Monday, October 01, 2007

King-Father: No birthday celebration, and on the Sihanouk-haters, such as the famous Dr. Lao Mong Hay

Translated from French by Luc Sâr
Norodom Sihanouk
Phnom Penh, Friday, September 28, 2007

I was born on October 31, 1922.

During the occasion of my Birthday, this year, 2007, and next year, 2008 (if I am still alive during that year), I am asking with insistence to the Khmer and Foreign Personalities and People, to the constituted institutions, to newspapers, etc…, etc… not to send me wishes or congratulations or gifts, not to organize a ceremony nor any meeting in my favor or in my regards.

I am thanking them all with all my heart

(Signed) Norodom Sihanouk

Post Scriptum – Of course, the Sihanouk-haters, such as the famous Dr. Lao Mong Hay, are and will be fee to attack me verbally or in writing. But they do not have the right to slander me. If they slander me, I am reserving the right to officially sue them at our national Justice, our national tribunals.


Anonymous said...

Go home to china, may be vietnam, may be north korea and shut up. Nobody want to send you gifts. Don't try to use reverse psychology on your small people.

Anonymous said...

If this guy claims that he loves Khmers with all his heart, how come he never writes Khmer. Enough with the French. We need another translator just to read what you have to say. Write Khmer so that we can be more efficient, we can use one person less to accomplish things. You do know about efficiency, don't you? You kill 2 millions so that Cambodia can be efficient by befriended with youn. Because of your greediness and revenge, Cambodia is in hell and in the grip of youn, asshole!

Anonymous said...

Don't listen to his majesty. This year, we should give him the biggest surprise birthday party he ever seen.

Everyone in Phnom Penh should get together to make plan for the secret surprise. Don't forget to ask China to send some of their latest and greatest firework for this occasion. It should be enough to lite the sky of the palace from 9:00 PM to dawn the next days, Plus, their should also be international TV coverage for the entire days.... .

Anyone with more ideas, please post it. Don't worry about good or bad. Just let it rips, and we will sort it all out in the end.

Anonymous said...

I'm another Sihanouk hater. Dr. Ranaridh(your bastard son, more un-educated than hun sen) I would like to remind papa that Africa is experiencing drought. I heard that you have power; and everywhere you go, there would be rain. Therefore, it would be beneficial to human kind if your sorry ass could go to Africa and bring some rain along with you. Do some good deeds for once in your life, would you?
The stupid one

Anonymous said...

all good times must come to an end.
no more virgins. no parties. no more raping aunty. no more killings. just sing your last Karaoke and RIP.

Anonymous said...

He's still alive that asshole of Sihanouk ! Don't worry, i will will not wish you happy birsday but happy hell !

You've never been khmer and as long as you stay friend with communist countries like vietnam, north corea or china, our pour Cambodia will never be free.

PS: add me to your list of Sihanouk-haters.I like it.

Anonymous said...

I wonder who the hell he thinks he is. This asshole brings bad luck to Cambodia. Fuck Sihanouk!

Anonymous said...

it's interesting that the same people who hate our king and our leader dr. hun sen are the same ones who condone the sexual exploitation of khmer and children by westerners.

if they're jealous of the successes of dr. hun sen's supporters, they could rent their sisters, daughters, and even mothers as sperm toilets to the white men for an extra dollar or two.

Anonymous said...

Could Sihanouk sue Sihanouk Haters ?

If he could how about the innocent lives of 2 million ,could they sue the ex War criminal,Norodom Sihanouk Varman ?

Will ECCC bring this War Criminal to the International KR court ?

Khmer says :" Chheam Srek Sbaek How "

Anonymous said...

All true Khmer compatriots, ladies and gentlemen,

Why I said Monique is YUON ? The following writing is to prove my comments many times in this camdisc that Monique is really YUON she works for YUON's benefit, she never and ever works for Khmer, if she does is only the facade to hide her true identity . Her beauty had controlled her husband to cave in to YUON, Yiekcong-Yiekminh demand all the times, so YUONS can swallow Cambodia much more easier and now she did exactly the same things to her gay son Sihamoni the king without crown in Cambodia in trying to have a good relationship with communism as Sihanouk did in the past.

From this secret and subtle plan of YUON's Monique, now YUONS are controlling Khmer in every corner of Cambodia, even this year Khmer sent the Vietminh's son YUON's Hor Nam Hoang to the United Nation to represent Khmer country on Khmer behalf.

