Thursday, July 19, 2007

Cambodia desperately need to host int'l meeting on regional higher education because its leaders only hold honorary PhDs from Hanoi and IIU

Cambodia's Prime Minister Hun Sen (C) receives a certificate from professor Nguyen Viet Thinh (L) of Hanoi National University after being conferred with a honourable PhD degree in education at the Ministry of Foreign Affair in Phnom Penh, January 29, 2007. REUTERS/Chor Sokunthea

Another happy IIU honorary degree recipient (Photo: Cambodia New Vision, Hun Sen's self-advertising magazine)

Cambodia to host int'l meeting on regional higher education

PHNOM PENH, July 18 (Xinhua) -- Cambodia's Center for Khmer Studies (CKS) will host an international conference in Siem Reap province from Jan. 10-11, 2008, to discuss global challenges for intellectual capital building in the field of higher education in Southeast Asia, said a press release here Wednesday.

"This conference aims at providing a platform for experts from Southeast Asian institutions of higher education to explore three major themes," said the CKS release.

The first covers faculty development, which is the key human resource for any educational institution that wishes to provide students with the best learning experience, it said.

The second theme includes the analysis and evaluation of the role of information technology in the enhancement of teaching and learning, it said.

Finally, the issue of transnational higher education will be addressed in order to explore how a foreign educational model can enhance existing higher education institutions in Southeast Asia, it added.

"Building human resources is essential to economic and social development. Whatever the stage of their development, each Southeast Asian country has tried to address this fundamental issue by improving their higher education system," it said.

Holding on to skilled human resources is yet another challenge in the context of global competition for highly qualified human resources, it said.

Discussion around these three themes, in a comparative context, may shed light on challenges posed by the intensification of the global economy and the fast pace of science and technology development that are both opportunity and threats to the current model of higher education in Southeast Asia, it added.


Anonymous said...

Please read :

Anonymous said...

It is funny to see person who barely knows how to read and write his own language receiving an Honor PhD degree :)))))

Ashamed on the school that bravely gives out those degrees. It just makes their school's degree more invaluable.

Hun Sen now has at least 5 PhD degrees according to what I remembered reading the news, but he still cannot talk like a real leader in front of the public.

When I were in Cambodia couple years ago, I was shock to see a freaking education center bravely advertise that their center can offer to a PhD degree :) I laughed so hard when I read that sign. This is why Cambodia now has so many stupid leaders because the educational system is just like a JOKE.

Anonymous said...

With all the fucken higher learning going on in Cambodia right now and they have yet to produce a chemist, a physicist, doctor, an engineer...who can support Cambodian society! And there is one thing that Cambodia under AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave dictatorship can consistently produce and that is thousand and thousand of useless monks like AH TEP VONG Vietcong slave hardcore communist monk to lead Cambodia!

I just want to know when all these mother fuckers will die out!

Anonymous said...

This is critically under intellectual stealing because one who has no background in regular education but deceive people that he/she has PhD....he/she manipulate and popularize the people...

Anonymous said...

Want PhD Degree diploma? Just register at Chamroeun Pahu Vithya run by His Disgusting Excellency Chamroeun, a Hun Sen 's adviser, and you will get it at the end of the Academimic year?
That's the reason why there are so many "Excellencies Doctors" in the National Assembly and in the Ministries.

Anonymous said...

Doctor= Pandit (in pali).
"Pandit" is pronounced "Bandit" in Khmer.
In French "Bandit" mean Thief.
They are now many "EK-Oddom (Excellencies) Bandits" in the National Assembly, in the Ministries and among the Crook OKNHA businesmen and Women.