Monday, June 25, 2007

Thai embassy official: Thai official's opposition to the listing of Preah Vihear as a World Heritage site does not reflect Thai government's position

Thai embassy official clarifies about the Preah Vihear issue

23 June 2007
By Phan Sophat
Radio Free Asia

Translated from Khmer by Socheata

A high ranking official of the Thai embassy in Phnom Penh said that the declaration made by a Thai official opposing the request made by the Cambodian government to list the Cambodian Preah Vihear temple as a World Heritage site, is only a personal viewpoint and it is not the official position of the Thai government.

This reaction came after several local newspapers today quoted the Thai official whose claim was published in Thailand’s The Nation newspaper on 21 June saying that Thailand will oppose the listing of Preah Vihear temple as part of the World Heritage site by itself [i.e. without including portion of the temple entrance located in Thailand].

Surasak Supharat, a consul of the Thai embassy in Cambodia, told RFA that the comment made by the Thai official does not reflect the position of the Thai government.

Surasak Supharat said: “The individual who talked about this issue, did not talk in the name of the Thai government. He is speaking as a private person only.”

The Rasmei Kampuchea quoted Adul Wichiencharoen, chairman of the Thai National Committee on the Convention for the Protection of World Culture and Natural Heritage, saying that Cambodia made theunilateral decision to request the listing of Preah Vihear temple as part of the World, and that Thailand will not agree with this decision because, even if The Hague International Court of Justice ruled that Preah Vihear temple belongs to Cambodia in 1962, the entrance to Preah Vihear is located in Thailand's Si Sa Ket province, right on the border with Cambodia.

Adul Wichiencharoen said consideration for the listing of the World Heritage site should be given to the whole site, not just the part of it on Cambodian soil.

On 08 June, Cambodian officials met with officials from several countries to reveal their plans to ask that Preah Vihear temple be listed as a World Heritage site during the UNESCO meeting which will be held on 23 June to 02 July 2007 in New Zealand.

The Preah Vihear temple is located on the Dangrek mountain chain, in Preah Vihear province, next to the border with Thailand’s Si Sa Ket province. In 1962, Cambodia won the lawsuit brought against Thailand over the ownership of Preah Vihear temple after The Hague International Court of Justice ruled in Cambodia’s favor.

Following the Cambodian victory, Cambodia and Thailand had a string of diplomatic spats.

Regarding ancient Khmer temple heritage, at the beginning of 2003, a demonstration led to the burning of the Thai embassy and various Thai commercial buildings in Phnom Penh. The demonstration was initiated by rumors saying that a Thai movie star declared that Angkor Wat temple belongs to Thailand.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, this guy(Surasak Supharat) in the Thai Embassy hurrily come to clarify coz he's afraid that thier embassy in Phnom Penh would be burned down again...hehehehe smart ass...

Anonymous said...

I began to see a fucken pattern here! The Thaicong officials always came out speaking for the Thaicong government and then they turn around saying that it is an individual or private opinion! I am beginning to doubt the Thaicong officials speaking ability in public! Don't these Thaicong officials received any formal public speaking education before they became Thaicong official?

These fucken Thaicong officials need to shut the fuck up because every shit came out their mouth don't make any sense!

Anonymous said...

I really dont understand that the TEMPLE belongs to Cambodian but the ENTRANCE belongs to Thai. This is ridiculous, UN please find justice for Cambodian.

Unknown said...

This Thai never had good intention with
Cambodia,please Cambodian high rank
go to hire lawyer that can fight with this case.
Leave that Thai entrance own by the Thai
itself seal the concrete on Cambodia site to divide
it and start make the new hight way and put the
ladder from Khmer site for the tourist . And what
The Thai going to do ?

Hey my Siam better leave Cambodia alone
there a lot Cambodian out side of the country
watching you,for what is right for Khmer PPL

Unknown said...

Building hight way to Preah Vihea
Build Ladder from Cambodia site .
tourist will go ,money make money
Cambodian people will living there
because of new hight way and tourist
Thai never move the border in to Cambodia
because our PPl there so what we have to lose?

Anonymous said...

Please don't play with Khmer People, As I am a Khmer Blood, I do not like it.comment by Prohok Khmer.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Well at least Hun Sen slapped and spanked the Thai in the face.This is another ignorant Thai did to us and they deserve to be slapped. Most of the temples in Thailand and southern Laos are belong to us (KHMER). Like one of you said, we Khmer or Hun Sen should hire a lawyer to clear this out. Don't let this thing infest in our mind. We have other thing to do.Thai themself is having problems and blame it on us. I hope Khmer Surin or Khmer living in Thailand rise up. If this pple rise up they will be in deep shit. cuz rigth now the Thai muslim is trying to break away from Thailand. I am so happy to see Thai suffer. Time will come.