KI-Media loves to hear from you, and we're giving you a bullhorn. We just ask that you keep things civil. Please leave out personal attacks, do not use profanity, ethnic or racial slurs, or take shots at anyone's sexual orientation or religion. We thank you for your cooperation!
That is a great presentation, of the Khmer Krom Extremist evilism, Chmacrava. Thanx!
They lost their land to Vietnam over 200 years ago due to their own stupities as they are now, and they expected SomDach Euv to get it back for them. And when SomDach Euv failed because we don't have enough power, they help the traitors (Sisowatt Sarimatak) to stab him in the back, then impersonated themselves as Vietnamese to murder millions of innocent Khmers and blamed everything on SomDach Euv for the destruction of Cambodia.
Unbelievable, If that is not solid Evil, I don't know what is. But unluckly for them, they are defeated by the force of goodness.
I love you 2:24!!! My salary from Tan Dung is good right now, what about you brother? You're doing exemplary job, I'm sure you're getting more pay then me. I'm jealous!
The Government of Xmer-Hun Sen had been monitored us every move....THat's why they hired some dogs who can speak good English to permanenlty bark Day-Night in KI-Media & Khmer Forum,Camdisc ( See a Hun Sen's dog had admitted that he've got his salary from Tan Dung.....without this DUNG they are nothing. I think my Toon had explained enought the real Fact of Destruction in Cambodia causing by Ho Chi Minh's Dream.
Some of Khmer-Politichiens had implemented for Youn-Dream of the Federation Indochina.
It's fortunate for Cambodia...there are so many Khmers are living inside & outside Cambodia,whom are resisting against the colonialism of Vietnamesation in Cambodia.
When you have a Heart for Cambodia you do not having to get pay to defend & protect her....
Cuz She had already given us the place to born...the Air to breath....the food to feed and her Zenith Culture How so generous is she ? I like to know when you will become one of a FREE-KHMER and living in FREE CAMBODIA ? or maybe never ?
Cheers, Bun Heang Ung Sacravatoons
Hi 5:35 AM, It does not do you any good or make you a better person to bash on freedom of speech. It only shows that you are are afraid of the quality of being truthful. Something that others knew about and you may have not knew about. You should come with a documents and illustrate the public why do you think Lok Pu or lok Um or Lok Ta sacrava is wrong.
So far you have not yet produced your side instead of barking.
Don't waste your time with a Sva, bro5;35. He's a hypocrit. He want me to work for free, and he would nerver work for free for anyone.
I bet him or his family played a big part in Sout Vietnam with the KK Extremist and the CIA to coup Somdach Euv from his Throne.
Somdach Euv was a gift from God to the Khmer people and they destroyed it just like that and distroyed Cambodia along with it.
Do you think the scumbag Sisowatt Sarimatak can couped Somdach Euv by himself? no way. Do you think the CIA could have come in to Cambodia by themselves? no way. The only way for them to coupe Somdach Euv is through KK Extremists in South Vietnam where the US established thir base. Isn't that more obvious? They hated Somdach Euv for failure to regain KK land back for them. Do you beleive that? ...
I tell you: my blood is boil every time I think about what the racists did to our beautiful country.
Many thanks for your rudless words by cursing me. No one can change my name.I say :" No One ".
I was so honored to be named as Ung Bun Heang from my decent Parents. Australia is a Good place to stay & learn from its Value society unliked Youn-Hanoi had taugh you,your Master Hun Sen & its CPP how do kill & suck Khmer everyday.
You have no idea about the digenous people,Aborigine.They had the Unique culture in the world and the Great Heart. They were the owner of the Down Under as Khmers who were/are the owner of Dendey Sovanna Phum.
But your Youn-Hanoi have been the Thieve & Killers for centuaries....But Youn-Hanoi's time will end soon. The Digenous People who live there,Vietnam, will chop Vietnam into pieces...and guess what You-Hanoi wiil become once again a Chinese-Tribes as they were thousand years ago.
Buddha said : " Everything is Impermanence ?"
Why are you so scared of Sva Sacrava who has no Armed Forced but mind you he had the Power of Mighty pencil that was given by the Universe & Lord Buddha ! Jeyo FREE CAMBODIA ! Parajey AR CHOR Youn-Hanoi chlean Pean & Chkes Borivar Vear ! Youn-Hanou go Home ! Youn-Hanoi Go Home ! to where you were belong !
