Thursday, May 17, 2007

Ranariddh’s lawsuit suspended

Thursday, May 17, 2007
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

The lawsuit brought up by prince Ranariddh against Nhiek Bun Chhay, Funcinpec Secretary-General, accusing the latter of defamation because Nhiek Bun Chhay sued the prince for the sale of Funcinpec headquarters, was suspended by the Phnom Penh municipal court. Liv Sovanna, the lawyer of Prince Ranariddh, told the Rasmei Kampuchea newspaper on 16 May that the lawsuit brought up by Nhiek Bun Chhay against the prince in November 2006, is a defamation because the prince has no intention of selling the party headquarters, therefore the prince countersued and accused Nhiek Bun Chhay of defamation. It was only until 30 April 2007 that the court notified that it decided to suspend the prince lawsuit case against Nhiek Bun Chhay. Liv Sovanna said that he reported the issue to the cabinet of the prince in order to obtain an opinion as to whether to appeal this case or not.


Anonymous said...

I cannot understand how can Rannarith passed his PhD in law because he cannot even understand to evaluate himself if he has a case to sue Nhek Bun Chhay for his defamation. I am not a lawyer and am not a judge. In law, in his case, he has to defense his case before the court to clear his name first from Nhek Bun Chhay court proceeding for his illegal sale of the Funcipec head quarter. Until he has his name clear from the court, then he can sue back to the plantif for his damage. He cannot sue Nhek Bun Chhay for defamation as he was not a famous artist, businesman nor a star. He was a politician. Threrefore his life was in constant under public scrutiny. He can claim offcourse from Nhek Bun Chhay if he has clear his name from the court, all his legal cost that is it. Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

No, you are allow counter suit in
all lawsuit against you. I am not
aware of any exception. However,
the countersuit winning record is
rather poor because most judge
will dismissed the countersuit
because they can easily figure out
its motive.

Anyhow, Somdach Ranarith should
cease fire if he get a pardon
from the King. Many people are
getting tire of people wasting
so much time bickering and not
working for the country. I think
if this keep up, the Royalist
should faded away within 6 years
or so. What they need is to hold
off their steam, and build some
credit of accompliments for the
country before continue on with
their stupid bickering.

Anonymous said...

Ranarith, are you dumb?

how can you sue Ah Chay if you do not dare to step on the land?

Come, stay in jail and you can go to court!

How you sue through the court if you cry that the court is belong to PM Hun Sen? AND HUN SEN HATE YOU!

go kick your father for borned you out dumb, but he (your father) would say you may not belong to him, your maman may had secret afair with Akain Chav Ta.

Anonymous said...

We, Cambodians, are very ashamed to have an uneducated prime minister like ah Hun Sen

Reporters have rights to ask any question to high-rank officials, either prime minister, in the world.

If ah Hun Sen (Kbal youn khloun Sat') told RFA reporters are insolent, so ah Hun Sen is very ILL-BRED and uneducated barbarian person