Thursday, March 01, 2007

SRP: $100 Monthly Wage for Public Servants is Achievable

March 1, 2007

$100 Monthly Wage for Public Servants is Achievable

Quite contrary to the unfortunate comments of Prime Minister Hun Sen, achieving a monthly wage of US$100 for every Cambodian civil servant is a perfectly realistic goal. To declare otherwise is to perpetuate a lie that perpetuates mass poverty.

The solution lies in strengthening the receipt of government revenues through formal government channels, rather than in allowing money to exchange hands informally “to grease the wheels” of public/private partnerships.

We encourage interested parties to review the 2006 report by the Economic Institute of Cambodia titled “Assessment of Corruption in Cambodia’s Private Sector.” The study estimates that US$330 million is paid annually by the private sector in unofficial transactions. This amount is nearly 50% of the government’s annual revenue. “Only about 25 percent of the potential tax was collected from the private sector in 2005, which means that the Government might lose about 75 percent of its potential income” (p. 22).

The serious problem of low wages for Cambodia’s 300,000 public servants, therefore, has a relatively straightforward answer. Every one of our teachers, nurses, policeman, soldiers, and so on could make over $100 per month if the government would stop the flow of money through unofficial bribes and direct it instead into a stream of formal taxation.

If given the chance to govern the Kingdom of Cambodia, this effort would be the first priority of the Sam Rainsy Party.

SRP Members of Parliament

For more information, contact: 012 858 857


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It was a clever statement: if given a chance, the wage increase would be SRP first priority.

They did not say they would or could do it.


Anonymous said...

Sure, sure, dream on, dream on,
the guy have caused more suffering
with our jobless than anyone could
immagined. Let us face fact: when
you pushed jobs out of the country,
there will be no revenue to pay
anyone, as simple as that.

Anonymous said...

This is very very important to elevate votes, SRP, distribute it as much as possible. This is reality and SRP can do it! can give 100$ per month to all civilian servants.

I absolutely agree with you that, curruption pedamic not only swallow national budget but also create chaotic in the country.

Corruption fighting would be primary concern of SRP.

Hun Sen's speech is absolutely manipuating and deceiving the people of Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Nope, the SRP (Super Retarded
Party)will just pocketed the money.
They aint going to help anyone.
They haven't help khmer getting
any job in the past, why should
they care about them now. It is
all lipservices as usual.

Anonymous said...

9:58 PM, what you are saying is right because SRP has never been led the country, so how can the party can:
1. Create SRP jobs for the people
2. How can SRP corrupt from bribing of giant companies, sell natural resources and get bribary from poor people.
3. How much power SRP deserve to commit corruption?

I think your speech is coming from blind eyes and biased brain.

My speech is basically relying on real situation and proof

When SRP become government leader and his leading is like present Hun Sen government, so in that time you can repeat your above statement again.

Best Wishes

Anonymous said...

Ignore 9:58 PM

He is just a troll that do not contribute to the blog. Everything that comes out of his mouth is bullshit, so any point he is trying to make is baseless and utterly foolish.

1:40 AM, you have some very good points.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Wrong Post1:40. The Super Retarded
Party (SRP) is part of the
government. They got about 22% of
the vote, and they own 22% of the
parliament and ministries.
Accordingly, they are responsible
for generating 22% of the Jobs,
fight land grabbing and
corruption, ... , but they didn't
got what it take to do so. Hence,
they are not fit to rule the
country. It will be lucky for us
if the can ruled a duck farm.

Anonymous said...

There are difference levels and sectors of Leadership. Governmant sectors, private sector, corporate sector and religious sector. To be a leader you must have the followers. There are three kind of
leaders that I like to categerize (1,2,3)
(1)Followers are following this leader with fear of life.
(2)Followers are following him because he has monies to pay.
(3)Follower are following this leader with love and respect and the follower believe in leader. This one mostly fit with religious leader.
We are commentator like to learn from each others.

