Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Thomico reaching out to Sam Rainsy with one hand while slapping him on the other

Prince Sisowath Thomico, leader of Sangkum Jatiniyum Front Party (Photo: VOA)

Thomico Seeks Sam Rainsy to Join Royalist Forces

Voice of America
Phnom Penh

In recent news, Prince Sisowath Thomico and Prince Norodom Ranariddh are both trying to persuade opposition party leader, Sam Rainsy, to join forces in the royalist movement.

Prince Thomico, president of Sangkum Jatiniyum Front Party (SJFP) told reporters on Tuesday that, “[he] and Prince Ranariddh do not understand Sam Rainsy party’s guiding principles”, and claimed that he believes the SRP party is no longer an opposition party.

Meanwhile, he reminded people about Sam Rainsy Party voting with Cambodian People's Party (CPP), to remove some of FUNCINPEC members, and went on to suggests that the party’s action will put their credibility in questions.

Former advisor to King Norodom Sihanouk, Prince Thomico has met with the ousted FUNCINPEC party leader, Prince Ranariddh this past Sunday- November 5th, in Malaysia to talk about strengthening their political ties.

In the press conference today, Prince Thomico told reporters that his party (SJFP) and Prince Ranariddh's new-formed party called, ‘Prince Norodom Ranariddh’ will merge into one party after the upcoming communal election in April 2007.

Serey Kosal, Norodom Ranariddh’s special representative also supports the three-party coalition.

SRP's acting president, Kong Korm says that his party will consider Prince Thomico's request, and is currently waiting to receive the official proposal.


Anonymous said...

Look at the record it is proven that who/which party had spent honeynoon with CPP after 1998 election.
Conspiracy theory from Grapevine news: top CPP and Royalist might already struck this deal: CPP helps to maintain royal status in Cambodia, so CPP will in return get secured leading place in every future in the Government.
ONLY: the deal will be annulled when CPP in the future falls apart by unforesee events.

Anonymous said...

Thomico!! You must be an idiot for bringing one of the worst animal( Rannarith) to be your alliance leader. He has breached many trusts agreement with Sam Rainsy. This animal is only looking for opportunity to bargain for power then transfer his power into selling positions and then walk aways with monies only. If you still forget his tactic, then, no body will support you anymore. You must remember how bad this animal. Even his wife, his children do not want him already. How can this animal can be a leader of a Nation if his mentality is so low?

Anonymous said...

It is interesting to note that when funcinpec won the election back in the 90s, it failed to stand up to CPP's intimidation. The party betrayed the Khmer people who voted for change in the governement. It instead compromised with the CPP with the king's endorsement to share power. Remember the two prime-ministers and two of everything else? Now, they blindly argued among themselves as who are the true royalist, sihanoukist or whatever good sounding names. They fight to represent the Khmer people who they shamelessly forgotten long time ago. Meanwhile, CPP became powerful and ruthless. Who contributes to their rise of power? coalition partner?

Anonymous said...

what the coalition party be names?
Sankum Roumrith Phala?
or Phala masisambo rith kor cheat ?

Anonymous said...

Royalist means to Cambodian; total exploitation both social development and economy develpment. Why?
-Social exploitation: This kind of royalist in Cambodia will only create social division by making more social classes. Royal classe( all animal like princes and pricesses) become the highest social class of people in the country.
-Economy exploitation: The same these animal like princes and pricesses who are so lazy and very mediocre, but can steal the benefit of the country from ordinary people by shuting out all freedom to economic participation of ordinary people.

Anonymous said...

Princes Thomico and Ranarith, please if you want people to withdraw power from Hun Sen and CPP, I think you would better leave politic career totally,leave Sam Rainsy party as the only opponent to this evil CPP. Your integration with SRP benefit nothing beside making SRP losing even more credibility. Those who love SRP but not you and Ranarith will not vote for SRP anymore.

If you do politic, you can just confuse people and attract some anti-CPP votes which mean nothing for you after converting into seat but reduce some seats for SRP according to this current seat calculation method.

