Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Wreckage of Cambodian tourist plane found [- Hope for survivors slim]

June 27, 2007

The wreckage of a chartered tourist plane that disappeared in southern Cambodia three days ago was found early today, officials said, adding that all 22 aboard were most likely dead.

"We found the crashed plane ... on top of Bokor Mountain, but we cannot get there now," said Khov Khun Huor, deputy governor of Kampot province.

"Maybe it was hard to survive," he added.

The plane disappeared three days ago en route from the Angkor temple town of Siem Reap to the seaside resort of Sihanoukville.


Anonymous said...

if they found the crashed site, why they are not able to drop their people down from helicopter to see wrackage and passengers? If some of those passengers still alive, how can they live without food cuz they injured?
This reflects the poor operation of the gov't chaired by Hun Xen.
Shit + shit!!

Anonymous said...

Ah Kwak Hun See Pee Pee knows nothing at all about how to rescue those passengers, these crooks animals know only beg for $$$$$$.

Anonymous said...

Why can't they just deploy the military personnel at the crash site and retrieve the victims? After over 20 years of war experience, such a location should present no problems for these battle-hardened soldiers. Or, are they afraid that their army boots will get dirty? Are these police and military commanders so out of shape now (through over-eating, drugs, sex and alcohol) that they can't even get out of their hotel beds?

Another thing. Now that these CPP officials mentioned "dense jungle" many times, let's hope that they won't use this excuse to cut more trees beyond the crash site. Their greeds are on display in plain sight, so we must keep a watchful eye on them.

Anonymous said...

In the aftermath of major violation of air safety, the PMT has egregiously perpetrated hedious crime against its passengers, and therefore, I'm undoubtedly certain that the relatives of the deceased will sumon their attorneys for ligitation against the PMT airlines to make certain that all the ill-fated passengers be endentified, and and to ensure that this airline will be put in the holding pattern until the investigation is complete.

Further, the Cambodian government should make certain that this airline is not become airborne until the airline meets all the domestic air safety requirements.

Where the hell was the ELT (Emergency Locator Transmitter), which will transmit the signal in the event of the crash. Also, I highly doubted that this particular aircraft has black boxes (on the tail), one records the voice of the pilots, and the other records aircraft instruments.

On behalf of all Cambodians and other nationals, please do not gamble your life with the AN-24 airplane. This particular aircraft does not have the capability to handle the mereological conditions that it was encountered during the storm.

Also, what happen to the Cambodian NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board), after the authorities learned of the crash, or the Cambodian government simply does not have NTSB?

Please do not gamble your life with the air safety.

Khmer-American airline pilot