Sunday, January 21, 2007

Refugees denying charges of fraud

Investigators look into Social Security disability claims

By Michele R. Marcucci, STAFF WRITER

More than two dozen Cambodian refugees in Oakland and elsewhere in the East Bay are fighting allegations that they fraudulently applied for benefits from the Social Security Administration and say they were unfairly targeted.

The agency is questioning whether the refugees are truly disabled, and therefore eligible for benefits that generally top out at $836 a month, said Steve Weiss of Bay Area Legal Aid in Oakland, who is representing some of the Cambodians. Lisa Lunsford, an attorney with the Homeless Action Center in Berkeley, is also working with some of the refugees.

Many of the Cambodians are patients of Dr. Mona Afary, a licensed marriage and family therapist who specializes in working with Afghans and Cambodian refugees. She now works with the refugees at the Center for Empowerment of Refugees and Immigrants in Oakland.

Afary has diagnosed many of her patients with post-traumatic stress disorder, sometimes several people in the same family, Weiss and Lunsford said. That — combined with what Social Security may see as Afary's lack of proper clinical training to make such diagnoses — could have triggered the investigations, Afary, her patients' attorneys and spokespeople for Social Security said.

The attorneys accused investigators of lacking the clinical training to assess whether someone was truly faking mental illness, as well as cultural insensitivity toward people who were traumatized by the harsh privations suffered under the Khmer Rouge. Many of the refugees came here in the 1980s.

The attorneys said their clients are poor, rural Cambodians who speak little or no English and may not have been able to adequately describe their mental condition. And they said many were re-traumatized in their contacts with investigators.

"It seems like a lot of insensitivity was involved and just little thought about the impact. It's causing harm to the community," Weiss said.

He and Lunsford said their clients are waiting up to two years for Supplemental Security Income benefits they desperately need and are legally entitled to.

A spokesman for Social Security's Office of the Inspector General said investigators for its Cooperative Disability Investigations program are doing their job, which is to seek out potential benefits fraud before the money is lost. But he said the agency can't tailor its approach for different groups of people.

"If the way you investigate a case is altered due to the cultural background of a subject ... it would lead to a different set of investigative policies and procedures for not only every cultural group, but all kinds of other groups," spokesman Jonathan Lasher said. "You can't tailor a process for a national law enforcement organization to every aspect of the individual subject's person."

There are no public records indicating Afary has been charged with any wrongdoing, Lasher said.

Lasher said investigators for the decade-old program do not have clinical training. He said they bring interpreters if their interview subjects do not speak English.

Weiss and Lunsford said the investigators in the cases they're handling called a commercial translation service over the telephone.

Weiss said Afary's clients go to her because she specializes in working with them and with their specific mental conditions, and some were diagnosed by other doctors before coming to her. She had previously worked with another agency under a grant that specifically paid for her work with this population. And Weiss said Afary's clients have few other places to go.

But Leslie Walker, an Oakland-based spokeswoman for Social Security, said her agency supplies doctors who can make disability determinations, and the agency has one doctor in the Bay Area who speaks Cambodian.

Mary Scully, director of programs for Khmer Health in Connecticut, which focuses on the health needs of Cambodian refugees, said a post traumatic stress disorder diagnosis is not uncommon for Cambodian refugees. She said the majority of them suffer from that and depression. She said many suffered major head injuries, illness and starvation under the reign of the Khmer Rouge.

This is not the first time Cambodians and their health care providers have been the target of Social Security fraud investigations. Similar investigations have taken place in Southern California, Boston and Washington state over the last decade. In those cases, some parties involved with the Cambodians were accused of fraud and others cleared, Scully said.

Weiss and Lunsford said that of the 27 appeals they are handling, just one client has been denied benefits; 13 clients won their benefits, and 13 others are pending.

Shirley Washington, spokeswoman for the state's Disability Determination Service, which processes Social Security applications filed in California, said her agency has made just 20 referrals of possible fraud cases statewide to Social Security investigators over the past year, none of them concerning refugees. Five were from the Oakland office.

But Lasher said Oakland's Cooperative Disability Investigations unit had 301 allegations of fraud referred to them during the 2006 fiscal year, with 294 investigations that resulted in 223 findings of fraud.

He said his investigators could look at additional applications without a referral if they pertain to an ongoing case, such as a doctor or middleman accused of fraud.

Contact Michele R. Marcucci at or (510) 208-6434.


Anonymous said...

Well if you ask me and from, contact knowledge, 5 out of 4.9 people Cambodian and and many other ethnic races, are faking it. They just want free money. Its a community unwritten understantd that you don't "snitch" on your own kind. Why would anyone work, when you can stay asia, all day,play card, go the the casino, have money to travel back home any time you want and make over $1000 a month. ANd I haven't gotten into housing susidy, food stamps, medicare... AND GUEST WHOSE PAYING FOR IT... PEOPLE LIKE ME WHO GET THEIR ASS UP EVERy morning so people like those in this article to enjoy those things i just describe. And here i am making an honest living trying to provide for my family, and I see those people who cheat the system driving lexus with expensive jewerly... need i say more..

