Monday, January 15, 2007

East Asian Leaders Call for N. Korea to Abandon Nuclear Program

Gloria Arroyo speaks during press conference in Cebu, 15 Jan. 2007

Heda Bayron
Voice of America
Cebu, Philippine

Leaders of 16 Asia-Pacific countries have pledged to speed up economic integration, and have called on North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapons programs. The statements came at the end of the East Asia Summit meeting in the Philippine city of Cebu, where VOA's Heda Bayron has filed this report.

Philippine President Gloria Arroyo says progress over the past several days among leaders and foreign ministers from Southeast Asia and its Asia-Pacific neighbors has bought the region a step closer to full economic integration.

Mrs. Arroyo says the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, ASEAN, which held its separate summit meeting here Saturday and Sunday, can play a key role in reaching that goal.

"We can become a dynamo as the hub and core of East Asia immersed in robust, open trade from within the region and across the oceans," she said.

ASEAN wants to create a common market for its 10 members by 2015, and eventually expand that to include its six major regional trading partners: Japan, China, South Korea, India, Australia and New Zealand. Such a bloc would include almost half the world's population, and a fifth of its current world trade.

On Monday, as leaders of all 16 nations gathered in Cebu for the second annual East Asia Summit, the leaders pledged to accelerate regional free trade.

Agreement on a wide range of issues has been reached here over the past week, from trade and investments, to migrant workers' rights, to cooperation on counterterrorism.

North Korea's nuclear ambitions have featured prominently in the talks. Meeting for the first time since North Korea's October nuclear test, Mrs. Arroyo reiterated the leaders' call for Pyongyang to abandon its nuclear programs.

"We urge North Korea to take concrete and effective steps toward the full implementation of the Joint statement of September 19 of 2005," she said.

In that 2005 statement, the North pledged to end its nuclear programs, in exchange for economic and security guarantees from the United States and other countries.

Japan, South Korea and the U.S., along with China and Russia, North Korea's traditional allies, have been trying for the last three years to persuade North Korea to give up its nuclear programs.

The last round of negotiations ended in December with no progress. Pyongyang and Washington are at odds over financial sanctions imposed by Washington to halt Pyongyang's alleged counterfeiting and money laundering activities. The North Koreans want those sanctions lifted as a precondition for any concessions on the nuclear issue.

On Monday, the Asian leaders also called on Pyongyang for the first time to address the issue of Japanese and South Koreans abducted by North Korean agents over the past several decades.

The leaders agreed to cut dependence on oil and to seek renewable energy supplies, at a time when high oil prices and rapid economic growth raise competition among Asian nations for new energy sources.


Anonymous said...

And I bet Hun Sen is all smile in front of the cameras, but probably exchanging manipulation secets with other dictators in the back room.

I hope good leadership wil rub off from the other members and onto Hun Sen, but maybe i'm dreaming or maybe chicken have teeth already.

Anonymous said...

It looks to me like you are
certainly coming down with a WDS
(Westerner Dellusion Syndrome) and
you better hit your local shrink
immediately if you know what's
good for you, Psycho.

Anonymous said...

Hi 12:26 AM,
Why don't you get into a real subject instead of being so paranoid and cursing other posters.
So people express their opinions what they see, and why don't express yours instead of displaying your xtreme violent behavior like a gangster Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

Hey Psyc, on this planet I don't
have to agree with everything you
fools are expressing. Do you know
what I mean? Especially when your
expressions came from your
PeterPan's land that no one know
anything about, okay?

Anonymous said...

Hi Neak Yuan 2:04 AM.
No body should agree with each other and I too don't agree with yours either. Yes perter pan land is a civilized land not like your groug of gansters you've often displayed.

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh...looks like voodoopro is coming to KI to spam his ranting since he do that anymore on CF lol.

Anonymous said...

Correction: since he CAN'T do that anymore on CF.

Anonymous said...

And yes, Psycho, your worse night
mare aint over yet.

As for me28, you stay in your
peter pan's land, and we stay in
Cambodia, deal?

Anonymous said...

I already made a deal. Don't you see a giant Embassy in Phnom Penh with all high-tech?
You need a real lesson to be a civilized human being.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, and I guess you be the one
to teach me to be civilize. Isn't
that right, stupid?

Anonymous said...

Sralanh Youn-Hanoi Men ----> Love so much Youn-Hanoi
...Without the January 7th we won't having monies to deposit in the Bank,
Not in Dongs or Riels but in US Dollars $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

Sralanh You-Hanoi Dol Ch-Ung

Anonymous said...

I don't have to teach you to be a civilzed person you will see yourself while you are among others who are. How low you will fall, no body cares.

Anonymous said...

Hey, you are the one who said I
needed a lesson, stupid.

Anonymous said...

Miss Yiek Cong.
You already took the lesson that's why you speak only English. Just that it is hard for you to adapt and adopt with a modern civlization since you're in the cave (rat's hole) for too long conversing only trash languages in your family.

Anonymous said...

Noope, I only used trash with trash
like you, shithead.

Anonymous said...

Takes one to know one, trashy voodoopro.

Anonymous said...

Yes, and the shoes fit you well,
so wear it, Psyc.

Anonymous said...

You made the shoes so wear it yourself.

Anonymous said...

Yes, but I made it for scumbags and
Psychoes like you, understand?

Anonymous said...

It is made from you so it's you and suits you perfectly!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, and your arse matched with
your dad's dick perfectly.