Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Sam Rainsy: Cambodia still does not have an independent tribunal

01 October 2007
By Sophorn
Radio Free Asia

Translated from Khmer by Socheata

During the commemoration for the victims of front of the National Assembly and a ceremony to pay respect to the souls of all pro-democracy people who unfairly died in 1997-1998, Sam Rainsy criticized again the fact that Cambodia does not have an independent tribunal yet.

On 01 October, the fifth day of Kan Ben festival, opposition leader Sam Rainsy declared in front of the stupa (located in front of the National Assembly) that, currently, Cambodia does have an independent justice system yet, as the tribunal is under the control of the ruling party.

Regarding the election in Cambodia, Sam Rainsy said that it lacks transparency and it is unfair. He indicated that up until now, some of the perpetrators of the grenade attack (in front of the National Assembly) in 1997 are known.

Sam Rainsy said: “For a country to be called democratic, it must fulfill 3 conditions: (1) it must have a strong opposition party, and the opposition party leader must have the freedom to speak, the freedom to travel to meet his/her constituents and the international community freely. I recognize that this condition is fulfilled in Cambodia already, but there are 2 more steps which we must have: we must have a fair tribunal, and we must have an independent court system. These, we don’t have at all. We know that the Cambodian court system is currently under the control of the ruling party. On the 3rd condition, it is still lacking: we must have a free and fair election, a true justice system.”

In response to Sam Rainsy’s criticism, Khieu Kanharith, government spokesman, said that if the election was not fair and not right, and the tribunal is not independent, why during the past commune election, the SRP saw an increase in the number of votes it obtained.

Regarding the grenade attack in 1997, Khieu Kanharith said: “Our government depends on the FBI investigation which indicated that there were 3 people there, one was his bodyguard, another one was Bresil, and another unknown man. When we went to investigate his bodyguard, he replied that this fellow fell from the car, broke his neck and died. Isn’t it funny? And Bresil, in 1997, during the dispute (Hun Sen coup d’état), he fled to the Funcinpec camp. If Bresil was the one who really knows about this case, why didn’t Bresil talk about it during that time? Right now, he disappeared also, and the third person, we couldn’t find him.”

Sam Rainsy also said during the commemoration of the 1997 and 1998 events, that several people and monks died during the demonstration to demand an independent justice system, but they were attacked with grenades instead.


Anonymous said...

C' est vrai.He tell the truth.

Anonymous said...

Do not point at others,is there democracy and moral integrity in SRP club?
It is clearer and clearer day by day since last month congress,a farce.

Anonymous said...

Cambodia does not have any kind of Independent! Even the head of the goverment is a shit head slave of Youn Vietnamese ah Srakey Yoeur

Anonymous said...

"Sam Rainsy also said during the commemoration of the 1997 and 1998 events, that several people and monks died during the demonstration to demand an independent justice system, but they were attacked with grenades instead."

Several people and monks died, my ass.
I don't care about them (lunatic). What I care about is a bunch of 12-13 years old that was used as human shield for their stupid cause. Those cowards knew something was going to happen, and they still dragged children in the demonstration. What does a 12 or 13 years old know about politic?