China Sihanouk best friend never care about Khmer land or Khmer people e.g.: garment industry and quota to USA, fraudulent in selling tons and tons of garlic to other part of the world by saying they are from Cambodia, drugs and prostitutions, land grabbing strategies etc.... China have 2.3 million of their arm forces and trillion of US dollars in US bonds and treasury notes also in their reserve’s bank now, still China can not and does not know how to help Cambodia in removing more than 100, 000.00 of YUONS, Vietcong, Vietminh arm forces who are disguise as Khmer including 4 to 5 illegal YUONS digging in Cambodia since many many decades ago.

My points to prove about YUON Monique is not and never a Khmer lover are:

1- YUON Monique claimed that John Izzy was her father, when YUON Monique went to France looking for John Izzy as her biological father, John Izzy said no, I am sorry you are not my real daughter I only adopt you from Vietnam for Madame Pom Peang to raise you up, that was all.

Only Prince Sisowath Thomico mother was my biological daughter with Mme Pom Peang. By the way have any body true Khmer patriont seen the picture of John Izzy with YUON Monique if it was father and daughter ???

2- Her late Majesty the Queen Sisowath Kossamak Nearirath never approved for Sihanouk to stick with YUON Monique when she was alive, that is why there was no legal wedding what so ever between these two traitors.

Her late Majesty Queen Sisowath Kossamak Nearirath can smell some bad things will happen to Cambodia through YUON Monique, and the facts are proving everyday now, that Her late Majesty Queen Sisowath Kossamak Nearirath was right all along about traitor YUON’s Monique.

Now YUON is swallowing Cambodia every day bit by bit if all true patriot Khmers who living around the world are not standing up and unite truthfully to take our beloved Cambodia from YUON’s occupation and China bad influences back as soon as possible. TRUE KHMER PEOPLE POWER REVOLUTION IS THE BEST SOLUTION TO RESCUE CAMBODIA FROM YUON OCCUPATION.

3- After brief meeting with the runaway King Sihanouk and YUON Monique in France. On the 18th of January 1970, late President Lon Nol return back to Cambodia. On his return YUON Vietcong were getting out of control they go every where when they wanted to go, they did every things what ever they want to do.

Lon Nol and the senior government officials new that Sihanouk and YUON Monique are YUON Vietcong, Vietminh best friends, so he dispatch Prince Norodom Kantol and HE Yem Sambo to invite Sihanouk and YUON Monique back to Cambodia so these two culprits can negotiate and control their best friend YUON Vietcong-Vietmimh not to roam Cambodia’s territorial and Cambodia’s integrity freely.

YUON Monique forced Sihanouk not to return they continue their way to seek support from China and YUONS to kill Khmer innocent people in millions instead, especially the true Khmer nationalist Lon Nol-Sisowath Sirikmatak Khmer Republic people.

4- LON NOL was never and ever made any coup d'Etat against Sihanouk(sic). On the 18th of March 1970 it was Sihanouk own parliament and Sihanouk royal council who gave a vote of no confident towards Sihanouk because Sihanouk and YUON Monique follow their secret strategies by running away from Cambodia when the country was in turmoil.

5- I do not believe that Sihanouk and YUON Monique no nothing about the genocide, I suspect that YUON Monique force Sihanouk to remain silence while the Ultra Maoist Khmer Rouge and YUONS' Chan Chakrey movement, the movement which YUON create itself within Khmer Rouge cadres to commit atrocities on innocent Khmers, this was a smart YUON's strategies to eliminate all Khmer citizen so YUON can swallow Cambodia exactly like YUON doing now.

6-If Sihanouk and YUON Monique were not betrayed the innocent Khmer people and if they couldn't escape to Cambodian-Thai border, then they could easily walk to seek help from some of Eastern block embassy or some Eastern block representative near by Royal Palais in Phnom Penh and tell them to rescued them from the namely call “the house arrest ???”

On 17th of April 1975 I myself was in Phom Penh and I could managed to get to the Cambodian-Thai border with difficulty but not impossible.

7- On 7th of January 1979, YUON invade Cambodia, YUON Monique and Sihanouk stay silence. Imagine if American return back to Vietnam, YUON Monique and Sihanouk may jump the roof to help YUON again to fight with American.

Funcinpec-Sihanoukist army was form at Cambodian-Thai border Sihanouk reluctant to join until China-USA-ASEAN put pressure on him to form a Cambodia Government of Democratic Kampuchea at the later date in 1982 in Kula Lumpur Malaysia.