I wished I was a guy worked with the Plot by Overthrown Samdech Euv in March 18 1970.... HAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAA It was a Noble Acts to kick a Tyranny ruler as Sihanouk out from the power that he had dream to hold of his live. Note : in 1970 I was only 18 yrs old,a student of Fine Arts School.
Cambodia is belonging to All of every Khmers...not to any group...not to any family.
The spirit of Khmer will arise against. From One village to another Village...The People-Power will unite. One for All & All for One to kick Youn-Hanoi's ass out of Cambodia !
We'll wait and see where its Youn-Dogs are going to running & hiding ?
Lord Buddha said :" Everything is Impermanence ". What goes around it will come around !
Cheers, Bun Heang Ung Sacravatoons
Idigeneous and aboriginal? Well, if you learn so much about them in Australia, why don't you pack your shits and move to the UK and give Austrialia back to the Indigenous people, huh you hipocrit?
As for me being scared of ah Svacrava or ah chmacrava, did you see me shaken?
You better hit your local shrink, Dude, because you are coming down with WDS (Westerner's Dellusion Syndrome.)
The most one can live around 100 years old. So how long each of your CPP/Yuan can live? Another Yuan propaganda after King Sihanouk sided with Hun Sen and Yuon. When he cursed Youn these Yuon/CPP got mad.
KK, your people should keep fighting to get your land back. Only Youn who scream at your KK, not real Khmers. These guys are fake Khmers and Khmers khnom Youn.
KK, don't let these thieves bother your fight. Keep carrying on.
Of course you love the toon, post 8:53 because you are the KK Extremist in the top-center picture who deguised as Yuon who burned the khmer house to the ground. I bet you are very proud of that, don't you, traitor?
Yeah that's right. Mr. Sacrava, Khmer Hater, KK hater. You need time to re-evaluate your values and belief as a Khmer person, If you are a Khmer person. You're the most blocked out Khmer person ever.
If you're not here to be open to different ideas besides yours, that means if you can't handle the other side of the stories beside what's drilled in your crazed head, you shouldn't be here. KI isn't for the kind of Khmer patriotism you have.
KI does not divide b/w KK or Kandal. KI believe in one Khmer and one culture. KI will promote that unity in Khmer, so if you can't handle that or too scare for the possibility of that unity then you should leave here. We dont'want you to ruin your health over this.
For someone who like to play a race card, you sure got some pretty wonderful things to say about the respected indigneious people such as the Aboriginese of Australia.
No one need to point anything out to you. Eveyone already know your character.
Everyone should ignore inciting this person for his sake. We don't want him to have a heart attack, hypertension, high blood pressure or go on a pyscopathic rampage.
Oh yeah for your information, the KK loves King Sihanouk and revered him very much. But like other people, some opinions varied. But no one is like you, people considered things in all aspect and dimensions, and many factors. Nothing is black and white as you would have it. I for one don't agree with Mr. Sacrava with cartoon he have about the King and I'm sure a lot of Khmer disagree with him as well, but we don't go attacking him for his opinions.
People like you who see things too clearly, with black and white vision shows that you have no intellectual curiosity to question your own belief.
Post10:30, it sounds like you are having a nervous break down here.
Are you really KI rep. or you are dreaming?
KI is a racist, KK Extreimist, and terrorists breading ground. How many time do I have to tell you that? Their goals is to deters jobs aways from Cambodia by publishing shits without solid evidences so that the jobless will remain jobless and suffered from malnutricients, and to deny our young graduates from any hope to start out their new careers. Does that make more sense?
Tell me, how many stories in here are backed by solid evidences. I like to see some. It looks to me like a "she say" or a "he say" type of stories that has no value whatsoever.
Does that justified the suffering of khmer people? You got to be out of your mind if you think it is.
KK extremists love SomDach Euv, my bottom. Stop being so ignorant, post10:35. He no longer rules Cambodia, in case you don't know, and that is from the love of KK Extremists of South Vietnam. Open your eyes, for cry-out-loud.
