Wednesday, November 08, 2006

My "dear cousin" Sisowath Sirik Matak

Translated from French by Luc Sâr

Dramatic-Funny-Tragic Story
My “dear cousin” Sisowath Sirik Matak,
By N. Sihanouk

Beijing, November 5, 2006

1- The day after his “triumphant” Putsch dated March 18, 1970, to the international media which asked him if he was optimist about the future of his new regime, the brilliant Sisowath Sirik Matak answered: “The US, which was able to conquer the moon, will obviously be able to preserve for us (i.e. himself, Lon Nol, Sim Var, Cheng Heng, Trinh Hoanh, Lon Non, Douc Rasy, etc…) Cambodia. He who can do more can do less.”

What followed can be seen … (April 17, 1975).

The US which could do “more” ([conquering] the moon), could not “do the less” -> Cambodia.

2- 1973. My dying Maman could, thanks to the US President and H.E. Chou En Lai [of the] PRC, leave the “Khmer Republic” and join me in China.

Among others [who left to Beijing were] my eldest daughter Buppha Devi and my ex-wife, H.R.H. Princess Sisowath Pongsanmoni, who were part of the retinue of Her Majesty my Mother.

Sirik Matak, one of the “Masters” in Phnom Penh, entrusted to one the ladies in the retinue of H.M. the Queen, my revered Mother, a few boxes of preserved foie gras [goose liver] from France: this foie gras was destined for me.

But, I had to return all these boxes of preserved foie gras to Sirik Matak in Phnom Penh through the care of Mrs. Bun Nak, a niece of my mother.

My daughter Buppha Devi then told Bun Nak: “I love foie gras. Give me all the boxes! I will stuff myself up with it.”

In Phnom Penh, fortunately (for my honor), Princess S. Pongsanmoni let Sirik Matak knew that I had refused to receive his delicious gift. But Buppha Devi ate all the foie gras sent by Sirik Matak to China.

3- On the eve of the death of the “Khmer Republic” (April 17, 1975), the Republican-Prince Sisowath Sirik Matak wrote a letter to the US, through the care of its Embassy (what was left of it) in Phnom Penh.

In this letter, Sirik Matak, recovering his Khmer royal and popular dignity back, told (in essence) to his great US Friends: “I placed my confidence in you. Now, you, the No. 1 superpower, is fleeing from the Khmer Rouge, abandoning in Cambodia, to their sad fate, your Khmer ex-admirers. I (Sirik Matak) deserve to die, punished by the Khmer rouge. You offer me a seat on one of your helicopter fleeing Cambodia. Please save my wife. I await with dignity my executioners.”

Signed: Norodom Sihanouk


KI-Media Note: The following is the content of Prince Sirik Matak’s letter to US Ambassador John Gunther Dean, as reported by Ambassador Dean.

Phnom Penh 12 April 1975

Dear Excellency and Friend,

I thank you very sincerely for your letter and for your offer to transport me towards freedom. I cannot, alas, leave in such a cowardly fashion. As for you, and in particular for your great country, I never believed for a moment that you would have this sentiment of abandoning a people which has chosen liberty. You have refused us your protection, and we can do nothing about it.

You leave, and my wish is that you and your country will find happiness under this sky. But, mark it well, that if I shall die here on the spot and in my country that I love, it is too bad, because we all are born and must die (one day). I have only committed this mistake of believing in you the Americans.

Please accept, Excellency and dear friend, my faithful and friendly sentiments.

(signed) Sirik Matak


Anonymous said...

Sirimatak was (is) one of the very few contemporary Khmer leaders who are prepared to take responsibility for their actions.


Anonymous said...


Based on my conventional wisdom, Siri Matak was a "true hero".

Sirik Matak was not like some punks "Ah KomSak Nhi". You one of some ass leaders of the 20th century. You gave up the fight before it started. You chose to retreat and settled yourself in another countries; and you indulged yourself with the luxurious lifestly, while innocent Khmer people were dying.

