Thursday, May 17, 2007

Ly Thuch replaced at the NA

Thursday, May 17, 2007
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

Funcinpec has replaced its Pursat MP to take over Ly Thuch’s position who resigned from the party to join the CPP. Nouv Sovathero, Funcinpec spokesman, told the Koh Santepheap newspaper on Tuesday that his party has substituted Say Mongkol to occupy the Pursat MP seat to replace Ly Thuch. Nouv Sovathero said that according to the law, any party member who leaves the party to join another one, must forfeit his party and all other positions automatically. Ly Thuch, the former Funcinpec Pursat MP, and vice-president of the National Committee for Disaster Management, recently sent a letter to resign from Funcinpec to join the CPP. However, even though he has to forfeit his MP seat, he can still preserve his position as the vice-president of the National Committee for Disaster Management (after joining the CPP).


Anonymous said...

I can't believe that AH LY THUCH is still making the fucken news!
Nobody care about AH LY THUCH and let him go join with all the Vietcong slaves!

No more of AH LY THUCH please!

Anonymous said...

What do you mean, nobody care?
Who's going to help us avoiding
natural disasters in the coming
monsoon season? He's still vice-
president of the National
Committee for Disaster Management,
you know?

Anonymous said...

To 6:39PM!

Yep his body is still at the National Committee for Disaster Management to collect salary but his spirit is not! So what is the fuck!

Anonymous said...

Why Ly Thuch needed to resign from FUCKCINPEC? FUCKCINPEC IS already EXTINCTed.

Anonymous said...

We, Cambodians, are very ashamed to have an uneducated prime minister like ah Hun Sen

Reporters have rights to ask any question to high-rank officials, either prime minister, in the world.

If ah Hun Sen (Kbal youn khloun Sat') told RFA reporters are insolent, so ah Hun Sen is very ILL-BRED and uneducated barbarian person

Anonymous said...

10:29, the one thing that I respect
the FUNCINPEC for is their
expertise in preventing desease,
toxic, ..., from hitting else.
It was one of my concern when
I saw them starting to fall apart
about some 6 months ago. And bingo,
remember the 50 tons poisoned
fish. Remember, the arsenide in
the well water. That is only the
start, but I'm afraid we'll have
more bad news to come, unless we'll
wise up.