Yeah, and let the world see how peacefuf KK Extremists came to rescue Cambodia from Somdach Euv's tyrany and iron fist also while you are at it, ah Chma. Why keep it a secret, when the truth will soon to unfold.
sigh*. Someone said up there that Sihnaouk no longer rule because of KK, and that KI-media's "rumors", brings suffering to Cambodia.
Laughable. That same someone demands others to provide evidence of what is already evident everywhere but he won't see, yet he can not provide any proof of anything he said.
No one rules forever, no one rules until they died.
I would like your truth to be out soon too. I got all time in life to hear out evidences against my millions of "happy" khmer krom people caused your wonderful Cambodian utopian to flip up-side down.
oh that 10:30 Comment up there, was mine, just in case anyone mistake it, I said "Mr. Sacrava, Khmer Hater, and KK hater." It is my typo, apology to him, I meant to type to this KK hater, not Mr. Scacrava, So I intended to write "Mr. Sacrava hater". Leaving comment in wrong place can be so bad. heheh.
Keep up with your cartoon, I want to see it boil the blood of this KK hater to a point he can not breath no more. So he can explode out the plot of the KK to the world. B/c as KK I want to see it too. What is the secret plot that our kk have against our brothers Kdal.
I revered Sihanouk, just because I am a Khmer and believe in Khmer tradition and culture. Because I am a patriotism of Khmer identity, not because I or any KK here brought Sihanouk out of power.
But I'm not mistaken with my respect and pure ideoligical devotion. I know the king is human being, and he is capable of making mistakes. Maybe the mistakes he made didn't cause as much lives if there weren't some unkown forces behind it to excerbate his mistake.
But I highly doubt that force is the armless and "happy" Khmer krom people.
But as I say, stay healthy for now and gather up your evidences and I'll wait to listen to you.
No one rule forever? What are you telling us? Somdach Euv had enough and decide to step down?
Yeah, this KK Extremists hater stands behind his comment. That is KK Extremists from South Vietnam helped the CIA and SISOWATT Sarimatak with the 1970's coup.
It aint happened from within Cambodia.
Yeah, and I also love to see more of ah Chmacrava's master pieces.
The traitors want to rule Cambodia for quite sometime, but they are not aware that they are not good enough to even rule chikens in a chicken farm, just like Sam Rainsy, or SISOWATT Thomico think they can do better for Cambodia today. Dream on, if you thinks we are stupid enough to go for that again.
That poster keeps repeating the same things over and over again. I bet he/she does not even know whether the egg or the chicken comes out first.
That's what happen when a person had been in the jungle too long - the "brain does not get expanded". I'm apology in advance that I have to compare, but did you all read the story about a young girl had recently found after 18 years lost in the jungle. This poster probably worse than her.
Lok Puu sacrava, you have done an excellent job. Keep it up!
Mr. Ho Chi Min commited suiside after the Vietcong won the war or defeating America? Why?!!!!!
To destroy all deals made with King Sihanouk. Ho Chi Min had promised our King to return Kampuchea Krum after the war is over or a victory to Veitcong. It didn't happen or did it? Not with Ah Kachas Min is dead.
some youn coming here with hot anger and hatred toward the khmers.
all you khmers don't need to make any responses to this youn or the so called youn-khmer; for doing so is a waste of time and energy. all you khmers, both khmer kandal and khmer krom should devote time and energy in writing and doing usefull things other than responding to this "hanoi's ideology drunkard".
all of us khmer should use all of our God given talent, intelligence and freedom to struggle against the youn hanoi evilness, for the youn hanoi's dirty trick and its ferocious strategy in implementing ethnic cleansing policy toward the khmer, including the khmer krom, the cham, and many other indigenous groups upon their own land, are disgusting to US ALL ,and are abomination to God. we must continue to put an END to the CRIME against humanity that hanoi and its puppets have committed. its ambitious dream to build an INDOCHINA EMPIRE shall end now.
all the khmers must wake up from a nightmare and be united in one. YOU must not point your fingers at each other saying INJUIOUS things---regardless of what part of the land you come from---whether you from kampuchea krom or kampuchea kandal or leur. appareantly, some of the khmers have wakened and others still have drunkend with the youn hanoi toxic ideology even to the point of no return.
also, the chams need to wake up. when talking about the "chams", we refer to the montagnards, chams, and other indigenous ethnic groups in champa and and in part of kampuchea krom. ALL need to work side by side, hand in hand, and shoulder to shoulder, to decolonize OUR "home"; and liberate from hanoi's iron cage.
so, let US ALL wake up and work hard to accomplish OUR mission. we must come out working shoulder to shoulder to make beautiful things happen!!!
