Free Vietnam Alliance
August 1997
The recent coup d'etat in Cambodia marks another sad twist for the long-suffering nation. As with much of Cambodia's unfortunate history, this crisis was in part caused by external forces. Just one day before grabbing power, second prime minister Hun Sen was said to be "vacationing" in Vietnam. In reality, he was there to consult with the Vietnamese communist leaders and be ready to do their bidding.
This coup was driven as much by the determination of Hun Sen and the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) from preventing democracy in their own country, as by the fear of the Vietnamese Communist Party (VCP) from seeing democracy take root next door. A frightful scenario for Vietnam's communists is the existence of a free society bordering Vietnam, providing both democratic influences and debunking completely the notion of human rights being foreign to "Asian" values.
Faced with the likelihood of losing elections planned for 1998, the Hun Sen forces had been escalating the violence against political opponents. One of the most striking incidents was the March 1997 grenade attack on a crowd of demonstrators with the intent of assassinating Sam Rainsy, a leading opposition figure. This violent trend culminated in the bloody coup on July 5, 1997, timed apparently by reports that first prime minister Norodom Ranariddh had reached tentative agreement with remnants of the Khmer Rouge to join his coalition. While the Khmer Rouge deal finally forced Hun Sen's hand, the coup and violence leading up to it were part of Hun Sen's ongoing effort to achieve the power he could not win at the ballot box. But Hun Sen could not have acted alone. His long time dependence on communist Vietnam points to the role of the VCP in instigating and supporting the CPP-led violence in Cambodia.
Indeed, the origins of the July 5, 1997 coup lie not in the visit by Hun Sen to Vietnam the day before, but in his stay twenty years prior. In 1977, Hun Sen, a commander in the Khmer Rouge, along with other high-ranking comrades, defected to Vietnam to avoid the worst of Pol Pot's purges. Under the tutelage and protection of Vietnamese communist leaders, the Khmer Rouge defectors were groomed to form a future pro-Hanoi leadership in Cambodia.
In January 1979, these erstwhile defectors rolled back into Phnom Penh--behind an invasion force from communist Vietnam. Hun Sen was made foreign minister of the puppet government. In 1985, he was promoted to prime minister. The dream of the Vietnamese communists was to form a "Federation of Indochina" from which to launch their expansionary ambitions across southeast Asia. Laos and Cambodia were made virtual colonies.
To cement its hold over Cambodia, Hanoi exercised total control over the Phnom Penh government. Cadres from Vietnam ran all the major ministries, including Health, Education, Banking, Commerce, and Security from behind the scenes. At the top of the chain of command were secret agencies within the VCP Central Committee to direct every aspect of Cambodian political life.
By the late 1980s, the costs of occupying Cambodia had become immense due to the cut off of aid from the Soviet Union and the crippling international embargo led by the U.S. To end its international isolation, Hanoi agreed in 1988 to pull its nearly 200,000 front-line troops home. The VCP did not give up, however, its desire to dominate Cambodia's internal affairs. Over a million Vietnamese "settlers" remained in the country. At the same time, the VCP continued to supply a steady stream of advisers to prop up the regime in Phnom Penh.
Ironically, it was the "Vietnamese menace" that provided any remaining appeal for the Khmer Rouge. While the Pol Pot-led organization lost all popular support during the notorious killing fields, its virulent anti-Vietnam position recovered for it a grudging audience. Hanoi's backing of the puppet government in Phnom Penh presented the Khmer Rouge the ability to sell itself as the best means to achieve a truly independent Cambodia--regardless of what the Khmer Rouge had done to an independent Cambodia from 1975-78.
Hanoi's backing of Hun Sen was manifested, most recently, in the 1,500 man heavily armed bodyguard unit Hun Sen had built up by the spring of 1997. According to knowledgeable sources, 600 soldiers came directly from Vietnam's security forces operating undercover in Cambodia. Hun Sen's private army started the clash in June that left two of Ranariddh's bodyguards dead, spearheaded the bloody coup, and conducted the ensuing hunt down of political opponents.
Shortly after the coup, foreign ministers from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) convened an emergency session to discuss the turn of events and reassess Cambodia’s application for ASEAN membership. Noticeably absent from the meeting was the Vietnamese foreign minister, Nguyen Manh Cam. However, Hanoi made known its strong displeasure when the rest of ASEAN's government decided to suspend Cambodia's entry into the trade bloc. In fact, Hanoi has accompanied its covert support for Hun Sen's overthrow of the democratic coalition led by first prime minister Ranariddh with a vigorous diplomatic campaign stressing "non-interference."
According to Mr. Cam: "Vietnam regards these [developments] as Cambodian internal affairs which can be solved only by the Cambodia people. Vietnam's consistent policy is to strictly respect Cambodia's independence and sovereignty and not to interfere into its internal affairs."
In reality, the consistent policy of the Vietnamese Communist Party has been the complete opposite. Consequently, it is improbable that Hun Sen would undertake such a blatant power grab given especially the dependency of Cambodia's official budget on international aid without strong assurances from his long-term benefactors in Hanoi.
