Thursday, March 29, 2007

Cambodian migrants banned from working in Thailand's restive south

Thursday, March 29, 2007
The Associated Press

PHNOM PENH, Cambodia: Cambodia has banned its migrant laborers from working in insurgency-plagued southern Thailand due to safety concerns, an official said Thursday.

Thailand's southernmost provinces of Yala, Pattani and Narathiwat have been the scene of an Islamic insurgency that has led to more than 2,000 deaths in the past three years. The three provinces form the only Muslim-dominated area in the Buddhist-majority country.

In a letter to Cambodia's Labor Ministry, Foreign Minister Hor Namhong asked that all labor-exporting companies not send any workers to the Thai provinces that are currently "experiencing insecurity problems, including many killings."

A copy of the letter, dated March 19, was obtained Thursday by The Associated Press.

Um Mean, a deputy labor minister, said there are more 70,000 registered Cambodian workers in Thailand's provinces along its southeastern border with Cambodia.

Although there are no companies that export workers to Thailand's deep south, the ministry has instructed all 13 of Cambodia's licensed labor-exporting companies to comply with the ban, Um Mean said by telephone Thursday.

Um Mean described the ban as a "precaution we had better take" now rather than later.

"The main reason behind it is safety concerns for the lives of our workers. In addition, a dangerous incident could produce difficulties for both countries," he said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What?! The fucken Thaicong want to ban Cambodian worker from Thailane's southernmost provinces of Yala, Pattani and Narathiwat?

Gee! Tell me where the fuck in Thailane that is safe for any Cambodian worker?? The fucken Thaicong are fearing for their fucken life and they know who are going after them!!!!What about those part of Thailane got hit by sunami and is this where the fucken Thaicong governmentr want Cambodian worker to work???

The fucken Thaicong government don't need to tell where Cambodian workers can work!! It had been known for years that the fucken Thaicong government is colluding the fucken the Thaicong businessmen to exploit Cambodian workers from fishing industry to contruction industry!!!These Cambodian worker are working as slave and many Cambodian worker are forced to take drug and doing long hour work and they don't even pay!!

As far as I am conerned, Cambodian worker should have the fucken right to work anywhere in Thailane!
The fact that the Muslim in the Southern most Thailane treated Cambodian worker way better and get better pay than the fucken Thaicong corrupted businessmen and there is no point of trying to prevent any Cambodian worker from working in a better enviornment with a better pay!

The fucken Thaicong had been looting Angkor Wat for years and why not ban all the fucken Thaicong from entering Angkor Wat or Preah Vihea!!

Just to be fair!!!