8- With sweat and blood of thousands of Khmer innocent freedom fighters spilled, then we kick YUON's invader out of Cambodia in 1987-1988.

As soon as YUON realized their ambition of swallow Cambodia failed that time, YUONS order another YUON Vietminh name Hor Nam Hoang start to have secret negotiation with Sihanouk and YUON Monique to be on YUON-PRK side by promise Sihanouk that he will be king again, before and during UNTAC operation inside Cambodia. Finally YUON secret and dirty strategies through Vietminh Hor Nam Hoang was succeeded.

With what ever benefit to YUON-Vietcong-Vietminh, Monique will force Sihanouk to do it, if they don't why now Sihanouk and YUON Monique SIDE WITH HUN SEN THE YUON SLAVE GOVERNMENT FOR ???

They never severely protested or mentioned about 4-5 million illegal YUONS inside Cambodia including 100,000.00 YUON's arm forces who disguised as Khmer arm forces whom they return back to Cambodia after 1993 UNTAC unfair election, which is absolutely against the 23rd October 1991 Paris peace agreement.


May almighty God and the free world countries help to rescue Cambodia from YUON's occupation and China influences soon.


Kerulen Monorom
(the rice farmer's son)

Some of our beloved Khmers here do not agree with my ideas and some are, that is OK, because I am only the rice farmer's son, but I would like every true patriot's Khmer who lives around the world to carve my words onto their hearts and remember them for ever. At the end of the day you all will see whether the rice farmer's son (have never been a Khmer Rouge or Khmer Rouge supporter, and never have been a YUON's slave)words are full of meaning or just useless hated sentences.

May almighty God and America , Canada , Finland , Australia , EU, UN, NATO help to rescue our beloved country Cambodia from YUON'S( Vietnam , Vietcong, Vietminh)occupation and China 's communist influences.

All true Khmer compatriots, ladies and gentlemen,

Cambodia has cancers that were embedded into her by China+YUONS+Vietminh-CPP-Hun Sen+all royal crooks through traitor Sihanouk's flesh and blood, also through his YUON wife Monique and Sihanouk's clique.

To have true and lasting peace for Cambodia these cancers have to be removed once and for all, either by the law of ECCC-KRT or by any means, as long as the majority of true Khmers agree with it.

If these cancers remain inside Cambodia , without proper treatment, YUONS will continue to swallow us bit by bit every day and China will gobble the whole region without mercy toward Cambodian land and all Khmer people. They will achieve this with the continued assistance of NORODOM SIHANOUK and HUN SEN.


(the rice farmer's son)

Anonymous said...

Is it reasonable to despise Sihanuman 1?
He is doing what he can to detract voters and critics from toppling his benefactors,the three well known stooges from region Bopia.

Importantly October birth is the anniversary of the First Khmer Republic proclamation.Celebrate it with love and equality to uphold justice even the criminal like Sihanuman 1 can join us too.

Anonymous said...

Long Live Dr.Lo Mong Hay !
For the good course of Cambodia,you are not alone in Seihaknuk black book.
As long as we are Buddhism we are respect Buddha ,parent,teachers and the patriarch monks, but some communist king look down to their own mother and planted to cause of death of Samdach Sonkhareach Chuon Nath ,in purpose of hampering of the leader (Seihaknuk) to join the yiekcong and China in1969.
At the end of the day,we are finding out the true
color of KING TAMIL,that turned Cambodia to the blood stream,it citizen exhausted confusing and it neighbors taking advantages look down from left and right,further more the citizen lack of the abilities to rebuild it nation .Who made our nation weak? But all folks that is nature ,the opposite of the strong is weak,we used to be strong in Angkor 's time right? After the rain every thing will be beautiful again, after we learn all bad leaders causing our nation broke ,poor ,slave so all the experiences that we went through please do not let the ignorant and illiterates has the chance to lead our nation ,the end of the day we are paying their costs .

Anonymous said...

Hi AH Mnong hay,



Anonymous said...

Golden Star sounds just like Sihanuman 1 when there is a truth to expose how shallow the former Khmer Rouge fater is.

Lao Mong Hay has no room for hatred but justice seeling for victims.

Anonymous said...

As long as the king pay me the ticket I will face Cambodian court but the former king will face with Cambodian genocide that caused 33 people of my relatives death and included almost two million more of Cambodian innocent to die also.