Unbelievable. The Khmers are still stupid despite how many times the Thais, Pol Pot tried to kill of the stupid Khmers. You would think after several rounds of creaming, there would be no more stupid Khmers.
Yet, there are still a lot stupid Khmers!
Just to a google against Cambodian students and you will see hardly any students wearing eye-glasses. Khmer Rouges wiped out most Cambodians who wore eye-glasses as being stupid!
No wonder Khmer students could not pass exam but cheat. And nobody wants to hire Khmer. Cambodia can only get "sham" investment from China to build some stupid real estates which create no high-paying jobs.
That is a great presentation,
of the Khmer Krom Extremist
evilism, Chmacrava. Thanx!
They lost their land to Vietnam
over 200 years ago due to their
own stupities as they are now, and
they expected SomDach Euv to get it
back for them. And when SomDach
Euv failed because we don't have
enough power, they help the
traitors (Sisowatt Sarimatak) to
stab him in the back, then
impersonated themselves as
Vietnamese to murder millions of
innocent Khmers and blamed
everything on SomDach Euv for the
destruction of Cambodia.
Unbelievable, If that is not solid
Evil, I don't know what is.
But unluckly for them, they are
defeated by the force of goodness.
Death to Khmer Krom Extremists!
Long Live Srok Khmer!
Long Live SomDach Euv!
Long Live SomDach Hun Sen!
Long live extremist 2:24. long live extremist!
From one extremist to another, long live 2:24!!!
We are brothers in extremist!!!
I love you 2:24!!!
My salary from Tan Dung is good right now, what about you brother? You're doing exemplary job, I'm sure you're getting more pay then me. I'm jealous!
Sacravatoon, these are great images and messages. It's just too bad that the government of Cambodia never know what we are sayiong about on KI-Media.
I wish there are way to publish the messages.
Dream on, racists!!!
The Government of Xmer-Hun Sen had been monitored us every move....THat's why they hired some dogs who can speak good English to permanenlty bark Day-Night in KI-Media & Khmer Forum,Camdisc (
See a Hun Sen's dog had admitted that he've got his salary from Tan Dung.....without this DUNG they are nothing.
I think my Toon had explained enought the real Fact of Destruction in Cambodia causing by Ho Chi Minh's Dream.
Some of Khmer-Politichiens had implemented for Youn-Dream of the Federation Indochina.
It's fortunate for Cambodia...there are so many Khmers are living inside & outside Cambodia,whom are resisting against the colonialism of Vietnamesation in Cambodia.
When you have a Heart for Cambodia you do not having to get pay to defend & protect her....
Cuz She had already given us the place to born...the Air to breath....the food to feed and her Zenith Culture
How so generous is she ?
I like to know when you will become one of a FREE-KHMER and living in FREE CAMBODIA ?
or maybe never ?
Bun Heang Ung
DEAR MR.Bun Heang Ung
Hi 5:35 AM,
It does not do you any good or make you a better person to
bash on freedom of speech. It only shows that you are are afraid of the quality of being truthful.
Something that others knew about and you may have not knew about.
You should come with a documents and illustrate the public why do you think Lok Pu or lok Um or Lok Ta sacrava is wrong.
So far you have not yet produced your side instead of barking.
Don't waste your time with a Sva,
bro5;35. He's a hypocrit. He want
me to work for free, and he would
nerver work for free for anyone.
I bet him or his family played
a big part in Sout Vietnam with
the KK Extremist and the CIA to
coup Somdach Euv from his Throne.
Somdach Euv was a gift from God
to the Khmer people and they
destroyed it just like that and
distroyed Cambodia along with it.
Do you think the scumbag Sisowatt
Sarimatak can couped Somdach Euv by
himself? no way. Do you think
the CIA could have come in to
Cambodia by themselves? no way.
