Friday, June 08, 2007

Royal family members must decide on their own whether to stay out of politics

Friday, June 8, 2007
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

While Prince Thomico revealed about royal family members wanting to stay out of politics, a high-ranking CPP officials said that royal family members do not need to stay out of politics, and members of the royal family should decide by themselves about this issue. Om Yentieng, Hun Sen’s advisor, told the Kampuchea Thmei newspaper that the CPP will not lead in the demand to have royal family members stay out of politics. He indicated that the CPP will support this idea (of having royal family members staying out of politics) only if the royal family will initiate this idea by itself first. He added that it is normal that when one is involved in politics, one must face criticisms. Similarly, when one get inside the (boxing) ring, one must consider oneself as a sportsman-boxer who will fight anybody without distinction. But when the fight starts, for sure some one (of the two boxers) is bound to get a bleeding nose.


Anonymous said...

Merde, les royalistes sont des etres incapables, foutez le camp s'il vous plait!

Anonymous said...

si !! ils sont capable de fuck plusieurs femmes a la fois !! hahahha.
les hommes politique sont tous les memes ! une fois qu'ils sont en pourvoir;ils en abusent sans aucun retenu.
seul ! le rois sihamoni,je crois c'est un seul rois qui est ample dans ses actes !!
il faut le garder pour decorer notre pays !!
et son excelent sam rainsy sera le bon leader pour le cambodge avec ses ministres moins de corruption en esperant qu'il se charge a les surveiller personellement !!

Anonymous said...

All the royal families need to go to hell. The royal families run away to a safe place whenever there is a problem. After the problem disappear, they come back to steal the money from the people again. For example, ranaridh, the current bald head king, his father, and relatives steal million of dollars. I don't see suffer like the rest of us. What make the richs live longer than any of us is because they steal from the poor to pay for their safety.

Anonymous said...

Ara of Angkor--to Ara of Killing Field ..Ara of Royal Scandall..........Ara of Royal Indignity..Era of Its Disapprearance????
Worth than Animal Fece=Ox fece/chicken Fece Cow fece are betther than those royalists.. fece can be as fertilizers make crops But those USEless Fece.. Kick them away...

Go Go

Anonymous said...

Tres bien dit, mon cher ami de 305, on pense que le roi doit etre bientot aller se marier. Ou est Cinderella?

Anonymous said...

Political parties will be competed in the 2008 election :

- SRP (Sam Rainsy Party)
- CPP (Communist Pro youn Party)
- HRP (Human Rights Party)
- NRP (Norodom Ranaridh Party)

SRP lead by H.E. Sam Rainsy
CPP lead by ah Hun Sen (criminal)
HRP lead by H.E. Kem Sokha
NRP lead by prince Norodom Ranaridh

Anonymous said...

That is the nicest, fairest and the right word to say of The CPP in a long time.

Thought, most of us want the royal family to stay out of politic and stay focusing on the humanitarian issues and what now? are you people bunch of crazy and a shit heads?

Anonymous said...

We all need to support their decisions to where they should be going or to the right place. We need to stop th eabusing crap, shit heads!

Anonymous said...

Fece Fece,
Ranarith Chakaping Krom Khun Preah Ram all thsoe so-called Royalists Worth than Animal Fece,
Ox/Cow Fece Chicken Fece can be used as Fertilizerts.. for planting more Crops..

Mr. Worth than Fece