30 April 2007
By Kim Pov Sottan
Radio Free Asia
Translated from Khmer by Socheata and Heng Soy
General Khieu Sopheak, spokesman of the Ministry of Interior, claimed that for Khmer Kampuchea Krom, up to now, there is nothing to prove that they are Khmer citizens. Furthermore, they (Khmer Krom people) insist on registering their birthplace in a land that is no longer under Cambodia’s authority, therefore, it is difficult to provide them with any identity papers.“… Even an identification card, they wouldn’t issue it for me, therefore when I come [to Cambodia], they call me an illegal immigrant, and when I return back to Kampuchea Krom (South Vietnam), they (the Vietnamese) oppress me. Here the living condition is very difficult. I don’t know where to turn to…” This is the disappointment of a 30-year-old Khmer Krom man who fled from Preah Trapeang province (Vinh Binh in Vietnamese), Kampuchea Krom, to live in Banteay Dek commune, Kien Svay district, Kandal province, hoping to find a better life here, but to the contrary, he only faces discrimination.
Thach Sokha added: “I am very disappointed because I am also Khmer, but they consider me as a foreigner instead. Everyday’s living is very difficult, I am facing oppression from the local people, they do not apply pressure per se, but they do not provide me with the full right as a Cambodian citizen. I am not arriving in Cambodia recently, I lived here almost 20 years already, I arrived since 1991-92.”
Mrs. Thach Thy, also from Preah Trepeang province, said that the authority push her to join the [ruling] party, but she refused to join them, and since then her problems started: “… when we live on our own, they said that we don’t belong this or that party, they want us to join [a party], but we don’t join any party, we live by ourselves.”
A 68-year-old man from Khleang province (Soc Trang in Vietnamese) said that he is accused by the authority of being Vietnamese and official papers (such as identification card) are not issued to him: “During the State of Kampuchea era (People’s Republic of Kampuchea under the Vietnamese occupation), the situation was very tight, but now, the situation is still difficult, they do not recognize me as being Khmer. I speak with an accent, they say that I am Vietnamese, but in reality, they issued ID cards for the Vietnamese, as for me, who is Khmer, they don’t issue any ID for me. If I want them to issue my ID, and I allow them to register my original birthplace as Cambodia, then they would issue the paperwork for me. But I refuse to register because my birthplace is in Kampuchea Krom.”
In the Khsom village, Banteay Dek commune, Kien Svay district, at least 11 Khmer Krom families are living there. None of them have any identification papers, and this situation led to difficulties for them to find work, or for traveling, or for owning any property.
Ang Chanrith, the executive director of the Khmer Kampuchea Krom human rights defense association said that Khmer Krom people left their homelands to come to Cambodia because they are opposed to the living condition imposed by the Vietnamese authority. But, when they arrive in Cambodia, they face strong discrimination from the local authorities.
Ang Chanrith said: “It is not as good as for other [foreign] nationalities who also arrived in Cambodia. They (Khmer Krom) must face (1) discrimination form the local authority and from the general population, and (2) regarding their living conditions, they have not received any attention or help to facilitate the practice of their jobs. For example, when they raise ducks, in the past, the authority would come and threaten them, extorting money from them, they curse them as being ‘Ah Yuon’ [a Vietnamese] so much so that their freedom is not as much respected and valued as for the general Khmer population.”
According to the National Law, starting from Article 1 to Article 4, it is clearly stipulated that Cambodian people, wherever they live, must be recognized and must receive protection, as well as provided with sufficient freedom rights by the Cambodian authority.
Since the land of Kampuchea Krom prior to 1949 belonged to Cambodia still, therefore, the people living there are also considered as Cambodian citizens also. However, based on the report of Khmer Krom association, at least 500 Khmer Krom people living in Kandal, Koh Kong, and Takeo provinces saw the Cambodian authority refusing to issue them national identity cards.
General Khieu Sopheak, spokesman of the Ministry of Interior, claimed that for Khmer Kampuchea Krom, up to now, there is nothing to prove that they are Khmer citizens. Furthermore, they (Khmer Krom people) insist on registering their birthplace in a land that is no longer under Cambodia’s authority, therefore, it is difficult to provide them with any identity papers.
Khieu Sopheak said: “Even though they are of the same flesh and blood of our ancestors since time immemorial, even though they are our relatives, however, the colonial regime caused the division of our lands. According to our constitution, [Cambodia] is only considered as [a territory of] 181,035-square kilometer. It’s true that the government defends Cambodian living overseas, [the Constitution] stipulates that, but they are not born in Cambodia, they are born elsewhere. Furthermore, our state cannot interfere in the internal affairs of another country, it is illegal…”
Sok Sam Oeun, the director of the Cambodian legal defense league, commented that this is a complicated issue. Even though the law stipulates as such, the Ministry of Interior did not issue any official directives regarding Khmer Krom population, in order to facilitate the work by the lower level authorities.