The only way for them to coupe
Somdach Euv is through KK
Extremists in South Vietnam where
the US established thir base.
Isn't that more obvious? They
hated Somdach Euv for failure to
regain KK land back for them. Do
you beleive that? ...
I tell you: my blood is boil every
time I think about what the
racists did to our beautiful
Many thanks for your rudless words by cursing me.
No one can change my name.I say :" No One ".
I was so honored to be named as Ung Bun Heang from my decent Parents.
Australia is a Good place to stay & learn from its Value society unliked Youn-Hanoi had taugh you,your Master Hun
Sen & its CPP how do kill & suck Khmer everyday.
You have no idea about the digenous people,Aborigine.They had the Unique culture in the world and the Great Heart.
They were the owner of the Down Under as Khmers who were/are the owner of Dendey Sovanna Phum.
But your Youn-Hanoi have been the Thieve & Killers for centuaries....But Youn-Hanoi's time will end soon.
The Digenous People who live there,Vietnam, will chop Vietnam into pieces...and guess what You-Hanoi wiil
become once again a Chinese-Tribes as they were thousand years ago.
Buddha said : " Everything is Impermanence ?"
Why are you so scared of Sva Sacrava who has no Armed Forced but mind you he had the Power of Mighty pencil that was given by the Universe & Lord Buddha !
Parajey AR CHOR Youn-Hanoi chlean Pean & Chkes Borivar Vear !
Youn-Hanou go Home ! Youn-Hanoi Go Home ! to where you were belong !
I wished I was a guy worked with the Plot by Overthrown Samdech Euv in March 18 1970....
HAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAA It was a Noble Acts to kick a Tyranny ruler as Sihanouk out from the power that he had dream
to hold of his live.
Note : in 1970 I was only 18 yrs old,a student of Fine Arts School.
Cambodia is belonging to All of every Khmers...not to any group...not to any family.
The spirit of Khmer will arise against.
From One village to another Village...The People-Power will unite.
One for All & All for One to kick Youn-Hanoi's ass out of Cambodia !
We'll wait and see where its Youn-Dogs are going to running & hiding ?
Lord Buddha said :" Everything is Impermanence ".
What goes around it will come around !
Bun Heang Ung
What are you mumbling about,
Idigeneous and aboriginal? Well,
if you learn so much about them
in Australia, why don't you pack
your shits and move to the UK and
give Austrialia back to the
Indigenous people, huh you
As for me being scared of ah
Svacrava or ah chmacrava, did
you see me shaken?
You better hit your local shrink,
Dude, because you are coming down
with WDS (Westerner's Dellusion
Keep on dreaming in your stupid
toon's land, ah Chma.
The only place your people will
rise to is hell inside your upside
down toon's land. Get it?
Dead to Evil KK Extremist!!!
Long Live SomDach Euv!!!
The most one can live around 100 years old. So how long each of your CPP/Yuan can live?
Another Yuan propaganda after King Sihanouk sided with Hun Sen and Yuon. When he cursed Youn these Yuon/CPP got mad.
KK, your people should keep fighting to get your land back.
Only Youn who scream at your KK, not real Khmers.
These guys are fake Khmers and Khmers khnom Youn.
KK, don't let these thieves bother your fight. Keep carrying on.
Lok Um Sacrava,
Great cartoons.
It tells all.
The best way is ignoring the Clowns.
Yeah right, Post8:49, stay in your
virtual reality with your KK
Extremists because out here, the
noose is closing in on them.
Mua ha ha ha ha ....
Of course you love the toon, post
8:53 because you are the KK
Extremist in the top-center picture
who deguised as Yuon who burned the
khmer house to the ground. I bet
you are very proud of that, don't
you, traitor?
Yeah that's right. Mr. Sacrava, Khmer Hater, KK hater.
You need time to re-evaluate your values and belief as a Khmer person, If you are a Khmer person. You're the most blocked out Khmer person ever.
If you're not here to be open to different ideas besides yours, that means if you can't handle the other side of the stories beside what's drilled in your crazed head, you shouldn't be here. KI isn't for the kind of Khmer patriotism you have.
