Saturday, June 02, 2007

Gov't Dismisses UN Envoy's Rights Report [-What else is new?]

Heng Reaksmey, VOA Khmer
Original report from Phnom Penh

"The writer only saw the bleak aspects. If the writer saw white, he will write white, and if the writer saw black, he will write black. He only sees black and not white; it always rains, and there is no blue sky" - Khieu Sopheak, spokesman of the Ministry of Interior, ranting about UN Envoy Yash Ghai's scathing report on human rights condition in Cambodia
The Cambodian government said Friday a UN human rights report was "unacceptable" and unrealistic, at the end of a three-day visit from the UN rights envoy Yash Ghai.

Ghai met only with Interior Minister Sar Kheng, after he rankled Prime Minister Hun Sen last year, when the premier called the envoy "deranged" and vowed never to meet with him. Ghai, the UN secretary-general's human rights representative to Cambodia, is expected to issue his rights report to the UN next month.

The report calls human rights abuses in Cambodia "intentional and systematic acts of the government in maintaining power," the Interior Ministry said in a statement. The report "does not reflect the reality" and "overlooked" efforts by government agencies to curb rights abuses, the statement said.

Ministry of Interior spokesman Khieu Sopheak said the report should not be submitted without consensus from the Cambodian government.

"The report was written by [Ghai] alone," Khieu Sopheak said. "The writer only saw the bleak aspects. If the writer saw white, he will write white, and if the writer saw black, he will write black. He only sees black and not white; it always rains, and there is no blue sky."


Anonymous said...

If you are talking to him while he was there, how could he get consensus with you. It shows that you idiot when you put out this type of statement

Anonymous said...

Wrong, H.E. Sar Kheng met with
Ah Chkout (Ghai) and it made no
difference. It is not possible
to talk any sense to Ah Chkout
who live in textbook and have no
good track record of accomplishment
in the real world. Ah Chkout can't
even help his own country (Kenya)
out of poverty, human rights
abuses, and rampant corruptions,
how is he going to help Cambodia
or any other countries? Ah Chkout
is a useless dog who can only
bark. Any loser can do that jobs.
He's a total fraud that suck on
the corrupted UN budget. That is

Anonymous said...


On what ground of accusing Ghai of corruption. In a civil society where moral principle is the utmost, and those that are corrupted will be prosecuted. For instance, the World Bank Director step down because the rule of law apply to him!

The CPP does not respected any law; they acted above the laws. In Ghai reports are the truth that happened in Cambodia. Land Grabbing, force Eviction, forest concession, etc -- those are not contorted truth.


Anonymous said...

Well, Ah Chkout (Ghai) was nailed
a few years back also and was
forced to resign from Chairman
for the Kenyan's Constitution
Commission for biasing the work to
the interest of some Economic
Affair Organization. Why the
corrupted UN hiring such loser is
beyond anyone comprehension other
than the UN itself is indeed
corrupted as I claimed all along.

Anonymous said...

Sar Keng should become Hun Sen's tool to damn the report of UN envoy about the human rights violation in Cambodia.

For the sake of Cambodia, Cambodian current government has to pay gratitude to UN envoy rather than blast them illogical and deranged.

Anonymous said...

Wrong, we and paying Ah Chkout (Ghai) anything. His services are
noisy and suck.

Anonymous said...

"noisy and suck", is that a word?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, how else would you
accurately described Ah Chkout
(Ghai) achievement here?

Anonymous said...

Ah Hun Sen Kbot Cheat

Anonymous said...

I just don't see how AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave can be charged with corruption because there are no laws to charge him with!

Is there anyway to pass anti-corruption law?