You were not only left the innocent Khmer people in the dark, cold, and starved to death, but you had also brought the enemy to slaughter our Khmer race.

You are one of the sob selfish leaders. You pled to the world that the Khmer Rouge were so "Thlerm Kmao". "Even they 'Khmer Rouge' killed my royal family members". What an excuse you had! You did not care. You were viciouly set us up! As a matter-of-factly, you were the one that started the fire. Didn't you?

Sirik Matak was safe hiding in the French Embassy, the KR found him and executed him. I WONDER WHO WAS THE INFORMANT? You set your vicious political scheme to not only slaughtered Lon Nolism and Khmer Serey but also killed almost 2 million of innocent Khmer people. What did they do to you for them to deserve your "death penalty"?

Talking about blaming American!

Go on and continue to hide behind Ah "Tao-Hu" until your death!

I also hate your fortune teller. According to my crystal ball, you have a year-and-a half left!

Somlor Ma-Chou Yuon leay . . .

Anonymous said...

Prince Sisowath Sirimatak died for what he blieved in. He was and still is a hero in the history of humankind. A statue of him should be erected at a popular place and a biography of him should also be written. LAO Mong Hay, Hong Kong.

Anonymous said...

I agreed with all Cambodian in overseas that Sirik Matak was a hero of Cambodian and he is deserving his memorial to be erected in Cambodia to be remebered by the nation. What he has said, he can do it. In 1972, when he was the Prime Minsiter, he has been protested by students in Phnom Penh to resign. He did resigned with Dignity. He is the only Royal family deserve to be remebered. Unlike Sihanouk, this animal has chnaged his mind 3 times a days and all of Cambodian have suffered in a great extend through his unreliable leadership and unpredicted policies.

Anonymous said...

Only this king of Cambodia would insult and redicule a Khmer compatriot who fought and died for Khmer's freedom and liberty.
Only this king of Cambodia would allow Khmer's territory to be used by the North Vietnamese during its war with the American.
Only this king of Cambodia would lead a communist Khmere Rouge to victory that resulted in millions of Khmer killed.
Only this king of Cambodia would compromise with the election loser Hun Sen to share power eventhough the people have chosen otherwise.
Only this king of Cambodia would bestow the title of Samdech to a dictator like Hun Sen.
Only this King of Cambodia would utter these words " the king reigns but does not rule" to avoid defending Khmer.
Only this King of Cambodia would neither accept his reponsibility nor feel remorse for the consequences of his actions.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for all the comments, you are the real Khmer Patriot! To our Khmer Leaders around the world. One question I would like to ask is how come we the Khmer people do not have any heros of our time to look up to? Please help start promote this event.


Anonymous said...

In response to the previous commentator, here are some of the obstacles to heroism:
First, dictatorship does not promote heroism when dictators proclaim themselves sole heroes in the country: in the country, there is only one patriot and this patriot is the dictator himself. Dictators would eliminate anybody whom they see as a potential or future rival. Secondly, lack of mudita or sympathetic joy for someone who has success in life or happiness, or who is doing well. Third, dislike of courage (courage has never been considered as a vitue in Cambodian culture: the brave die, cowards live longer-neak hean sbek dach neak prach snbedk svet). Fourhtly, lack of character: Cambodian education has never been aimed at the development of character. A person of character know well what is right or good and what is wrong or evil, and has the courage to stand up for the right or good and combat the wrong or evil even at the risk of his or her own life. Fifthly, lack of hero worshiping in Cambodian culture: like other people, famous people when dead are cremated and the remains preserved in stupas or chedey. There are no statues of them as memorials erected at public places to inspire other people. Who is going to look at stupas or chedey? And stupas or chedy are not built at public places. LAO Mong Hay, Hong Kong

Anonymous said...

Sirik Matak was a true leader indeed, he wanted his people to live in happiness and in peace, but I guess his own cousin Sihanouk didn't want that to happen. He fled like a coward and try to stir more problems abroad, he is the root of Cambodian's tragic history and present day status and problems. Sihanouk was just bitter that he had no more power.