KI does not divide b/w KK or Kandal. KI believe in one Khmer and one culture. KI will promote that unity in Khmer, so if you can't handle that or too scare for the possibility of that unity then you should leave here. We dont'want you to ruin your health over this.
For someone who like to play a race card, you sure got some pretty wonderful things to say about the respected indigneious people such as the Aboriginese of Australia.
No one need to point anything out to you. Eveyone already know your character.
Everyone should ignore inciting this person for his sake. We don't want him to have a heart attack, hypertension, high blood pressure or go on a pyscopathic rampage.
God bless his poor soul.
Oh yeah for your information, the KK loves King Sihanouk and revered him very much. But like other people, some opinions varied. But no one is like you, people considered things in all aspect and dimensions, and many factors. Nothing is black and white as you would have it. I for one don't agree with Mr. Sacrava with cartoon he have about the King and I'm sure a lot of Khmer disagree with him as well, but we don't go attacking him for his opinions.
People like you who see things too clearly, with black and white vision shows that you have no intellectual curiosity to question your own belief.
Post10:30, it sounds like you are
having a nervous break down here.
Are you really KI rep. or you are
KI is a racist, KK Extreimist, and
terrorists breading ground. How
many time do I have to tell you
that? Their goals is to deters
jobs aways from Cambodia by
publishing shits without solid
evidences so that the jobless will
remain jobless and suffered from
malnutricients, and to deny our
young graduates from any hope to
start out their new careers. Does
that make more sense?
Tell me, how many stories in here
are backed by solid evidences. I
like to see some. It looks to me
like a "she say" or a "he say"
type of stories that has no value
Does that justified the suffering
of khmer people? You got to be
out of your mind if you think it
KK extremists love SomDach Euv,
my bottom. Stop being so ignorant,
post10:35. He no longer rules
Cambodia, in case you don't know,
and that is from the love of KK
Extremists of South Vietnam.
Open your eyes, for cry-out-loud.
To Lok Pou Sacrava,
Please keep up with cartoons...
I wish i could have done the same...
Sacrava' toon is one of the best ever. Keep up good work.
This Cartoon tells all. Luv it.
Keep going Lok Poo Sacrava.
K'meng Wat Battambang (KWB)
Your toon can be sent to HM Sihanouk to this e-mail address.
Let him see that million-billion around the world view him as a fool King.
Yeah, and let the world see how
peacefuf KK Extremists came to
rescue Cambodia from Somdach Euv's
tyrany and iron fist also while
you are at it, ah Chma. Why keep it
a secret, when the truth will soon
to unfold.
please lok tou lok om lok ta lok tout... spend better your time and take care your health and family than to be insulted...
you are old and please behave as an ordinary and religious old man to be respected by all.
god bless you... and stop your nonsense cartoons. Is it too much to ask you?
Thank you
sigh*. Someone said up there that Sihnaouk no longer rule because of KK, and that KI-media's "rumors", brings suffering to Cambodia.
Laughable. That same someone demands others to provide evidence of what is already evident everywhere but he won't see, yet he can not provide any proof of anything he said.
No one rules forever, no one rules until they died.
I would like your truth to be out soon too. I got all time in life to hear out evidences against my millions of "happy" khmer krom people caused your wonderful Cambodian utopian to flip up-side down.
oh that 10:30 Comment up there, was mine, just in case anyone mistake it, I said "Mr. Sacrava, Khmer Hater, and KK hater." It is my typo, apology to him, I meant to type to this KK hater, not Mr. Scacrava, So I intended to write "Mr. Sacrava hater". Leaving comment in wrong place can be so bad. heheh.
Keep up with your cartoon, I want to see it boil the blood of this KK hater to a point he can not breath no more. So he can explode out the plot of the KK to the world. B/c as KK I want to see it too. What is the secret plot that our kk have against our brothers Kdal.
I revered Sihanouk, just because I am a Khmer and believe in Khmer tradition and culture. Because I am a patriotism of Khmer identity, not because I or any KK here brought Sihanouk out of power.
But I'm not mistaken with my respect and pure ideoligical devotion. I know the king is human being, and he is capable of making mistakes. Maybe the mistakes he made didn't cause as much lives if there weren't some unkown forces behind it to excerbate his mistake.