Sok Sam Oeun said: “We must protest to the Ministry of Interior, if the lower authority levels cannot make a decision, we must bring our complaints to the higher up level, and at the end bring the case to court. There is another mean though, it is for us inside Cambodia to demand from the Ministry of Interior and the government to issue a directive on its recognition of a Khmer citizen, regardless of whether they are from South Vietnam or any other countries, if such a person has no Cambodian ID, and they enter Cambodia by claiming that they are Khmer, what is required? Such clear directives are necessary for the lower level authorities to easily apply them.”
Because the law stipulates that Khmer Krom people are also Cambodians, when the Khmer Krom people’s rights are being violated [by the Vietnamese], they do not receive any protection from international organizations.
Recently, Heng Samrin, president of the National Assembly, rejected the demands made by Khmer Krom people, because he considers the Khmer Krom issue [in Vietnam] as being an internal affair of South Vietnam. Khmer Krom people are very deceived by this rejection.
Cambodian government should learn from China and Vietnam on how they have connected their government activities with their overseas citizen. They have created in their ministry of foreign affairs, another office called "OFFICE OF CHINESE OVERSEAS AFFAIRS". This office of overseas affairs is not only in Beijing but throughout the country. They have made friendly contact with their overseas citizen by helping all their necessary needs. They sent their officials to visit all their overseas citizen around the world. They make all easy way for their overseas citizen to invest in their motherland, help them to find their contacts, their blood families in China etc.. and etc..They invited all their citizen from overseas to have regular conference in Beijing by offering free charge of accommodation and foods. In each conference their President and Prime Minister have joined in to make their host more special and more valuable. Have Cambodian has done this kind of thing yet? Please remember that we have been named as the most barbarian state in the past. Is it true?
Areak Prey
Kiev Sopheak is violating Cambodian national Constitution.
Present CPP officials have not only expressing sympathy to Khmer Krom race, the race of same blood of Khmer Angkorean, but present CPP government is trying to help VN to eliminate Khmer Krom.
CPP officials should review their attitude again...it is not too late for your misunderstanding...
We love to learn from Vietnam and
China, but we don't want to connect
with losers abroad who's corrupted
and who can only suck on the
taxpayers moneys.
As for Ah Khmer-Yuons, they are
Yuon's citizens and Yuon's
constitution oversees them, period.
to some people, ignorance is bliss.
baka. baka. baka.
Viet-Cong Cac
7:38 AM
Monday. May, 1 2007
I guess the idiot should learn some more about how a person could acquire citizenship! One of which is by Citizenship by Nationality of Parents (Connection by Blood)! What a shameless ignorant!
Well, its has been over 200 years
now. There is no parent or blood
connection between Ah Khmer-Yuons
and Ah Khmer-Kandal.
Ah Yuons in Khmerland simply has drawn this plan for the CPP's regime. This Phnom Penh's regime is clearly serving ah Yuons' interests, end of the argument.
Look my status in Canada, I am already a Canadian citizen. However, in my Canadian Passport it still stated where I was born and birth place.
How are about Khmer-Krom in Cambodia? The Yuon-controlled CPP government has refused to recognize Khmer-Krom their legimate place of origin. WHY????Isn't this Ah Yuons' idea to erase the history of Kampuchea Krom and the Khmer-Krom's identity. I think CPP's government and the Hanoi regime are violating the international law, not only violating the Khmer Constitution, TO ELIMINATE A RACE OR PEOPLE OF HUMANITY. THIS IS CLEARLY IN VIOLATION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW. WE SHOULD BRING TO THE UNITED NATIONS AND INTERNATION COURT.
This PHKAY CHOR doesn't recognize Khmer Krom as Khmer. He betrays his Nation. A traitor!
Who care what your Canadian passort
said, 9:32? If you want to be a
Khmer citizen, you still have to
apply for it. Furthermore, the
Khmer constitution isn't going
to apply to you in Canada either.
It is only good in Cambodia. Thus,
it you are making trouble in Canada
and got shot for it, don't call us,
let us call you instead, okay? And
that goes for Ah Khmer-UK, Ah
Khmer-US, Ah Khmer-Barang, ...,
and Ah Khmer-Yuon. Do you see
the pattern?
I can bet your face stamped with US dollars.
11:28, "Ah Khmer" is how you like to characterize Cambodians? I am wondering if you are one of us, and I really doubt it! This forum is used for educated perspectives not with barbarian languages!There are millions of better ways to counter-argue ideas you don't agree without necessarily antagonizing or insulting other people, and I am sure you know one of them, at least.
Thank you Annon. @12:31 PM.
Having read through all comments made by different Cambodians in this forum, prove that Cambodia hasn't produced any good citizen who cared of their own fellow citizen. Every comment prove them to be of zealoussy and inhumanity. They care only themself and tehir family. This what has made Cambodia a faile state. Cambodia has failed not only to protect their own territorrial but all socially and economically. This kind of culture should be changed if we want our Nation to compete with the rest of world.
Areak Prey
12:31, "Ah" is just Khmer article
like "the", "a", "an". What is your
problem, fool?
Wrong 12:46, Cambodia economy is
doing way beyond anyone
expectation. You must be talking
about Ah Khmer-Gringoes.
