Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Khmer Krom people are protesting land issues in Prey Nokor (HCMC)

02 October 2007
By Hassan
Radio Free Asia

Translated from Khmer by Heng Soy

On Monday, Khmer Krom people indicated that about 100 Khmer Krom people from Khleang and Motr Chrouk provinces (Chau Doc and An Giang in Vietnamese), and from Kramuon Sar province (Rach Gia and Kien Giang in Vietnamese), have gathered to protest in front the (Communist Vietnamese) Party headquarters in Prey Nokor (Ho Chi Minh City) because they lost their lands which provided them a living.

Chev In, a representative of the Khmer Krom people from Motr Chrouk province told RFA that the reason they can no longer tolerate (the situation), and must hold their demonstration, is because the Vietnamese government didn’t live up to its promises.

Chev In said: “Right now, they (the Vietnamese) do not want to resolve the problem for our people. They are still delaying it, we ask them also, they told us to wait for a resolution, we didn’t see any resolution. Like me for example, they took away almost 1-hectare of my land to build a market. I went to the higher level authority, they told me to go to the commune office, when I went there, they told me to go to the district office for a resolution. People are fed up, they came to protest at the commune office also. Now, if they don’t resolve it for us, we will go further, we are fed up with it now. Yesterday, more than 100 people came from Srok Traing and Svay Tong also, we are going to Prey Nokor today.”

Regarding the case of Monk Tim Sakhorn, the former abbot of the Phnom Den pagoda in Takeo province, the Vietnamese authority announced that he will be released, however, nothing has been done since then,

A Khmer Krom monk said: “Regarding the case of Monk Tim Sakhorn, they (the Vietnamese authority) said that this Saturday, they will release him, that’s what they claim. They told the people and the village chief that this Saturday, they will release Monk Tim Sakhorm. I was waiting to see this, but now we didn’t see him released yet, we don’t know the time of his release, I’m not sure if they’ll let us see him or not. But, based on what I heard, maybe they will release him in secret, these people (the Vietnamese) never release people in public.”


Anonymous said...

How much longer the Vietcong continue to deceive the Khmer people and the world community?

It is time to call an end to all the Vietcong human right violation!

Anonymous said...

What is this " human rights " bullshit is all about anyway?
The law are broken ! And the shit are still going on and on.


i think vietnam need an atomic bomb drop there..

fucken oppressor,,,, its fucken 2007, the 22nd century already.. this dump shit oppression, and slavery still going on...

can't wait to see another country go into vietnam again like the 60's

Anonymous said...

Hey the law in Communist society is the state owned most of everything. Furthermore, the state only serve the interest of the large majority. Thus, of you want to change any law, you must show the support of a large majority. They will not grant anything to the few.

Accordingly, I recommend to Ah Khmer-Yuons to get a large number of support from the citizen of Vietnam first (maybe something that represents 45 millions+), if they are to have any chance of changing anything.