Monday, October 01, 2007

Poverty reduction strategy in Cambodia needs improvement - ADB


MUMBAI (Thomson Financial) - The Asian Development Bank (ADB) said its five-year strategy to help reduce poverty in Cambodia remains relevant but needs improvements to enhance its effectiveness, according to a midterm program review.

'Persistent high levels of rural poverty have implications for the program's strategic thrust,' Arjun Goswami, country director of ADB's Cambodia Resident Mission said in a special report.

ADB's assistance for the remainder of the plan period should increasingly have an agricultural and rural focus, including rural development projects, fostering rural infrastructure, enhancing access to credit, and decentralized registration of businesses in rural areas, he explained.

The initiative also needs to place emphasis on private sector-led growth, and in accordance with this, ADB's participation in the private sector will be intensified to translate public policy advances into sustainable investment in the economy, the report said.

The ADB's overall portfolio performance in Cambodia has been below expectations during the review period, as the number of projects at risk has increased and the disbursement level remains below projections.

To address the overall decline in portfolio performance, intensive project administration follow-up will be undertaken through a joint country portfolio performance review, sector policy reforms and recommendations on cost sharing of eligible expenditures, the ADB said.


Anonymous said...

Yes, and we should make improvement immediately.

Right of the bat, I say get rid of Ah Sam Rainshit troblemaker. That oughta make a big difference.

Anonymous said...

It's understandable! Youn always think that way.

Anonymous said...

Hollyshit that you said Sam Rainsy is trouble maker. You should go to learn economic development and politics. Always, there is a need for opposition party to improve things.

I am neutral, Hun Sen has tried to alleviate powerty by boosting economic (key points), which is so far so good. Powerty alleviation take a long time to succeed. Look at our neibours who has peace for long times. They are still in trouble. Even Sam Rainsy will not be able to deal with it soon, except he might improve better economic, but then weak in National Security.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I will learn economic development and politic, once you tell me how much Sam Rainshit might improve better economic as you've stated above. Do you think he will do better than Japan's, Singapore's, Taiwan's, China's, or Vietnam's administration?

Anonymous said...

The pne thing I noticed here about westerner trained people like 2:16 or Ah Sam Rainshit is that they love to hit and run.

Anonymous said...

To 3:29 AM, you don't have ability to think about economic. How can you compare Cambodia to singapore, japan, taiwan or China. Look at their past mate, war+resources!

This mean that you 100% admit that Hun Sen can not improve economics as these countries.

Sam Rainsy is economist. Hun Sen is extremist(war) with no education, except PhD from VN.

Anonymous said...

I did not compared Cambodia to Japan, Taiwan, ..., or China. Read my post again, will ya?

What I am asking you is is your economist (Sam Rainshit) is as good as Taiwan's economist, Japan's economist, China's economist, ... .

Right now, Cambodia is one of the fastest growing country on the planet. How much more can your stupid Sam Rainshit improves over this?

Anonymous said...

Hey 12.28, I am not a fan of Sam Rainsy and never voted for him. You seems to convince me to vote for him. You cann't compare him to Japan, china, Taiwan etc. This is child reaction. How can you compare him to this giant country who has peace for long time with giant support from America. Anyone can not build Cambodia as Japan even Japanese leader who want to help. It is the government systems and its environment around them.

For Sam Rainsy, you can see from his background and development of his party. It is gradually growing and it will go to the peak at one stage(10-20years I guess). You have to accept REAL FACT first before you argue. SRP is member of international society, but CPP didnot though it try.

I like CPP in a way it manages security, but not in economics of real begger to America. If one day American is not happy and withdraw imported quota, that is it! fuckning collapse! This is so-call not sustainable economic. You can not be a begger and claim that you have good economic. Our GDP increase, only because America. this is the main driver.

I remembered when Sam Rainsy was minister the inflation rate was ultimately reduced. 6000R=1USD to 2500R=1usd. Have the governemnt ever manage to get to this best point? No, except stable at around 4000R=1usd, quite alright.

Without industrial companies. Any country can not be good in economics. We should try to produce ourself, cloths, shoes, shampoo, soap, canned food, even toothpaste etc. We buy all simple products from Vietnam, Thailand and China. This is huge loss of GDP. Most high ranked government like to use fancy products from abroad, esecially ministy of economic and finance its self.

Anonymous said...

"Hey 12.28, I am not a fan of Sam Rainsy and never voted for him. You seems to convince me to vote for him. You cann't compare him to Japan, china, Taiwan etc. This is child reaction. How can you compare him to this giant country who has peace for long time with giant support from America. Anyone can not build Cambodia as Japan even Japanese leader who want to help. It is the government systems and its environment around them."

Well then, is Sam Rainsy as good as Vietnam? If not we preferred to stick to Vietnam's help. Currently Vietnam growth is almost the same as China and we don't want to move backward by choosing less. Does that make sense?

"For Sam Rainsy, you can see from his background and development of his party. It is gradually growing and it will go to the peak at one stage(10-20years I guess). You have to accept REAL FACT first before you argue. SRP is member of international society, but CPP didnot though it try."

Who care about his background? where is his accomplishments? Where have he succeeded in improving corruption anywhere? Where have he succeeded in creating good jobs previously? These are the thing that Khmer people are looking for. The Khmer people have learnt from their past mistakes, and they will not make stupid guess anymore as they did with LonNol/Sarimatak who had similar background as Sam Rainshit.

"I remembered when Sam Rainsy was minister the inflation rate was ultimately reduced. 6000R=1USD to 2500R=1usd. Have the governemnt ever manage to get to this best point? No, except stable at around 4000R=1usd, quite alright."

I wish your theory was correct, but that is not the case. As one of the ministers in the coalition government your can't claimed all credit for yourself, not to mention the bad ethic behind this. It was just good team work by everyone, and that is what we supposed to continue to do, not breaking up and try to rule the country individually. That is a very very poor judgement on Sam Rainshit's part.

"Without industrial companies. Any country can not be good in economics. We should try to produce ourself, cloths, shoes, shampoo, soap, canned food, even toothpaste etc. We buy all simple products from Vietnam, Thailand and China. This is huge loss of GDP. Most high ranked government like to use fancy products from abroad, esecially ministy of economic and finance its self."

True and that is what we'll be doing as time progresses. Don't worry; everything is in our rectangular economic strategy.

Anonymous said...

You are very EXTREME CPP and does not give any credit to Khmer scholar or intellectuals. Why you can't see Sam Rainsy accomplishment? Again, you don't think from 1993 to 2007 he doesnot get any accomplishement? look at statistics, and calculate by yourself as I am not good enough to be statistical expert Look at exponentially increase, then you will see when it will catch up with CCP.

People will not worry about Sam Rainsy to turn country as lonnol or polpot because he have no troops. Just to use his tactical skills.