I wish the king guilty for committed crime,on KRT on his birthday!

Anonymous said...

I support Loa Mong Hay...

Anonymous said...

Dear Julio,

I am thankful to your input relating our Somdach Ta. When I am trying to balance my judgment, I can see that your words and Dr.Lao Mong Hay's are sharing similar manner in enforcing Cambodia to become a "rule of laws" state. I think media is making up story that the word of Dr.Lao is accusing Somdach Ta as a KR leader/guilty. In reality, like you quoted here, Dr.Lao has his legal base with a be careful speech that " "Furthermore, many Cambodian people still believe that Sihanouk was instrumental in the Khmer Rouge's victory and was therefore also responsible for the suffering of the Cambodian people under the Khmer Rouge's rule. They also want justice and to know the truth about their horrible past history in which Sihanouk must have had a hand due to his association with the Khmer Rouge."

So, this is clear that Somdach Ta himself would like to leave what legacy for Cambodian young generation? Somdach Ta himself should do a survey that nowadays how many percent of Cambodian people that still love him? And how about young generation? Do they have doubt or feel antagonize Preah Ang? And do present Cambodian people forget the Prey Markii Markea that Somdach Ta advocated?

The ECCC would be only one place for every former Cambodian leader to clear any dim or wrong history understanding. More than this, I hope ECCC will not accuse Somdach Ta as a guilty or Somdach Ta is not in their verdict list; they might request for corporation as a witness only. This is true because Somdach Ta only who has known and has passed all political changes in Cambodia.

Koun Chau Somdach Ta

Anonymous said...

Kulen Monorom,

With all due respect, please stop your baseless nonsense. You do not have a thread of evidence to back up your accusation. It is the people like you that destroy Cambodia.

Please cut the crab about “all patriots” stuff. A patriot thinks before he speaks and uses data and evidences to support his/her argument. What do you have? Yes, you do have a baseless accusation. That’s all you have.

You have tried to link the Queen to the Vietnamese to promote your hate speak. Where is your evidence? Were you in the same room as the Queen’s parents when she was conceived? If you were not, stop your nonsense.

Or are you the DNA expert? Give me a break.

So what if the Queen has foreign blood. Are you pure Cambodian? So what? Pure Cambodian like who Pol Pot his clans. They are the worst offenders of all times.

People like you cannot even run your family let alone the country. I don’t care if you are a farmer’s son or whoever’s son you are. You speak nonsense, you are nonsense.

Next time you say some thing, you better prepare to back it up with evidences.

Your friend who knows you well,

Anonymous said...

I totally agreed with Kulen Monorom about Sihanouk's affair with Monique who helped to destroy Cambodia. We need to eliminate these Royal family like Napal. No Gain for Cambodia people. They're True Khmer traitors including Hun Sen, Chea Sim, Heng Samrin, etc... For elimination there'r two ways either by election in 2008 or people revolution like in Philippine or Burma.

Anonymous said...

Talking in civilised way is much more comprehensible than abusive language.

I also believe that the former king has a lot to explain about what has happened in cambodia and cambodian victims prior to KR AND BRIEFLY IN 1975-79.

It is sensible to be cautious and respectful,not to jump into conclusion of hatred.It was introduced to khmers which was resulted in killing field where two -three million lives lost.
I have also lived through these periods.

There are more evidences needed for KR trial.There were experts from china those who had worked in factories of most of ex-cities and vietnamese experts in hiarachy as well.THUS DOCUMENTATIONS FROM VIETNAM AND CHINA NEEDED.Along with ex KR leaders on trial,current ministers who were ministers in KR and previous time should be called for witnesses.They surely know what has happened to crimes committed,ie Keat chhon ,Hor Nam hong,Ieng Sary,suvived regional leaders as witnesses in order to piece killing puzzle together.

Independent body should set up to gather informations from survivors of all regions,to escertain intentions behind those moverments of each phase of activities.BOOK OF" WHO IS THE ORGANISATION?" ALSO BE VALUABLE FOR ASSESSEMENT.

So please investigate on what had happened behind the visible scene.

Khmer Soth

Anonymous said...

What is the chance that we are going to get any truth or anything useful from KRT, 8:49?

I think, at best, the result will be as good as one of those Hollywood movie.

Some people will tell the truth, but then again some people will lied and screw up the entire effort ... .

In the end we're going to get a $60 millions movie to learn from.

