Sunday, May 27, 2007

Cambodia's Rithy Panh wins French prize

Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Cambodian film-maker Rithy Panh has been was awarded the France Culture Cinema 2007 prize for his cinematic work.

The survivor of the Khmer Rouge death camps received the prize from the French radio network, awarded by a jury headed by actress Charlotte Rampling.

The award recognises "the power of his work and his commitment to Cambodia's film memory."

The 43-year-old studied film in France after escaping Cambodia and went on to make several films including "Rice People" in 1994, "One Evening After the War" in 1998 and the 2003 movie "S21:The Khmer Rouge Death Machine."


Anonymous said...

Good for you, but stay the fuck
out of Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Eh, motherfucker! We are coming and we are going to chase you and your bastards back into the foxhole. Get it, asshole!

Anonymous said...

Stay out of srok khmer, you French
idiot. You had lost the war in
1954, remember?

Anonymous said...

Has anyone from you ever seen a film made by Rithy Panh? He is definetly one of the most respected and famous cambodians in the western world - an he does a tremendous job to explain and show the cambodian situation and history to the rest of the world. In this meaning he is the best ambassador your country has.

That he has to face comments like those above - from his own compatriots, I assume - is absolut unacceptable and a shame.