My uncle admire Sirik Matak, and respected him so much and remembers when Phnom Penh was falling apart and the fall started, he remember Sirik Matak's television appearance very well addressing ... "I am Cambodian, and I will die in my country Cambodia!" Those were admirable words he said, he was never a coward!

Anonymous said...

What did the SRIRI MATAK's letter tell you, EK KING?
In my opinion, he is few good men in Cambodia. The good man is able to handle the truth and consequence.
POL POT and HIS GANGs pointed fingers to VN and others for the killing.
How about your Majesty, had you really never done any mistake in your life?
Who did I hear broadcasting on clandestine radio, announced people to join forces with devil Khmer Rouge in 1970? It sounded like your voice, your MAJESTY !!!
Had you ever told youself," why you had to join POL POT and his company in first place?"
Did you blame Pol Pot because you were put in the house arrest?

My late father used to tell me that he was a person who was responsible for the well being of his family. During the Khmer Rouge," he apologized for not being able to care but he didn't run away from the family until his life ended." A few good men story.

Anonymous said...

- Prince Sirik Matak is and alway is a true Khmere "Hero".

- King Sihanouk is and alway is a true Vietname and Chinese "Hero"

My 11 years old girl who read a lot of Cambodia History can detemined this face as well. So, King...Before you die, do Cambodian who have died by all of your action a favor...Shut up! and go to hell!

The only people who still worship you are: North Korea. China, Vietnam and Hun Sen are using your flip-flop brean to confuse their anemies, and Cambodian the one who are suffering.

Anonymous said...

Prince Sirimatak's letter should be in shrined and held in the same regards as sacred text. I first read this letter in William Shawcross's book Sideshow it drove me to tears and left me proud as a Khmer race. In my opinion, his tragedy was so ironically parralel to our fathers too who chose to take the ax of the Khmer Rouge by themselves so that we can live.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sihanouk, I'm a new generation. I have read a lot of your old stories. You should confees to all Khmer people in Cambodian Nationl Television and let them know, what you have dane to them during the past 30-40 years. can you do it? Out side you look friendly, but in side you are full of evil!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sihanouk, I was a tenager during the 70s and have been through those event.
I could not beleive that you are dare to mention those event as you were the only one that brought the country into the disaster, not to mention 4 years of our youth in my generation have been taken away let alone the gerenation of accumulated family asset have been stolen and hundred of thousand of Cambodian have been murdered by you and your clan.
Sirik Matak is one of the corrupted prince just like your son Ranarith, but he at least wrote a strong leter for the name of Cambodian, not being a cow like you.
Remember your crime has not been puniushed and you should stay alive until the Cambodian put you one the trial

Anonymous said...

It is sad to read this letter from Prince Sirik Matak dated back in 1975. I think he's a real Hero to all Cambodian people; unlike his sibling in China accused him of destroying country. Sihanouk master mind the destruction of Cambodia. He helped viet cong to ousted Americans from Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

It is sad to read this letter from Prince Sirik Matak dated back in 1975. I think he's a real Hero to all Cambodian people; unlike his sibling in China accused him of destroying country. Sihanouk master mind the destruction of Cambodia. He helped viet cong to ousted Americans from Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you all. Prince Sisowath Sirik Matak committed some mistakes as a politician: he trusted Lon Nol and the US. He truly believed Nixon administration would help Cambodia to be a modern country, like Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand... and he really hated communism.

But above all, he loved his country. He didn't see being royal as a privilege but as a duty. The duty to serve his people and not being served by them... contrary to some of the current princes and princesses...

King-father should stop denigrate him. Maybe, he knows how much Prince Sisowath Sirik Matak was a great patriot and how much he was less selfish than himself.

He deserves a better place in Cambodian History and memory like one of another family member: Prince Sisowath Youtevong.

He, too, wanted to help Cambodia enter the modern era. And he, too, died before his mission was finished.

