Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Small King (son of Great King) send large floral basket to Great Leader's embassy on the Day of the Sun

Large Floral Basket to DPRK Embassy in Phnom Penh

Pyongyang, April 16 (KCNA) -- King of Cambodia Norodom Sihamoni sent a large floral basket to the DPRK embassy in Phnom Penh on April 11 on the occasion of the Day of the Sun.

Written on the ribbon of the floral basket were letters reading "Highest respect and glory to Your Excellency great leader Kim Il Sung. King of Cambodia Norodom Sihamoni."

Upon authorization by the king, Kong Sam Ol, deputy prime minister in charge of Royal Palace, together with secretary of state and vice secretaries of state of the palace visited the DPRK embassy to lay the floral basket before the portraits of President Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.

The deputy prime minister conveyed to the DPRK ambassador the king's wishes for good health to Kim Jong Il and greater success in his noble work on the occasion.


Anonymous said...

You mean lil kinky King????

Anonymous said...

this is one the most worst example that Khmer king keep learn from all the evils around the world to keep their population into slavery. They don't like to learn from developped world where their citizen are more prosoerous. Khmer King learn this evils leaders like animal Kim Jon Ill to destroy the potential of their people.

Anonymous said...

There is no real King in Cambodia but just another Yuon running the royal family.

Anonymous said...

give-------a chance!

give-------a chance!

give--------a chance!

let sing together would you?