Sunday, January 14, 2007

Bomb blast reveals that Vietnamese fishermen are operating with impunity inside Cambodian sea waters; VN tries to falsify information

Four die in bomb blast

The Brunei Times

HANOI - A WAR-ERA bomb exploded on a Vietnamese fishing boat, instantly killing four fishermen who were diving for decorative coral off of Cambodia, an official said last Friday. The fishermen, aged 16 to 34 years old, found the bomb on the ocean floor as they were harvesting a coral bed near the Cambodian shore, about 290 kilometres from Vietnam's Phu Quoc island.

They hauled the one-kilogramme bomb up to their boat, presumably to resell the scrap metal and explosives, according to said Truong Dong Hai, chief investigator of Phu Quoc district.

"The bomb exploded when one of the seven fishermen onboard was using a hammer to clear away the oysters attached to the shell," Hai said last Friday.

"Four of the fishermen were killed right away and two others were injured, but little damage was caused to the boat," Hai said.

The Vietnamese official added that the fishermen were not authorised to be plying Cambodian waters and that the survivors may be fined for illegally leaving Vietnam.

The bomb was likely left over from the Indochina Wars of the 1960s and 70s, when US warplanes dropped 15 million tonnes of explosives on Vietnam and at least two million tonnes on Cambodia.

Hundreds of Vietnamese and Cambodians are killed each year by leftover bombs from the war.

Meanwhile, Vietnamese police have arrested two men who tried to smuggle more than two tonnes of Chinese-made fireworks into the country ahead of next month's Tet Lunar New Year, an official said last Friday.

"The two were detained while transporting different kinds of fireworks from China on a wooden ship," said Vo Thanh Hung, a border guard from northern Quang Ninh province, of last Wednesday's arrest.

"We handed them over to local police." Vietnam in 1994 banned fireworks during Tet..

Source: Agencies

Below is the Vietnamese (Thanh Nien News) report of the same incident, as can be seen here, Vietnam is silent about the illegal activities of its fishermen, and it placed the coral reef harvest near Phu Quoc Island inside Vietnam sea waters instead.

Thursday, January 11, 2007
Shell explosion kills four in southernmost Vietnam

Thanh Nien News (Vietnam)

An artillery shell left from the war went off early Thursday morning in the sea off the coast of southernmost Kien Giang province, killing four people and leaving two others injured.

While diving to find coral in an area off Phu Quoc Island, one of the divers found the shell and brought it aboard a boat with seven others on board.

The bomb exploded after several of the group began sawing it in half in an attempt to extract the explosives, killing the four instantly, including a Ha Minh Duong, 16 and Tran Minh Duc, 26, from Kien Giang.

Two others killed at the scene were Nguyen Van Toan, 34, from central Quang Ngai province, and Le Hoang Khem, 27, from southern An Giang province.

The explosion also injured two others – Pham Trung Vu, 39, and Le Hoang Kha, 40, both of whom are receiving treatment at the Phu Quoc district clinic.

According to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund of the US, during the Vietnam War from 1965-1975, the US Armed Forces deployed more than 15 million tons of bombs, mines, artillery shells and other ordnance in the country, in which ten percent did not detonate as designed.

Local scrap collectors often saw of unexploded ordnance (UXO) for metal and explosive, while small children play ammunitions by breaking them, resulting in hundreds of deaths and injuries annually.

Local officials estimated that there were over 300,000 tons of UXO in Vietnam.

Reported by Tan Duc – Translated by Thu Thuy


Anonymous said...


The Vietcong are taking ownership of the Cambodian Island Koh Tral and remane Phu Quoc?? This is spell then of Cambodian ambition going out to sea!!!Cambodia is doomed!

Anonymous said...

No need to worry, Cambodia can take it back by going to Internation Court and force the Vietcong to give it up.

Anonymous said...

When I look at Cambodia's map, the island's name is Koh Tral. When I look at Southeast Asian map, the island's name is Phu Quoc. The island is huge and bigger than the size of Phnom Penh. It can house millions of people and an international airport. It is a very good geo-strategic location for defending mainland Cambodia from marintime attack. The island is located very very closed to Cambodia and very very far from Vietnam. However, my country (Vietnam) is very clever cos it can claim the island far from its territory. You know Khmer people? When my Vietnam becomes the owner of your island, we gain not only the island that we can accomodate our people, but we also have access to the maritime resouces around the island like fish, oil and other natural resources. If we want to attack you (Cambodia), it will be very easy cos we can enter from many many diresctions. I tell you a secret na--- Our VN government will further capture more of your islands by our ancestral trick--- that is sending people to the area first, then the government is following later... I think you know about this trick from long long time ago, but what can you all of you do... ha..ha..

Anonymous said...

Kampuchea Krom will be lost forever, due to the international community's deaf ear. However, Khmer should probably dispute the island of Koh Tral, as from the map, it clearly belongs to Cambodia. It is much, much closer to Cambodia than Viet. From observation, you can see that both the Thai and the Viet have tried to encroach on Cambodian shore. If they had their way, there would be no Kompong Som or Sihanoukville.

Anonymous said...

To Vietnam, Cambodia is part of their conquered teritory. The Vietnamese often act with impunity inside Cambodia - Koh Tral, Vietnamese associations, supplemental border treaties are just a few topic CPP discourages Khmer to openly discuss because they benefit the Vietnamese and not Khmer. They need stability and complying CPP agent to keep Khmer under their control.

Anonymous said...

tell me something i already don't know.. Might as well call the CPP government an occupation of Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

We are vietname now, do not vorry vietnames we brothers, that wy we have alot of vietnamese girld in our country, send by Vietnamese communist goverment to be slave in Phnom Penh!

Your Vietnamese's government is bad to the Vietnamese too, and give us pleasure wath can we say.

Anonymous said...

Oh we are taking over by Vietname not just the Island, the hold country!

To be free cosignators of Paris agreement have to complet their obligations to Cambodia People by reforme the police and Army that infested by the Viet Rats and it parasite!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I think it is time for you to
go hide in your rat's hole, before
yuons start to fuck you in the

Anonymous said...

Youn can't fuck anyone anymore because the Youn had try to conquer Cambodia for 10 years and fail badly!!!!If the Youn want to fuck anybody then they better learn from the past and eat some more dog!!!ahahah