Anonymous said...

Yes, and we all love Somdach Hun
Sen because he saved us from the
brutal Khmer Rouge's abuses.

Anonymous said...

3:53 AM
You are great to divide such democracy method. But you lost your head to think that what party is government and what party is opposition?

If you want to test SRP, do anything to topple CPP and wait to see SRP lead the country.

If SRP leadership is shit like present Hun Sen government, you can instruct him the lesson like you have instructed (toppled) Hun Sen.

This instruction (topple) I mean here is one vote can make a difference.

Or you are retard to see a difference?

Anonymous said...

Well, we can't topple everyone.
We don't got that much to go

Hun Sen liberated the country, and
everyone love him, and that is why
they want him to lead the country.

If the Super Retarded Party (SRP)
want to lead, they should have
liberated the country before
Somdach Hun Sen did it. You can't
just scavanged someone else catch
like the wild if you know what I

Anonymous said...

Hey dude 5:25am and dude8:15am, I think you both love so much to your dady Somdach Hun Khvack who saved and liberated your ass from KR,but deep down inside you know nothing about Yuon's tactics. sooner or later your one eye Hun Khvang will starve you to death. Amigo

Anonymous said...

Well, we worry about that when the
time come. For now, we have to
get our of the 1700's and move
forward in the 21th century.

Anonymous said...

8:15 AM

You are lying again. If I follow you, tell me who is real liberator of Cambodians people from KR?

Pen Sovann and Chan Sy, or Hun Sen? Hun Sen was just a radical and proud boy 20 years old in that time.

However, I don't see that Hun Sen has planned or carried any nationalistic struggles to liberate Cambodia. He is only proud and lunatic man in power.

If he is a real liberator, he must prioritize on freeing Cambodia from foreign occupation.

There are few that loves Hun Sen because they are having strings with him and believing that he is liberator. In reality, 80% of Cambodian population hate him and try to get away from him.

Through Hun Sen, Yuan can have everthing in Cambodia now. When Hun Sen step down the power, in that time Cambodia will be indepent from VN's aggressive expansionist.

SRP will be only one idealistic party for young generation that can free Cambodia from foreign domination, corruption, poverty, injustic, impunity, new positive change and democracy...etc

Cambodia needs a change immediately, needs emergent operation now...

Anonymous said...

Wrong, Hun Sen is the liberator
of Cambodia. The 80% that you are
refering to are Ethiopian's tics
and flea living abroad, not Khmer.

As for the Super Retarded Party
(SRP), there is nothing they can
do for Cambodia because they have
not demonstrated any ability
whatsoever. All we hear are
lipservices and finger pointings,
nothing of any real value or
benefit for Khmer or Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Well... if we talk about corruption
there is no end of it. Lon Nol accused Sihanouk government is corruption and traitor, Pol Pot accused Lon Nol of corruption and traitor, Hang Samrin accused Pol Pot of killer, Pol Pot is not corruption, but he took everything you have including spoon & forlk. They all will be the same when they get to the office. Just more or less.

Anonymous said...

Amen brother, however, I must say
as long people will get the basic
care they needed, that is all that

Anonymous said...

1:48 PM

I know you are retard of facing with changes and differences...

You love dictator and long lasting leader like Hun Sen...

Whenever, I foresee, Cambodia still have one leader long lasting like Hun Sen (30 years), Cambodia will never be better and freed from Yuan Communist...

Anonymous said...

1:48 PM: Cambodian people in abroad dislikes Hun Sen 110%.

80% in Cambodia, if Hun Sen wants to challenge this number, don't intimidate, don't vote-buying and election committees are not biased...let see who are the winner.

Especially, Hun Sen enforce the law of illegal immigrants flowing into Cambodia...but may be not as now Triet thank Cambodian leaders for accepting Vietnamese as Cambodian nationals...

This is so dangerious...