....

Anonymous said...

It took about 9 years for Hun Sen government to agree to this tribunal. Then the government said that they did not have the $13 million dollars which was they had agreed to share the cost previously in the first place for the trial. One donor country had to step up to the plate to keep this tribunal forward.
Now the CBA claims that the whole thing violates their sovereignty???
It seems like deja vue all over again.....

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know whether Ky Tech has ever lived under the Khmer Rouge regime? What is his story? His background may help explain his insane behaviour that has shamed Cambodia in the eyes of the world's legal professions. Perhaps, he is suffering the side-effects of taking too many Viagra pills and his brain has gone loopy. He may need medical or psychiatric help.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen has successfully tried to slow down the negotiation on the tribunal for 9 years, finally he had no more reason to obstacle, so he ended up with agreement with the international communities. But I must say he, Hun Sen or at least his masters, is really clever, now it is time for his men work for him to help even more slowing down the process.

Ky Tech, the guy who used to be like Hun Sen, denied once the failure in the CBA election and then gained back the power, now must try his best to help Hun Sen in obstructing this KR tribunal. How long would you like to slow down this porcess, Mr. Ky Tech???? and How long can you slow down it???

International communities must be alert of such kind of games.

Cambodian people now do not understand at all what kind of game these men are doing. We don't understand what it means by "International Court" while the CBA claims everything should be done by Cambodian lawyers and foreigners should act just behind the sceen. Why don't they say "National Court for Khmer Rough".

Ky Tech! do you understand the priciple of this special tribunal or by closing your eyes, you just do something your best to please your commanders????????

Anonymous said...

HUN SEN's regime is by Viet, for VIET to cover up the Viet-engineered-Killing Fields (the infamous genocide) and rewrite history. Must you ask who KY TECH and the rest of those local bar assosiation members are? Don't you get it by now? You Xmers are so dumb. Learn to read and write Viet language if you Xmers are smart..Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Bong Viet at 9:07 PM for your inside information and enlightenment. At least there are some generous Viets, who are controlling their puppets in Phnom Penh, giving us Khmers some hints and tips on the way forward for Cambodia. As more and more of your young women can now handle the farangs' dicks, as evidenced by the increasing number of Viet female porn stars on Western xxx movies, the small-dick Viet males will have nothing else to do except relieving their frustration and gripping their control on Cambodia.

Actually, Khmers may have to learn two languages: Vietnamese and Thai. This is because Cambodia will be cut up like pie by the two countries, so they have to go one way or the other. When that time comes, Khmers will not have to think too hard which master to serve because they are already fluent in both languages. Good idea!

Anonymous said...

cam oeung jouk jouk to 4:25PM!

Anonymous said...

kap koun mac to phuying 4:25PM!

Anonymous said...

To 4:25 PM

When I was borned I never thought about which master I should choose!
So the logic is clear that Cambodian people have a choice not to choose the slave-master concept just like I am! The concept that every Cambodian people especially Cambodian men is the concept of pro-creation! For me, I didn't matter whether she is Viet, Thai or alien! As long as she is beautiful and intelligence in my eye and can produce more beautiful and smart children and why not get together!


Oh! I almost forget and she must have strong bone, tall, beautiful and intelligence! I don't think this kind of quality exist in this world. Oh well...God will answer my pray one day!