Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Cambodge Soir could reopen again?

26 June 2007
By Kim Pov Sottan
Radio Free Asia

Translated from Khmer by Heng Soy

The Editorial Team of the French-language newspaper, Cambodge Soir, claimed on Monday that it has hope that the newspaper will restart its publication, following the upcoming meeting between the Editorial Team and the newspaper director which will be held at the end of June.

Kong Sothanarith, who is in charge of the conception of Cambodge Soir, said that both sides want to see the newspaper publication restart again, but the Editorial Team has a number of conditions (it wants to see fulfilled), such as no interference from the management on the Editorial Team('s content).

Kong Sothanarith said: “We did not look for a new owner yet because we are still pursuing the negotiations, and the other side also displayed its willingness to see the work continued, because on our side, we are determined to bring out a French-language newspaper so that people know the true value of journalism. And on their side, they also have the same pride and the will to preserve a good group (of journalists), and our side, we want to maintain the good names of everybody.”

Cambodge Soir is the only French-Language daily newspaper in Cambodia and its editorial team consisted of about 20 people who are Cambodian and French.

Last week, the Cambodge Soir management declared the closing of the newspaper by claiming bankruptcy.

This declaration was made just two days after the newspaper stopped its publication due to a workers strike to protest the firing of a French journalist who wrote an article related to the Global Witness report “Family of the thieves of the Nation” (Cambodia’s Family Ties in English).

The director of Cambodge Soir did not make any comment today. A Cambodge Soir journalist source said the newspaper director has a vested interest with the ministry of agriculture regarding rubber plantations, and the article written by the fired French journalist affects the relationship between the newspaper director and the ministry, this led to the firing of the journalist.

RFA attempted to contact Chan Sarun, Minister of Agriculture, Khieu Kanharith, the government spokesman, today but there was no answer from the two.

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