No thank for me!

Anonymous said...

No hope in Sihanuman 01 telling the truth.He has lied too much in his entire life, so he believes himself.
Monique was born in Saigon.She's adopted by a Madame,named Pomme Peang (Viet???)

Her father a French mixed who frequented brothels.She was born out of wedlock.

Anonymous said...

Dear kaun chao!
I know i was wrong.i help yuon to become one.I join the khmer rouge,and of course 1.7 mil got slaughtered.Now i ask you one more time don't wish me good luck on my birthday ok?. i just want to sing. MONICA,MONICA,MONICA,MONICA WHERE ARE YOU,I AM HERE ,WHERE IS RA(Ranarith) AND OH! I FORGOT......

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

We wish you would go to hell!
We wish you would go to hell!
We wish you would go to hell! and a short life to live. Go to hell sdech Sihanouk.

Anonymous said...

So it was wrong to say that Sihanouk and Hun Sen are the most stupids in the world. We must put in Khmer History that SIHANOUK AND HUN SEN are the traitors : They are the Vietcong Killes.

Anonymous said...

If you put that stupid idea in history book, then no one will want to learn history. Nobody is going to believe stupid people can win war, dude. Any other stupid idea?

Anonymous said...

We must not forget : more than 2 millions of death of course , but many many orphans. Many babies were leaving in stavation and then died, Khmers children suffered very much seeing all their family killed, they had to face hardship by themselves very early.
There are no many killers left and nobody can judge them: It is very unfair for all the victims. These stupids people killers's lives are more important than millions innocents khmers victims.

Anonymous said...

How about we must not forget 2 millions death and killers got away.

Anonymous said...

You can blame me all you want but i blame you or your parents for dumb enough to follow me to join the khmer rouge .You see assholes , if i ask you one more time to jump off the cliff would you still do that?If you say you will, then it's your problem.You are all or your parents are ,empty head ,brainless,stupid,moron etc....Hey! i am much smarter than you think i am...MONICA,MONICA,MONICA OH! WELL....atala vista baby.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, i love Sihanouk, he is the best of all politics. He is our King the one man show. There is no other King like our King. I wish him well in hell. Die stupid die.

Anonymous said...

Hey posters.
I have a good news ;) Stocks keep going up. My prediction" King Sihanouk will live 'til 120, and Queen Monineath his wife will die before him. King Sihanouk is the only survival cancer patient who lives that long.

Let me guess another one: Dr. Lao M Hay losing all his hair, need a wig?

I just heard that the Jews will sue Egypt and Germany.

Anonymous said...

. . . . and you forgot a few things . . . 1) you need to have your testicles taken out and replace with the ostrich eggs, 2) you also need to have a facelife and replace with the chimpanzee's ass, 3) anyone else would wants to add anything to the poster, go ahead make my day . . . .

Svay Rieng, Cambodia

Long live Dr. Lao Mong Hay

Anonymous said...

Shut up Yiek Cong 10;11 am.

Long LIVE King Father.

Down Lao Mong Hay, down old boy down. Put cooking oil on your head so your hair can grow.

Anonymous said...

Look at King Sihanouk's haters. ;))) They are mostly the type of Ah kut veing monor-ach.

Here is my prediction: The King's haters are errr... dumb.



Anonymous said...

Go mate 11;11 am.

Long Live our King.

Anonymous said...

Jayoo,Xad-arch Oav !
Anar Mean Toav ,Banh Ched roy !

Slogan of Yietcong during war aggression of Youn-Hanoi,1970-1975.

Anonymous said...

Barachey King's haters.

Full support for Sdech Ta.

Kaun Chao Sdech Ta.

Anonymous said...


WHAT ELSE???????

Anonymous said...

Why is Sarimatakis people still alive like cowards? Why don't they died a hero like their leader (Sarimatak)?

Anonymous said...

Ask your self,Sihaknuk is Mear(ong kulimear) serimatak he is the hero ,so Serimatak here to day and wait to reveal the truth to the country to not believe with superstitious any more that is just a crap.

Anonymous said...

Sarimatak died as a hero because he's aware of his accountability for his mistake. He's not a culture of impunity. Read his letter to the US Embassador in 1975. And those who supported him, should followed his righteous model. Otherwise, they are just a living cowards like Lon Nol.

Furthermore, it's never to late to change. So make up your mind, Sarimatakis people. Are you going to live like a coward or die like a hero?