Monday, June 25, 2007

NRP delegation paying a visit to Prince Ranariddh after he declared that he’s willing to live overseas all his lifelong

Monday, June 25, 2007
Rasmei Kampuchea
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

A NRP delegation is paying a visit to Prince Ranariddh in Malaysia after the latter declared that he is willing to live overseas all his lifelong rather than being forced to recognize the spirit of the 18 October 2006 event, in exchange for his (safe) return back home.

Prince Thomico told the Rasmei Kampuchea newspaper on 23 June, that a (NRP) delegation left Cambodia on 22 June to report hot news to the prince.

Among those included in the delegation are: Noranarith Anandayat and Nuth Nin Doeun. Even though Prince Thomico did not reveal about the essence of the visit to the prince, a source from the NRP revealed that the search for a pardon resolution for the prince so that he can return back home is the main topic of discussion of the delegation during its visit to the prince.

The NRP delegation departed to Malaysia at a time when the prince declared from abroad on 23 June that he would live overseas all his lifelong rather than being forced to accept the conditions imposed on him during the 18 October 2006 when he was removed from his position as Funcinpec party president, and he was subsequently nominated by Funcinpec as the party historical leader, thus cutting him off from direct management of the party.

According to this interview, Prince Ranariddh rejected his return to Funcinpec, and he wants a resolution that is acceptable to him. Prince Ranariddh said that another formula can be found for this issue that would avoid him of having to accept the decision made by 18 October (2006 Funcinpec extraordinary congress).

Furthermore, Prince Ranariddh scolded Ok Socheat and Prince Thomico for negotiating with Funcinpec. However, both Ok Socheat and Prince Thomico rejected the claim that they participated in any negotiation with Funcinpec. Prince Thomico said that he did not negotiate with Funcinpec party. However, when meeting his old friends who are in Funcinpec party, Prince Thomico noticed that his Funcinpec friends want to invite Prince Ranariddh to return back to Funcinpec to unite all royalists. Furthermore, Prince Thomico said that he does not want any personal nomination for himself, and that he is organizing the list of his former Sangkum Jatiniyum Front Party (SJFP) members at the national, provincial, and district levels, so that they may be integrated with the NRP. The SJFP list will be handed over to the NRP permanent committee.

Prince Thomico explained that the reason he merged the SJFP with the NRP was because he wanted to see a union of all royalists. His next goal is to unite the NRP and Funcinpec. He said that nationalists in Cambodia cannot be without Prince Ranariddh and that they need Prince Ranariddh to lead them.


Anonymous said...

We are so glad to hearing RunRot will be self-exiled...
No more hooligan will disturb society.....BUT I do not Beleive he like Power for Srey Sra Dollars Very much when being abrod it find difficult for him to find Ladies he needs more ladies....

Another hand is If someone thinks that Hun Sen destroyed our Nation Let those new Guys from Abroad like Run Rot Chakaping and his Clan/Clique be better than him/hun Sen...
Do not follow what you think that worth than .. BUT Really tose hooligans are worth than present Local Leaders...they came from abrod to Cambodia mostly to collect Money Srey Sra Dollars...which for them were so difficult to earn there...They just like poli-business in Campuchea to earn fast

Ha Ha Preah Ang Machas Cha
Cha Cha Oh ya Oh Ya...
Mcha On Cha
Mcha Bang Cha Like 3rd Gender

Anonymous said...

In my perspective,
Ah pee neak ning is the same
Noranorith that is ah chomkuot lhuong (ignorance&
pussy hungry) ot ban kar wasted Cambodian money& Gambodian koun kromom doing nothing.

Hun Sen that is a piece of the shiet pnek kvak,sroveung omnarch, drugs lord,luoch luy jeat tveu mean kluon aeng ,luok dei oiy yuon muk krass
nov bom planh jeat. when is hun sen resign ? let the others that clean records take care all yuon immigrant and land crabber by Yuon and Siam.

Anonymous said...

Ah presh is a dog, Dog eat shit still eat shit,

Anonymous said...

It is alittle different between ranarith and Sihanouk. But just like father like son. I hope you a place to stay in Malaysia like your father in Bejin

Anonymous said...

Ranarith you are finish, fine, eving, chorb!

Go back to your last job, waitting the tables in a french restaurent!

Anonymous said...

Run Rot does not want to be on Que orderly waiting for each meal/food Biostro/spagatti as before he was born from the Royal Poli Business man who alway earn money Srey Sra Dollars= Power By Poli Business...
Also his Clique and former followers/Opportunists e.g Kong Vibol who just left HIM for power Moner Sra Srey..
The Root of Funcunpec and RNP as well is never honest to each other just Run from one to another party for power in Cage only...
Ha Mchas Bang
Oh Yas Mcahs On

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your Phalla abroad Ranarith
Do not disturb us any more
You are not needed by Cambodians now
Do not Cheat us any more

Anonymous said...

Thomico is trying to become a Samdach so-called samdach SHIT... as others of his clique Samdach Krom Press, Krom Khum, Mokvesser, Preah Ream.....lastly Samdach Krom Kvesser....