Monday, June 25, 2007

One more rat jumping off Funcinpec boat: Kong Vibol left F'pec to join the CPP

Kong Vibol to leave Funcinpec and join the CPP

Monday, June 25, 2007
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

Following the silent departure from Funcinpec of several party officials, it was learnt that another Funcinpec high-ranking official has left the party to join the CPP. Nouv Sovathero, Funcinpec spokesman, told The Cambodia Daily that Kong Vibol, the (Funcinpec) secretary of state at the Ministry of Economy and Finance, left Funcinpec to join the CPP already. Nouv Sovathero said that Kong Vibol is no longer a Funcinpec party member because he is working for the CPP. On Saturday, Kong Vibol was seen appearing on the Bayon TV station (owned by Hun Sen’s daughter) when he visited and distributed gifts to CPP supporters in Kien Svay district, Kandal province. He was accompanied by Mok Chito, the director of the penal police department of the Ministry of Interior and a CPP party member.


Anonymous said...

Now, you can see before your own eyes that funcinpec is starting to disintegrate. One can surely predict that by Phchum ben, the entire party will be reduced to two.Those two are :
1- N. bun chhay.
2- keo put light.

Anonymous said...

We are so glad to hearing that RunRot will be self-exiled...
No more hooligan will disturb our society.....BUT I do not Beleive he likes Power for Srey Sra Dollars Very much when being abroad it finds difficult for him to find Ladies he needs more ladies....
Let only some important Players(Elite politicians to play in Cambodia easy for people to choose any..)
Another hand is If someone thinks that Hun Sen destroyed our Nation Let those new Guys from Abroad like Run Rot Chakaping and his Clan/Clique be better than him/hun Sen...
Do not follow what you think that worth than .. BUT Really tose hooligans are worth than present Local Leaders...they came from abrod to Cambodia mostly to collect Money Srey Sra Dollars...which for them were so difficult to earn there...They just like poli-business in Campuchea to earn fast
For Kong Vibol run to CCOP is no doubt no surprise for us as local people.. this the ROOT of so-called Nationalists....Kong Vibol is also hooligan we know very well his history before coming to power as Secretary of state of MEF..
This is the REAL ROOT of Kong Vibol as other Funcinpec-ists/ RNP-ists.. from overseas...
Just opportunist running from one party to another like Poli-Tourist... they have no real ideas /moral/honesty to his/their parties...just power-money srey Sra as his own BIG BOSS Law Phd. RUN ROT
Ha Ha Preah Ang Machas Cha
Cha Cha Oh ya Oh Ya...
Mcha On Cha
Mcha Bang Cha Like 3rd Gender

Anonymous said...

I know Kong Vibol has a brother live in Massachusset.

Anonymous said...

Kong vibol with CPP years ago, that how he make money by stealing from the nation!

Ask chahrapong about airline lax from CPP side!

Anonymous said...

It is a character that defines what a man is and this motherfucker Kong Vibol has no character whatsoever! This is a good example of handpicked corrupted Cambodian official and this motherfucker has no second thought about the consequence as long as he benefited personally and financially!

This motherfucker will be remembered!

Anonymous said...

This motherfucker just wants job and $$$, that's all.

Anonymous said...

The guy is a reborned of Kong Hean.

Anonymous said...

Kong Vibol who had cheated too much Unemployed Benefit from Social Security Department while he picked strawberries at a farm in Victoria, Australia. He didn't pay tax to Australian Taxation Office.

I know him very well about his background. He doesn't like to help his Khmer friends. What he is thinking is only money pouring into his pocket.

Khmer Sralanh Khmer

Anonymous said...

Kong Vibol has no more choice, just entered CPP for temporary power .. I know him well... he is a hooligan from abroad who could not find any jobs there and ran to Cambodia to Cheat us...
Kong Vibol has implied tha ROOT of the so-called Nationalists Patriotists coming from overseas to help Cambodians BUT really just grabed , stole, Cambodia to fill his pocket ...
In MEF every one knows who is Kong Vibol and what is He....
Some said that CPP quota are corrupted BUt other as Fun or NRP quota such as Kong Vibol is much more corrupted than local cpp members...
Moreover, the character of Kong is the same as the young gangsters(Kmeng Steav)... in terms of lady affairs(sexual.. Drink/Kraokay....)..
this can show clearly the Moral of his Former Big Boss Ranaridth.. Chakaping and other so-called Khmer overseas Intellectual coming from overseas to help khmer....

Just Cheat...

Anonymous said...

Funcinpec Kong Vibol now CPP later ????
he is very corrupted and as Gangster in MEF, he is similar to DYDY....
Now CPP is more clever Kong Vibol still has much money from Corruption so he will be employed by cpp to use all this sum to serve cpp and some can be received by people throug elction Compaign by distribting Sarong Bischeng.. Kromar....