Anonymous said...

Yeah, and make sure you guys don't
bring their evil ideas home here.

We got enough fools who accusing
us for stealing their moneys
because we are poor and unable to
have such a rich welfare programs
for them like you guys have in the
rich overseas countries.

What is a stupid idiots?

Anonymous said...

These Khmers should be going back home helping their country. If they cannot get education or decent jobs they should go back fill up the land. If the don't ah parasite Yiek Cong will keep encroaching. Looklike ah Yiek Cong and ah Knhom Youn are in here too.

Anonymous said...

WTF, now you want the losers to
come to rob Khmer's jobs too?
It would not work. If you do that,
we will out number you by bringing
millions of real yuons from Hanoi
to balance you out.

Anonymous said...

Poor Cambodian people went through Carpet bombing, through Khmer Rouge in 1975 and the genocide, through the Vietcong invasion, and through another fucken 10 years of civil war with AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave government and the Vietcong!!

Finally they found refuge from all the nightmare in the free capitolist country where everybody value working and paying tax and to be notice!!! I say those people who never been through hell and sure they can do anything in life such go get a job and pay rent on time! But there are some unfortunate people who had been through so much and they need some help or anything!

I can't believe some fool in here claimed that people who live on $1000 a month can afford to buy a Lexus, expensive jewerly...?ahahah

Let do the math!
$1000 amonth and in 1yr $12,000
Lexus GS 430 is a V8, 4.3liter = $53,090.00
Gas expense for V8 4.3liter lowest grade $2.39 per gallon so for a full tank around $40.00! so $300 gas expense monthly!
Car repaired assume it the best God damn car! none!
Pay rent? Let just say $200 is for housing!ahahah
Food! Well I say 300 to 4000 amonth for 3 people!
No entertainment! no movie and no go out! Just stay in the house like a fucken jail!
Car monthly payment is $150.00!ahah
Travel to Cambodia is $1,3000 for a two-way trip stay for one month!ahahha This is what I pay for might plane ticket recently!
Go to casino lose $100 every fucken night!ahahha
What else?....I going to stop here!

Do you see the picture now? How can these people who get $1000 amonth can affford all these luxury in life! Does these people know magic is that why?

$1000- $150(Car payment actually higher than this!)- $300(gas expense or even higher!)- $0(car repair)- $200 (pay housing just a stupid guess!)-$0 (no eat out or entertainment)- $1,300( plane ticket to stay in Cambodia for one month!)= so what is the number!
$1000-$150-$3000-$200-$0-$1,300= The answer is $950 in red ink!!!

How can people spend the money they don't have? Duh! This is where the Credit Card come in handy! Well assume that they have good credit history!ahahahhh

The truth is Credit Card company charge people at %25 for the interest! So what if these people max their credit card and no what?
Oh well! Let just assume that Credit Card company send them more credit cards!!!ahahahhahahah!

If these people are so well off and how come they don't live in a good neighborhood!ahahhahahah

The fool don't know how to snitch! This is fool is so jealous because he has mental problem!And now with his well educated English and he can tell the world!ahahahah I try to understand this fool through number and the number fail to add up!!! I want to see this fool do some number and I want to see! Like they said!!The number never lie!!! I just hope this fool don't lie to me!!!!

Anonymous said...

Some body needs to send this confession remark to Hun Sen to see Hun Sen/Yuan's inner dirty job.
Look at this CPP/Youn said:
Anonymous said...
=====WTF, now you want the losers to come to rob Khmer's jobs too?
It would not work. If you do that,
we will out number you by bringing
millions of real yuons from Hanoi
to balance you out.

11:16 AM ----

Ki, your guys need this portion and send it to Hun Sen & Hok Lundy.

Anonymous said...

Hi 6:12 PM. I agree with you that those Khmers need to be deported back to Cambodia where they coming from. They only collect our tax.
Send them back to Hun Sen and let him feed his own people.

Anonymous said...

You need not to send anything. We
got hundreds of peeps watching you
already. We have seen your police
criminal records. We have seen
your government funding housing.
We have seen your stupid space-
aged education records ...
What else could be possibly had
missed? What is a total losers?

Stop using the God damn Khmer
name, will you? You ain't no
Khmer. You are a fucken Ethiopian.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen is too busy feeding the Vietnamese, he won't have time or having food left to feed his people. Yes depot them back to Cambodia, the land of lawless, killing with impunity. When they go back to their homeland (Cambodia) they have to learn to be cruel and savage like CPP.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Cambodia is not your dumping
ground, Ethiopian! You created
the problem, you fix it yourself,

Anonymous said...

Wow. There are some really idiotic comments on here. You can easily the dimiss the really stupid ones by their poor grammar and spelling.