The Vietnamese regime no longer poses the overt military threat to its neighbors that it once did, but the coup in Cambodia shows clearly its ability and willingness to be a force for instability in the region. The current political regime denies not only its own people the bounty of democracy, but makes it impossible for Cambodians to enjoy democracy as well. If a multi-party democracy were to finally flourish in Cambodia, how would the Vietnamese Communist Party justify its monopoly on power to the Vietnamese people?
This coup was driven as much by the determination of Hun Sen and the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) from preventing democracy in their own country, as by the fear of the Vietnamese Communist Party (VCP) from seeing democracy take root next door. A frightful scenario for Vietnam's communists is the existence of a free society bordering Vietnam, providing both democratic influences and debunking completely the notion of human rights being foreign to "Asian" values.
Faced with the likelihood of losing elections planned for 1998, the Hun Sen forces had been escalating the violence against political opponents. One of the most striking incidents was the March 1997 grenade attack on a crowd of demonstrators with the intent of assassinating Sam Rainsy, a leading opposition figure. This violent trend culminated in the bloody coup on July 5, 1997, timed apparently by reports that first prime minister Norodom Ranariddh had reached tentative agreement with remnants of the Khmer Rouge to join his coalition. While the Khmer Rouge deal finally forced Hun Sen's hand, the coup and violence leading up to it were part of Hun Sen's ongoing effort to achieve the power he could not win at the ballot box. But Hun Sen could not have acted alone. His long time dependence on communist Vietnam points to the role of the VCP in instigating and supporting the CPP-led violence in Cambodia.
Indeed, the origins of the July 5, 1997 coup lie not in the visit by Hun Sen to Vietnam the day before, but in his stay twenty years prior. In 1977, Hun Sen, a commander in the Khmer Rouge, along with other high-ranking comrades, defected to Vietnam to avoid the worst of Pol Pot's purges. Under the tutelage and protection of Vietnamese communist leaders, the Khmer Rouge defectors were groomed to form a future pro-Hanoi leadership in Cambodia.
In January 1979, these erstwhile defectors rolled back into Phnom Penh--behind an invasion force from communist Vietnam. Hun Sen was made foreign minister of the puppet government. In 1985, he was promoted to prime minister. The dream of the Vietnamese communists was to form a "Federation of Indochina" from which to launch their expansionary ambitions across southeast Asia. Laos and Cambodia were made virtual colonies.
To cement its hold over Cambodia, Hanoi exercised total control over the Phnom Penh government. Cadres from Vietnam ran all the major ministries, including Health, Education, Banking, Commerce, and Security from behind the scenes. At the top of the chain of command were secret agencies within the VCP Central Committee to direct every aspect of Cambodian political life.
By the late 1980s, the costs of occupying Cambodia had become immense due to the cut off of aid from the Soviet Union and the crippling international embargo led by the U.S. To end its international isolation, Hanoi agreed in 1988 to pull its nearly 200,000 front-line troops home. The VCP did not give up, however, its desire to dominate Cambodia's internal affairs. Over a million Vietnamese "settlers" remained in the country. At the same time, the VCP continued to supply a steady stream of advisers to prop up the regime in Phnom Penh.
Ironically, it was the "Vietnamese menace" that provided any remaining appeal for the Khmer Rouge. While the Pol Pot-led organization lost all popular support during the notorious killing fields, its virulent anti-Vietnam position recovered for it a grudging audience. Hanoi's backing of the puppet government in Phnom Penh presented the Khmer Rouge the ability to sell itself as the best means to achieve a truly independent Cambodia--regardless of what the Khmer Rouge had done to an independent Cambodia from 1975-78.
Hanoi's backing of Hun Sen was manifested, most recently, in the 1,500 man heavily armed bodyguard unit Hun Sen had built up by the spring of 1997. According to knowledgeable sources, 600 soldiers came directly from Vietnam's security forces operating undercover in Cambodia. Hun Sen's private army started the clash in June that left two of Ranariddh's bodyguards dead, spearheaded the bloody coup, and conducted the ensuing hunt down of political opponents.
Shortly after the coup, foreign ministers from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) convened an emergency session to discuss the turn of events and reassess Cambodia’s application for ASEAN membership. Noticeably absent from the meeting was the Vietnamese foreign minister, Nguyen Manh Cam. However, Hanoi made known its strong displeasure when the rest of ASEAN's government decided to suspend Cambodia's entry into the trade bloc. In fact, Hanoi has accompanied its covert support for Hun Sen's overthrow of the democratic coalition led by first prime minister Ranariddh with a vigorous diplomatic campaign stressing "non-interference."
According to Mr. Cam: "Vietnam regards these [developments] as Cambodian internal affairs which can be solved only by the Cambodia people. Vietnam's consistent policy is to strictly respect Cambodia's independence and sovereignty and not to interfere into its internal affairs."
In reality, the consistent policy of the Vietnamese Communist Party has been the complete opposite. Consequently, it is improbable that Hun Sen would undertake such a blatant power grab given especially the dependency of Cambodia's official budget on international aid without strong assurances from his long-term benefactors in Hanoi.
