Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Former King to Tribunal: Expect No Cooperation

The Royal Palace was devoid of UN's ECCC guests (Photo: Cambodge Soir)

Heng Reaksmey, VOA Khmer
Original report from Phnom Penh
07 September 2007

Former king Norodom Sihanouk has told the Khmer Rouge tribunal he has nothing to say to the judges, following the declination of an invitation to the palace by tribunal officials.

In hand-written notes on a tribunal letter addressed to him, Sihanouk swore on the "Five Supreme Monks" he had nothing to add to the tribunal's investigations of Khmer Rouge leaders.

He scribbled his message underneath an official letter of from Michelle Lee, which declined an earlier invitation for a meeting, and circulated the letter with his notes.

Sihanouk said he had already talked as much about the Khmer Rouge period as he planned, and would not speak further, not even to judges.

International tribunal jurists this week declined an invitation by the king to meet him Saturday, claiming there was no judicial protocol for them to do so.

Sihanouk positioned himself at the head of a coalition that included the Cambodian communists, who would come to be known as the Khmer Rouge, in the early 1970s, following his ouster by a US-supported coup.


Anonymous said...

The preparation shows the King's stupidty. His informaal invitation was not confirmed. The King played this logic as an excuse that he really intended to meet with the ECCC. So, now that the ECCC did not take the chance to meet with him, the chance was over. He will not give them another chance and he can declare that he has nothing to do with the KR.

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk swore in front of five monks. Are the monks tribunal judges? If not, how can he swear with the monk. The monks have no case and right to take an oarth for the tribunal. These monks are Hanoi monks like Tep Vong and Ngoun Nget. The only thing to deal with Sihanouk is to use police interpol or UN peace keepers to arrest him for not obeying the court. NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW INCLUDING SIHANOUK AND HUN SEN. THIS IS INTERNATION LAW. WHERE DO HUN SEN AND HENG SAM RIN GET THEIR HONARABLE PHD DEGREE IN LAW FROM? JUNGLE UNIVERSITY OR HANOI UNIVERSITY? NOT RECOGNIZED AND ACCREDITED BY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL.

Anonymous said...

khmer pheas khloun said...
Regarding of your letter date 09/06/2007
We understand that handling and processing take some times. It is not hard like searching the needle in the hay stack N Seihaknouk , evidences , witnesses and documents all are there ,the person whom did the Cambodian holocaust is norodom Seihaknouk from 1970 to 1979 seihaknouk created Cambodian bloodbath with two million and plus of it citizen to lose their lives. Seihaknouk and Pol Pot 's hand are stained by Cambodian 's blood NOT USA sorry folks, Pol Pot was trained by Vietnam and Seihaknouk is very close friend with Vietnam,So Seihaknouk,China and Vietnam have to go to UN court ,that is right things to do,I strongly hope Seihaknouk,China and Vietnam are guilty.
Seihaknouk slaughters of million Khmer and wily a manipulator.

Anonymous said...

You put it great and clear 3:36AM,

Let see if the ex King is having braine! We lnow that Ranarith Norodump have none!

Anonymous said...

This is an empty dream of Former King Sihanouk who has alway dreamed that everyone will be in his side. Now, he must realise that the whole knew too much about his dirties tricks. Noone will be fall into his tricks again.

Anonymous said...

This is a set-up stage without dancers. King Father thinks that he is very brave to his people now, but actually so brave only in Royal Palace not at ECCC.

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk knew that he would have ended up with this kind of humiliation before he die. Therefore, he wanted his son Rannarith to declare Cambodia into a second Monarchy without a Referendum ( Highjacked from people right). His title Virak Skath and his immunity was given to him in 2003 by his son to protect him from KRtrial. As from legal point of view, this immunity can become void as negociation of the Khmer Trial has been on since 1997. In Cambodian Constitution only the King can be protected. Sihanouk is now no longer a king. "Damrei Cheung buorn koung mean ploit, Neak Parch chess stoit korkourng meann plich".

Anonymous said...

To be more brave, the King Father and Queen should have been at the table waiting for ECCC officials and let the crowded journalists took pictures and record to proof that ECCC officials were not there. Then one computer should be on table whether wireless or cable connected to internet connected to LCD. Then he should open his website to show to journalists his invitation through his website.

Anonymous said...

N. Korean is a best friend of China, and S. Korea is a best friend of the US.

What do you think those N. Korean bodyguards are doing? Protect and shut him.

Cambodia was disaster the fall of Long Veik. Khmers have not yet found independent.

Anonymous said...