Serey Kosal, if I still remember, it was YOU and Nhik Bun Chhay who used to grab Prince Ranarith and funcinpec back from post-2003 election demograts coalition. Do you think you regret abit about this??? When you need power you come to SRP, when you get power you were afraid for sharing with SRP and now when you lose everything, you come back, right??
Cambodian doctor

Anonymous said...

If Thomico is serious about setting up a credible party, he should first revisit the result of the great "Alliance of the democrats" coalition between Funcinpec and SRP. An alliance with someone with no moral nor principle such as Ranariddh whose track records tantamount to failure, is an indication of stupidity. Khmer people need hope and idea that respect their dignity. If you're going to be part of CPP like Ranariddh's, you have offer us nothing new and deserve none of our vote.

Anonymous said...

Hello 6:21AM, How can you talk to Serey Kossal English? He won't understand you at all. He is also another animal who just tried to terrorise others.

Anonymous said...

New leaders should come up with a vision of the country and mobilise people to support and materialise it. Here are some examples of such a vision. (1) While those leaders are talking (sometimes a lot of nonsense) some babies are born. What kind of citizens will they become when these babies reach the age of 16 or 18? Skilled and responsible ones who can look after themselves and shape their own future? (2) The utilisation of oil revenue for sustainable development: construction of big development projects using labour intensive technology to create jobs and generate income for the poor; education and long-term scholarships for students to study abroad. (3) All sea, rivers and lakes to become a giant fish pond to produce fish to feed all Cambodians and their neighbours in Southeast Asia. (4) Construction of a hydro-electric dam on the Mekong river as a source of energy for the industralisation Cambodia. (5) Kompong Cham city or Suong to become an international industrial and commercial centre now that human resources, fertile land and access to different parts of Cambodia and to neigbouring countries and the world by air, river and road are avialable. (6) etc.... LAO Mong Hay, Hong Kong

Anonymous said...

Stupid Thomico, the opportunist. Now it's Thomico, the royalist, who starts kicking the SRP. His political life depends on waging war with the SRP to show that he's a nationalist. Stupid, and go to hell the Royalist.

Anonymous said...

All the smaller party that has joined with Thomico should reconsider their position as this is for Royal Family only and the smaller poeple are just to furnish their greed.
It will not be long you will see the change of this party constitution and Ranarith plus Tomico may become anothere lifetime leader and this is a democratic rule in these princes mind.

Anonymous said...

I don't care much these day for AH Prince and AH HUN SEN cause it is all boil down to GUN AND RICE!

I say with one billion dollar in revenue from oil. Cambodia is in position to field thousand and thousand of advance jet fighters such as F-16,Su-27,and submarine and thousand and thousand of SAM( Surface to air missles) and mordernize Cambodia military force that Cambodia can only dream of to keep the Thai and the Viet in line with international law and order!

In the field of education, Cambodia desperately need hand on training!

Finally, Use the billion dollar to create jobs and stimulate cambodian economy! No Cambodian people should to go Thailand and Vietname or any other country just to earn a decent living!!!

So the damn lazy stupid Cambodian leaders need to open their eyes and see the reality that Cambodia people facing today!

Anonymous said...

Thormik is too stupid and very confused
he can not understand SRP policies.
he allies with the loser

Anonymous said...

Thomico! fuck off. You should be ashamed of yourself. Leave SRP alone. This party and its leader have been doing excellent works for Khmer people!.

From Cambodian youth in Australia.

Anonymous said...

Idiot princess of Thomico and AhRanaridh - this is what you get from too much In-Breeding within the Royal Family over many generations. It leads to retardation and dellusionism like these clown princes - Ranaridh, Thomico, Yuvaneath, Chakrapong, Vichara, Sirivudh, etc...Name one royal family members that even come close to being a decent leader - Absolutely none. And siAHnouk, he join the Pol Pot Khmer Rouge that brought destruction to Cambodia that we're still not able to recover.