The Vietnamese regime no longer poses the overt military threat to its neighbors that it once did, but the coup in Cambodia shows clearly its ability and willingness to be a force for instability in the region. The current political regime denies not only its own people the bounty of democracy, but makes it impossible for Cambodians to enjoy democracy as well. If a multi-party democracy were to finally flourish in Cambodia, how would the Vietnamese Communist Party justify its monopoly on power to the Vietnamese people?
It is good that these Vietnamese people want peace for their country. How many vietnamese students were being locked in jail for standing up against Hanoi the most arrogant and aggressive.
These Vietnamese were the children of educated viets from south not north.
Well, if they were so educated,
they wouldn't have lost the war,
wouldn't they?
We are knowing the ambition of VN not wanting to free Cambodia or respect Cambodia independence...but what we are very sad now is a man who has always claimed himself of smart, proud and capable is working for VN.
So I cannot see that you are smart at all, PM Hun Sen, because you working for VN by selling our Cambodian people and land to VN...as well as in both conscience and physical of Cambodia.
PM Hun Sen, I know you have always mentioned that you are only one capable leader of Cambodia....but as I perceived, if it is not wrong, you are only capable leader who can keep and maitain the domination, interferance and influence of VN very long in Cambodia...
Long Live PM Hun Sen!
Suddenly! The Free Vietname Viet group want to free Vietname?ahahahhhahah Free Vietname from what? Free Vietname from Indochina Federation? ahahahh
All these South Viet are fucken useless because the North Viet black teeth will kick their fucken ass anytime!ahahahhahhahhah
Free Vietname my ass! All these fucken Viet are a bunch of hypocrite because they will benefit under the Vietcong government for signing the fucken supplement border treaties to give the Vietcong more Cambodian land!
It is too late to speak the fucken truth about AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave and for God sake this is 2007! This is the real hidden truth about this so called Free Vietname Viet group! These Free Vietname Viet group are waiting for the Vietcong to take full control of Cambodia and Loa and then they will come up with a radical plan to overthrow the Vietocng government and take full of control of Cambodia and Loa! This is what they said in one of their secret meeting in Garden Grove!ahahahaha For the Vietcong government to take full control of Cambodia? Hell no!!! Uncle HO had spent his lifetime to take full control of Cambodia and he still couldn’t do it and why now in 2007? Ahahahahah
The waiting for these Free Vietname Viet group are over!!!It is time for them to call a quit!!!
Hey moron, just how long do you
expected us to carry on with the
border dispute, huh, another 150
years? Sorry dude, if you don't
like it, you should had solved
it before we took over. We aint
gonna allowed any dispute to lead
us into war. A few kilometers here
and there aint worth any Khmer
life. You got that, stupid?
The world's eco-geopolitical atmosphere is when any next door country is stronger the sphere of influence is overlaped the weaker one, all or either military/politic/economic/culture.
In reverse of the trend below, use your own imagination only (IF):
Supposedly Cambodia is much stronger than Vietnam or Thailand, what Cambodia is going to do with her neighbors?
History was revealed of the Kingdom during the period of Angkor. EXPANSION and DOMINATION.
So think about yourself mentality is your were rich and powerful. what/which way(s) you are going to use your influence?
USA/CIA supported and involved in Cambodia during 1970 when Lon Nol stated coup to overthrow Shihanouk. USA and China alongt with Soviet used their influences in VN war. Soviet invaded Afganistan in 1980.
Boys I can't believe what I read.
It is said some good Yuan people
wanted to free Vietnam from Communist. Furthermore it is said that the communist of Vietnam were the sources of the genocide in Cambodia, such as Coup d'Etat, grenade attack, etc..
Blame on Sihanouk for helping Ho Chi Minh to take South.
Not all Yuan people are bad and not all Khmers are good either.
Free VIETNAM from Communist.
and blaming Hanoi for creating the sufferings in Cambodia, and why do you all don't read?
About the land that lose, listen dumb down. As long as Humans still exist and this planet is still alive there'll be war after war and there an't no body can stop.
Yuan lost their land to China for 1000 years and Yuan returned.
Just hope that Muslim won't rule the world, but if they do then Cham will return, then it an't gonna have Yuan, Khmer or Siam anymore. Get it clear pals.
Yuan lost their land to China,
Fluke's Boy? How can that happened
when Yuon is Chinese from China,
huh? They never had land of their
own. They shared lands with the
Chinese for thousands of years.
So who lost lands to who?
Yep! It is that time!
Good night!
Listen Smug 10:35Pm.
If you are too lazy to search then here is a link, so you can read about Yuan history. Khmers and Thai/Laos called them Yuan but its original name was "Yueh". Yueh was ruled by China over a thousand years. Yes they were part of Chinese just like Siam and Laos, Burmese were part of Khmer empire.
I know about the Yueh, the question
is how did they lost land to China?
They live in China.
Read that link, pal.
It will tell you some. Or search at the Library of Congress.
A Monkey Hun Sen wears suit.
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