- Bodies dumped in jungle, says deserting officer
- 'The revolt is over,' says Swedish diplomat
"Many more people have been killed in recent days than you've heard about," Hla Win said. "The bodies can be counted in several thousand."
Hla Win, interviewed at the border with Thailand, said he decided to desert his post after refusing to obey an order to raid two monasteries and force several hundred monks onto trucks. "They were to be killed and their bodies dumped inside the jungle. I refused to participate." According to the Norway Post, Hla Win is seeking political asylum in Norway.
Meanwhile, Liselotte Agerlid, a Swedish diplomat just returned from a visit to Burma, told journalists in Thailand: "The Burma revolt is over. People are scared and the general assessment is that the fight is over. We were informed... that 40 monks in the Insein prison were beaten to death today and subsequently burned."
Now, that that is over, I hope they can clean up the rats' mess and resume their normal live again.
Lesson learned: If you disagree with any government policy, don't follow no monk-eys role model. Use the civilized Asian's protocol as I have outlined somewhere below.
what an insensitive fool! I hope you're not Cambodian!
Just like China and Hun Sen did to Khmer protests in the past.
Why should I be sensitive to people who disturbed the peace. Just look at the second picture. I see the tax payer is burning, and I am not sure it is the only one. And don't even try to tell me that they don't arrest people in the US who do shit like that.
Look, I have no objection to any one who want to protest, but put a time cap on it. There is no sense of spending weeks and making a mess and effecting the neighborhood daily lives.
Correction: I meant the tax payer money is burning as in public property.
ignorant and insensitive fool! Your dumbass makes statement that everyone and every country reserves the right to restore order in their city. Your ignorant head thinks you're the only one who recognize that right.
Nobody can argue arrest is such a bad thing to cool down some protest. But to beat, burn and slaugther people is something of new level. You are of course condone such methods because you come from a barbaric and uncivilised culture and family.
you are a person without humanity.
ignorant fools like you are scumbag of society. Criminals, the same type in these repressive regimes.
people pay tax to get service. People didnt pay tax so government officials can make profit for themselves. People are unhappy with how there money are spent so they reserve their rights to protest bc it from their sweats.
Yes, but there will always be a small number of people who's never be happy with anything, and no one is obligated to serve them (fools).
The idiot 10:26 AM must have shit for brain if he thinks thousands of protesting Buddhist monks and civilians are small number of people. Insensitive bastard.#%$?^*.
Well, they are certainly far from what I would called a majority.
Ignore that idiot, 10:26 AM. Talking taxes and such. He has no brain cells, because he was molested by his father as a child. Get a clue dumbass, people must stand up to dictatorship sooner or later. Myanmar is a rogue nation that violates every international law in the book.
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