Wrong 12:46, Cambodia economy is
doing way beyond anyone
expectation. You must be talking
about Ah Hun Sen Kbal Youn Khloun Sat'Jit Derechhan and CPP (Communist Pro youn Party).
Please listen to the music :
Thank you very much for the very beautiful songs...
2:30, I don't have to deal with a kid like you, who just want to practise some English!
7:38 AM if only you who love China and Vietnam I suggest you and all your fucking and morons families move there.
7:38 AM about corruptions, you and your fucking government and Yuons friend is part of it and if not they wouldn't be that rich.
Beside that don't be a myth maker because your propagandas is not working at all. The government has used your head for their benefits and if you die tomorrow they don't give a fuck, no doubt about it. You are one fucking Yuon paranoid who has no clue what you are, if you are confuse or face identity crisis let me know I'll give you some advise. Have a nice day motherfucker.
Future Khmer Government should include Khmer Krom History in Education System that can be taught in High School. It is not that long ago on June 4th, 1949 that the French Administration gave our ancestor land to Vietnam to control this territory that contains 21 provinces (about 67,000 Km2) and about 12 to 13 million population now. It is very sad for us to see this situation is being ignored by the current Cambodian Govt.
Please see these two pages for more on Khmer Krom:
happy to know that many persons still have head as khmer. But want to know why some governmetn officials always act in the interests of Youn. I have no reason to believe this, but many policy and decisions are made on the Yuon's sake, not to mention the vietnamese associations to be create in almost nearly 24-provinces-cities of Cambodia. I can witness a luxary vietnamese shop which is projected by some soldier. The owner is purely vietnamese and is a high ranking official I believe. While it it the case, many khmer businesses are distorted by the authorities! Dare these authorities come to distort vietnamese shops? it is true. What can i do? so sad and the Khmer owner of the land have been unfairly treated! God. Khmer dont hate vietnamese. But if the Vietcong are clever, they should stop this kind of unfair act to Cambodia, otherwise the two nations are devided and as long as the hatred between the two nations is going on, no matter what the Vietcong is richer and richer, no prosperity could be built up. I suggest cooperation with mutual respect and interest (DONT SI KA SEH LOEU KBAL KHMER). you guys insulting a youn. now they are owners of business. A Sok Kong is a millionaire, not to mention other vietnamese in Cambodia. They are our boss now. >>>>>>> Be careful. MOre and more youn are coming to be our boss through their subsidied companies, farmers, workers, and in every aspect.
WTF, 5:15? Putting Ah Khmer-Yuon
history into our khmer education?
Are you nut? What about Ah Khmer-
UK, Ah Khmer-Barang, ... , and
after all that, how are we going to
have time for moral education and
space-aged education, huh?
Yep, that's right, 5:25, if you
don't go to school you'll be Yuon's
slave everywhere around the planet.
What is so unfair about that?
you idiot do you know what is history of a nation?
I am sicken tired of all the Vietcong know best and know all attitude in Cambodia!!!!!
AH Khieu Sopheak is no better than any of the Vietcong slave because he is still a fucken slave!!!ahhah
When a fucken slave talk and who will listen?? Nobody is listening to this fucken Vietcong slave!!!!
You got it all backward, fool.
If it wasn't for the Vietcong's
help and advices, Cambodia would
have been crumbled decades ago
from the power struggle.
You are right 6:46 AM
Ah Kbal Yuon Kluon Khmer (or simply Ah Yuons in Khmerland) are the real issue here. If you want Khmer live in peace, then stop your encroachment into Khmerland. You have sucked up Kampuchea Krom, now you want the remaining Cambodia. Who said Yuons saved Cambodia???Only a fool can buy your story!!!What about Bo Doi(Viet army dressed up as Khmer Rouge at night) and crossed into Cambodia to kill Khmer!!Would you call this Viet Rouge???Why is your Devil Hun Xen still hesitate about Khmer Rouge trial? Because he and his gangsters are so afraid that the UN judges might put all his regime on trial as well??Also drag in your masters from Hanoi and Beijing for their involvements behind the killing fields in Cambodia!!!Also who instrumentally helped form the Khmer Rouge at the start???Did the Khmer Rouge started out from Ah Yuons (north Vietnam)????You tell me whether Ah Yuons helping or destroying Khmer nation. If you are truly Khmer then your head must be full of cowshit. If you are Ah Yuon in Khmerland, then continue to show your true color and intentions.
I agree with Annon. @9:56 AM. LET FUCK THE VIETS!!!!
Oh, that was Ah Khmer-Yuons who
impersonnated KR to kill khmer.
They just wanted to boost the
hatred between the two peacefull
countries, but they have failed
big time.
That's right Anon@1:14 PM. I have to agree with you on this. Ah Khmer-Yuon know nothing about nothing. AGAIN, LET WE ALL FUCK THE VIETS!! JEYO! ANG KA-LOUM!, JEYO ANG KA-LOUM!!
Noope, Yuon is our Pal, 1:26.
You are right 6:46 AM
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