Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Announcing Alt.Map.Cambodia, a website with various maps of Cambodia

Mineral Concessions in Cambodia, as of June 2007. (Photo:

Land in Cambodia. Our right to know.

Maps of Economic Land Concessions, beginning with Agricultural and Mineral Concessions, are being published online right now.

“Alt.Map.Cambodia is an independent effort to make current mapping information available to the general public. AMC is aligned with no political party or organization. Its only bias is towards transparency of land information in Cambodia.”

Take a look:


Anonymous said...

When I was in Cambodia, I have read one proposal for land concession for agricultural products development. Under the proposal, I found that there are conditions and concession for investors to invest for the concern areas. The rules were, the investor must build the house for residences of the invested areas, school, leasures centres etc.. for all the residences. The investors must employ those residences with appropriated wages. They have to share the benefit and profit from the developemnt area between investors and residence owners. They have taxes waved for ten years for all the profits they have made. In the propsal, they have good clauses and good condition to protect the benefit of the residence owners and investor. But in reality, after they have their proposal approved by Cambodain government, these canning investors have all breached their obligation to build houses and school to accommode the residence onwers. They have even chased those residences out from their properties which is totally contradited to their proposal. In the proposal, the investor can only take the profit from their investments for a period of 70 years. After 70, the investor has to return all the properties with full of investments back to the residence owners free of charge of extra cost. So in the reality, land concession was a good policy for investors to help villagers to develop their land and tehir properties. They can enjoy their good lives by the help of investors. But, with investors like, Yeay Phann, Yeay Phu, Ly Yong Phat , Kong Triv, Mong Rithy, etc and etc,, all the residence onwers have become victims from lands grabbing instead. Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

watever they took unfairly, i pray they will pay back ten folds.

Anonymous said...

Because of lack in government inforcement and widespread corruption, it has undermine the confidence of the people.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Yes The law/Land concession Law is very nice.. But while complying is very different..
the Investors/their behalf just pay some amount to the So-called Committe for Land Assessement( composed of members from Ministry of Agriculture(MAFF) Ministry of Environment(MoE), Ministry of Construction& Urbanisation, Local Provincial Autorities(District & Commune/Province) to some parts of the Prosect Area and their are offered some money return back to their office... write a REPORT mentioning that those areas are OK no problems....unhabitant..bare forest..... OK sign ... send the REPORT to Higher Rank Official to Provincial Governers.. TO PM Hun Sen OK sign ... Offer land Concession....
While applying the Project there are really may people living there, many property owners Claim... BUT those OKNHAS, Excellencies just use Arm Force to stop those claimants....theri rent the militants with Guns to protect their Grabbed Land ... OK that All
This is the Laws and Appying in Cambodia..
Ha ha

Anonymous said...

It seem strange that most of the land concessions are very close to the Vietcong border and is this another Vietcong design on the use of Khmer land?

The fail of Land Concession is the lack of enforcement by AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave! (If what Areak Prey said is true!)