The show was well prepared and ready to start but the audiences did not show up. The reasons:

1) The show had already caused million of innocent audiences and yet we still don't even know who was the real antagonist charactor in the show

2) Your show was never made to the "INTERNATIONAL STANDARD"

3) You are the "SHOW". To earn a legitimate title as being called "Hero King Father", the Cambodian people would want you to share with us about what you knew.


Anonymous said...

This is a classic of , SAY ONE THING AND DO ANOTHER.
Yes i will be in court to testify or no i change my mind.

Anonymous said...

All true Khmer compatriots, ladies and gentlemen,

Cambodia has cancers that were embedded into her by China+YUONS+Vietminh-CPP-Hun Sen+all royal crooks through traitor Sihanouk's flesh and blood, also through his YUON wife Monique and Sihanouk’s clique.

To have true and lasting peace for Cambodia these cancers have to be removed once and for all, either by the law of ECCC-KRT or by any means, as long as the majority of true Khmers agree with it.

If these cancers remain inside Cambodia, without proper treatment, YUONS will continue to swallow us bit by bit every day and China will gobble the whole region without mercy toward Cambodian land and all Khmer people. They will achieve this with the continued assistance of NORODOM SIHANOUK and HUN SEN.

(the rice farmer's son)

Anonymous said...

Ah Psychopath Kulen Monor-ACH.
You are the sicko in the brain.

Anonymous said...

Psychopath fits this idiot perfect;y. I wonder what he does for living? Collecting trash may be.

Anonymous said...

What's the point for the King to swear in front of the Monks if the Monks are not practicing Dharma?
The monks in Cambodia today are Communist killers.

Just because the King and those members of KR are shown together in the picture, it does not mean the King created the Khmer Rouge or create the genocide.

It was Vietnamese who did create Khmer Rouge begining in 1930's. The Vietnamese created the Indochinese Communist party since the French were still ruled the three countries, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos.

The King's strategies were too complicated even some educated person like Dr. Lao can be too ignorance to understand it.
May be he understood, but he has his own route along the line that's why he goes against the King.

First the King had to deal with the thieves Vietnamese, and second the King had to deal with the war of the superpower nations Communism vs. Capitalism.

After Stalin (Soviet), Churchill(UK) and Roosevelt(UK) defeated Hitler the 3 shared power to rule this world.

The war of ideologies between Communism and Capitalism will hit Cambodia and Laos whether or not these two nations refused to join with. It was Stalin's idea who wanted to dominate the world. And also it was Roosevelt's idea to seek global influence similar to Stalin but in the idea of "all men are created equal". Stalin and Mao helped behind Vietnamese kicked the French out at Dien Bien Phu, then the US entered.

The CIA demanded the King to drop Communists but the King refused. He played both. One he sided with the US, and then 2nd he sided with Communist. It was too difficult to do the job as a leader when his small country is under attack by both Communist and Capitalist.
Sometime we hate our enemy but we get to be friend with them.

Ho Chi MInh's strategies were: To keep Vietnam from taking by China, to take Cambodia and Loas, and to keep Khmer Krom from rising.
So he joined with Communism. If he joined with the US or UK, China and Soviet (Communism) would have taken Vietnam already. Because the US cannot afford to fight against these 2 giants Soviet and China.
Ho Chi Minh' strategies like killing 2 bords with on stone.
1st he freed Vietnam from Communist China and 2nd he got his Indochinese Communist party move on. But since China has always Vietnam to be part of ONE China, so China does not want Vietnam to influence Cambodia, and as we knew the King has been a very best friend to China.

At the end these 2 fought to control Cambodia. Pol Pot was with China and Hun Sen is with Vietnam.
In his testimony Pol Pot told the BBC that his former boss Vietnamese were with his KR too.
Who controleld Cambodia from 1975 to 1978? Pol Pot came to power in 1978 and Hun Sen left to Vietnam in 1978.

I agree with the King that he has nothing to say. The genocide in Cambodia is in the hands of China and Vietnam.

Attn: Thailand was saved because she is under Churchil (UK) protection. They both have treaties went back to an old centuries.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

the way he is doing is Bullshit!
the right way is for him to show up in court when he is being call in as a witness. this is the way of the law and not the way of the monarchy.

Anonymous said...

how about to day, he know nothing about frontier, fall religion, humantraficking, drug traficking, oprresion, land crabing, deforestation, killing criminal is a pollice chief?

That motherfucker know only one thing he can stay in the palace, with private jet.

Who care about people and the nation and the khmer race are being slaughte in slow motion1

May mother fucker go to hell!!!!!!