Thursday, July 26, 2007

SRP MP summons Sar Kheng for questioning on monk disappearance

Thursday, July 26, 2007
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

SRP Members of Parliament invited Sar Kheng, vice-prime minister and minister of interior (MoI), to come and clarify the National Assembly (NA) on the disappearance of Khmer Krom Monk Tim Sakhorn. The Cambodia Daily reported that SRP Yim Sovann invited Sar Kheng to come and clarify the situation to the NA on 02 August in a letter he sent dated 24 July. Yim Sovann wrote in his letter that the defrocking of Monk Tim Sakhorn by force and his disappearance led to fear among the population and that this is a threat against the freedom of expression of opinion. Yim Sovann said that the MoI is responsible for finding this monk. Khieu Sopheak, MoI spokesman, told The Cambodia Daily also that he did not see Yim Sovann’s letter, and he cannot tell whether Sar Kheng will go to the NA to give his clarification or not.


Anonymous said...

Pouk Ah Yorng Youn is alway using a trick.PHK

Anonymous said...

Ah khieu sopheak is such a lia..

Anonymous said...

It is good call from SRP to ask the top leaders of cambodia to clarify in front of congress about the disappearance of Ven. Tim Sakhorn. This way, it will show the truth that who is serving the YOUN.

Cambodia has a government and congress. We need to summon Sar Kheng, Hun Sen because those people sent their staffs to defrock Ven. Tim Sakhorn. They cannot lie that they dont know about the issue. Some witnesses said that after defrocked, Ven. Tim Sakhorn was deported to Vietnam. The disappearance of Ven. Tim Sakhorn was already reported by the Khmer Krom organizations to all the leaders around the world, the UN human rights organizations, Amnesty International, etc.... Thus, most of the people who work on Human Rights issues already awared of this issue. They just wait to see how Cambodian people react.

Since CPP is a puppet of Vietnam, the leaders of opposite parties in Cambodia must stand up and request the CPP leaders to clarify this issues. This way, the opposite leaders can gain their fame by standing up for Cambodian's justices, not like the puppet CPP.

Remember, election is next year. If the opposite party leaders know how to stand up for Cambodian justices correctly, the CPP will go to the end soon.

Let play hard and smart to serve Cambodian people.

Khmer Young said...

This is good chance for SRP to clarify this issue and to find out that:
1. Is Cambodian independent country from Vietnam in case Cambodian citizen like Venerable Tim Sakhorn has been humiliated?
2. The different respondings between Tep Vong, Kiev Sopheak and Kiev Kannarith: what are their purposes to make this issue more complicate?
3. MoI must take responsibility for this case because the case of Venerable Tim Sakhorn has been shaking all Cambodian heart. They are under fear that one day their lives, relatives or family will face destiny like Venerable Tim Sakhorn.
4. Question about defrocking without based on Buddhist rules. It violates Buddhism and freedom of expression.
5. Question about the human right violation on basic human rights and religious freedom for everybody.
6. Question about Vietnam spies who are working inside Hun Sen government: they are civil servants, armforces, special intelligents and labors.

Sar Kheng should appoint Kiev Sopheak come to clarify in the NA because he is the first person who told us that Venerable Tim Sakhorn agreed to go back to Kampuchea Krom, a land of fear and violation.


Anonymous said...

Now we see the smoke and we are looking the fire.Who start it,Tep Vong did it and MoI follow up the order from VN.Now we are waiting the reaction from Cambodian people.let say Tim Sokhorn was killed by ....How the Cambodian people react.Do a peaceful demontration against gov.and demanded a reseignation of Sar kheng and defrock Tep Vong.