But I highly doubt that force is the armless and "happy" Khmer krom people.
But as I say, stay healthy for now and gather up your evidences and I'll wait to listen to you.
No one rule forever? What are you
telling us? Somdach Euv had enough
and decide to step down?
Yeah, this KK Extremists hater
stands behind his comment. That is
KK Extremists from South Vietnam
helped the CIA and SISOWATT
Sarimatak with the 1970's coup.
It aint happened from within
Yeah, and I also love to see more
of ah Chmacrava's master pieces.
The traitors want to rule Cambodia
for quite sometime, but they are
not aware that they are not good
enough to even rule chikens in
a chicken farm, just like Sam
Rainsy, or SISOWATT Thomico think
they can do better for Cambodia
today. Dream on, if you thinks
we are stupid enough to go for
that again.
Wow This is the Best tōōn, I have seen for a while.
Keep up.
That poster keeps repeating the same things over and over again. I bet he/she does not even know whether the egg or the chicken comes out first.
That's what happen when a person had been in the jungle too long - the "brain does not get expanded". I'm apology in advance that I have to compare, but did you all read the story about a young girl had recently found after 18 years lost in the jungle. This poster probably worse than her.
Lok Puu sacrava, you have done an excellent job. Keep it up!
Pnom Penh, Cambodia
Artistry of Cartoon is kind of clear mirroir to see back the Khmer-Society.
The cruel Government needs a wild Toon to express.Thanks.
Well, if you know which come first,
the chicken or the egg, why don't
you tell us, Ethiopian?
You are not making sense
whatsoever. Racist will not be
tolerated any longer in Cambodia,
you got that, Ethiopian?
To 9:58am
isn't that the truth? Brilliant Sacrava.
Mr. Ho Chi Min commited suiside after the Vietcong won the war or defeating America? Why?!!!!!
To destroy all deals made with King Sihanouk. Ho Chi Min had promised our King to return Kampuchea Krum after the war is over or a victory to Veitcong. It didn't happen or did it? Not with Ah Kachas Min is dead.
Let him have it. He will go to hell anyway.
some youn coming here with hot anger and hatred toward the khmers.
all you khmers don't need to make any responses to this youn or the so called youn-khmer; for doing so is a waste of time and energy. all you khmers, both khmer kandal and khmer krom should devote time and energy in writing and doing usefull things other than responding to this "hanoi's ideology drunkard".
all of us khmer should use all of our God given talent, intelligence and freedom to struggle against the youn hanoi evilness, for the youn hanoi's dirty trick and its ferocious strategy in implementing ethnic cleansing policy toward the khmer, including the khmer krom, the cham, and many other indigenous groups upon their own land, are disgusting to US ALL ,and are abomination to God. we must continue to put an END to the CRIME against humanity that hanoi and its puppets have committed. its ambitious dream to build an INDOCHINA EMPIRE shall end now.
all the khmers must wake up from a nightmare and be united in one. YOU must not point your fingers at each other saying INJUIOUS things---regardless of what part of the land you come from---whether you from kampuchea krom or kampuchea kandal or leur. appareantly, some of the khmers have wakened and others still have drunkend with the youn hanoi toxic ideology even to the point of no return.
also, the chams need to wake up. when talking about the "chams", we refer to the montagnards, chams, and other indigenous ethnic groups in champa and and in part of kampuchea krom. ALL need to work side by side, hand in hand, and shoulder to shoulder, to decolonize OUR "home"; and liberate from hanoi's iron cage.
so, let US ALL wake up and work hard to accomplish OUR mission. we must come out working shoulder to shoulder to make beautiful things happen!!!
Unbelievable. The Khmers are still stupid despite how many times the Thais, Pol Pot tried to kill of the stupid Khmers. You would think after several rounds of creaming, there would be no more stupid Khmers.
Yet, there are still a lot stupid Khmers!
Just to a google against Cambodian students and you will see hardly any students wearing eye-glasses. Khmer Rouges wiped out most Cambodians who wore eye-glasses as being stupid!
No wonder Khmer students could not pass exam but cheat. And nobody wants to hire Khmer. Cambodia can only get "sham" investment from China to build some stupid real estates which create no high-paying jobs.
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