Benjamin, a Cambodian boy in Paris

Anonymous said...

American Ambassador Martin Hertz in his book A Short History of Cambodia called Prince Sisowath Yotevong the father of democracy in Cambodia. Actually, Yotevong's stupa or chedey in front of a monastry by the roadside in Oudong, now in ruins, should be rehabilitated and turned it into a memorial for him. LAO Mong Hay, Hong Kong

Anonymous said...

Monsir Sihanouk is going crazy again.His right hand masterbading Hanoi balls and his left hand holds Hun Sen hands to rub Beijing Balls.
Isn't he the father of balls or what?

Anonymous said...

The French gave The Cambodian Throne to The Norodom and not The Sisowath, all because The Sisowath are much more Khmers Patriot and it's harder for The French to do any stupid thing to us.

The Cambodian's throne should have been for The Sisowath after all!

Imagine,if Khmers were instead rule by The Sisowath.

Anonymous said...

Let's not cry over spilt milk. The past is history. Let's move forward. LAO Mong Hay, Hong Kong.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Mr. Loa Mong Hay. What happens in future will matter much more..... With all the wrong steps that our past leaders took as a guide,let's figure out the right path for the next generation of Khmer to take. May be some day, there is light at the end of the tunnel.......

Anonymous said...


I would personally like to extend my sincere million thanks to Dr. Lao Mong Hay for taking your precious and busiest schedule to share with us your political insights on Cambodian issues. Your input is well taken by me. If time allows, I would personally like to invite you, please try to come back and share with us your scholarly political analysis on Cambodia national as well as international issues as much as you can.

As a younger Khmer-Foreigner generation, it has never been crossed my mind that I should either give up or forget about our beloved mother-land and Khmer people. I try to help and contribute what I can to help our Khmer people and our Cambodia to move forward. But at the same time, I have to admit that I still need a lot to learn.

I would personal like to implore to our Khmer professionals and as well as intellectual individuals like yourself to come out and provide us (younger Khmer generation) with proper guidance and to share your inputs on how we are all can better help improve and restore our country.

Once again, thanks Dr. Lao Mong Hay.

Somlar Ma-Chou Yuon

Anonymous said...

No need to thank me, Mr. Samlar Ma-Chou Yuon. It is my duty to share. I urge all Cambodian intellectuals and professionals to answer your call. LAO Mong Hay, Hong Kong.

Anonymous said...

Very very impressive letter indeed.

What would The American think or feel when seeing this letter?

Would we consider that it will still have the same golden meaning if we are to behave the same attitude when confronting with the same situation?

Many of us already know that The American policy deos change according to the new circumstance.

Anonymous said...

My gratitude and deepest respect to Prince Sirik Matak,

Ordinary Khmer

Anonymous said...

Hi all, it's amazing to me to read this letter and all of your comment. However, I just regard pr. Sirikmatak a brave and responsible leader but not yet a hero. I would regard him as a hero if he collaborated w/ king sihanouk to save our country from cold war. To be fair he should not name as a traitor either coz he only betrayed sihanouk but not Khmer.

One worth naming a hero if they achieve rescuing the others' lives n country. King sihanouk did it by freed us from French colonization. Thus he was a hero then. After that, his mistakes degraded him.

Guys, please wake up! To build a strong nation is not to blame each other but proactively help each other. This is called solidarity. Also, stop waiting for a hero riding white horse to come but make ourselves heroes because one hero is not enough.

If we look back in the past, our people thought that everything belonged to the king. They also sacrifice for the king. When king is wrong, they just forget it. They rather lose their lives and but save the king because they believe the king will save the nation. If we are to be patriots, we should get our people educated and take responsibility of national savour. No longer expect on one person.

I thing the above paragraph would be difficult to understand but I mean people of a nation should determine the fate of their nation by deciding who should be the leader in stead of depending on luck to get a good leader. Thus, it is educated people like us to help them make right decision. Then, we all are heroes. Puthisethi (power of knowledge)