Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Bay Area Man Pleads Guilty To Sexual Tourism Charge

December 12, 2006 (Bay Area, California, USA)

A Bay Area man pleaded guilty in federal court in San Francisco Tuesday to engaging in a crime known as "sexual tourism" by having sex with a 13-year-old girl in Cambodia in February of this year.

Michael Koklich, 50, told U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker, "I traveled to a foreign country and had sex with a person under 18."

He said he paid money for the illegal sex.

Koklich will be sentenced by Walker on Feb. 6, 2007. Prosecution and defense attorneys have agreed on a recommended penalty of five years and four months in prison as well as a restitution payment of $10,000.

The maximum possible penalty for illegal sexual conduct by a U.S. citizen with an underage person in a foreign country is 30 years in prison.

Koklich was arrested by Cambodian authorities in Phnom Penh in February and transferred to the United States for prosecution.

He told the judge today that he has had a business for the past decade of traveling abroad and selling imports from overseas at local stores and festivals.

U.S. authorities have said that when in the Bay Area, Koklich resided in a recreational vehicle parked at various locations including Santa Rosa.

Koklich was originally accused in a grand jury indictment of two counts of illegal sexual conduct with underage girls, but one of the counts was dropped as part of the plea agreement. The second girl was described in a criminal complaint as being 11 years old.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You sick Bastered.... my daughter is 11 years old...
Go back to Cambodia and you will never leave..