Tuesday, November 06, 2007

King Sihamoni plans to go to China for a medical checkup

04 November 2007
By Mao Sotheany
Radio Free Asia

Translated from Khmer by Heng Soy

An official from the royal palace said on Sunday that, after the boat racing festival (Bon Om Touk) which will be celebrated on 23-25 November, King Norodom Sihamoni and his parents will travel to China for a medical checkup by Chinese doctors.

As for King-Father Norodom Sihanouk, he could continue on to Pyongyang, North Korea, also.


Anonymous said...

What is happen? All Cambodian doctors has no credential or abilities to take care former king Sihaknuk,because it has to be in China even he need to coin he has to spend Cambodian people money for the fly ticket to China, hahhahaha he is always funny

Anonymous said...

Go to tell your boss that Vietnam will be control Cambodia .and in short period of the time will no more Cambodian people in Cambodia ,and what is your boss will say and do some thing to help you?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, and don't forget to tell the US because soon there would not be any American in the US either.

Anonymous said...

Eh, Ah Chrouk! Like father like son!

Anonymous said...

Mr. 9:39 AM

You raised a very good point. Many Cambodian leaders and other power aand rich officials have gone abroad for medical treatment. They go to China, Thailand and Singapore, and other advanced countries

Ordinary people, including our fanous singer Pen Panhapich, go to Vietnam, where medical treatment is affordable.

If our top people had been pooling their resources together since say, 1993, they could have equiped a few of our hospitals with qualified (national and foreign doctors)and latest medical equipment - for their own treatment and for the treatment of their humble people.

In this regard, we must praise our prime minister Hun Sen. It is not known he has gone abroad for medical treatment. Perhaps his health is very good - good for him - or perhaps he has very qualified doctors to look after his health inside the country.

I try to be a bit provocative: Vietnam ruled Cambodia for 10 years. Its health services are good. Why our health authorities and doctors did not copy Vietnam and set up the same kind of health services in Cambodia?

LAO Mong Hay, Hong Kong

Anonymous said...

Mr. 9:39 AM

You raised a very good point. Many Cambodian leaders and other power aand rich officials have gone abroad for medical treatment. They go to China, Thailand and Singapore, and other advanced countries

Ordinary people, including our fanous singer Pen Panhapich, go to Vietnam, where medical treatment is affordable.

If our top people had been pooling their resources together since say, 1993, they could have equiped a few of our hospitals with qualified (national and foreign doctors)and latest medical equipment - for their own treatment and for the treatment of their humble people.

In this regard, we must praise our prime minister Hun Sen. It is not known he has gone abroad for medical treatment. Perhaps his health is very good - good for him - or perhaps he has very qualified doctors to look after his health inside the country.

I try to be a bit provocative: Vietnam ruled Cambodia for 10 years. Its health services are good. Why our health authorities and doctors did not copy Vietnam and set up the same kind of health services in Cambodia?

LAO Mong Hay, Hong Kong

Anonymous said...

Mr. 9:39 AM

You raised a very good point. Many Cambodian leaders and other power aand rich officials have gone abroad for medical treatment. They go to China, Thailand and Singapore, and other advanced countries

Ordinary people, including our fanous singer Pen Panhapich, go to Vietnam, where medical treatment is affordable.

If our top people had been pooling their resources together since say, 1993, they could have equiped a few of our hospitals with qualified (national and foreign doctors)and latest medical equipment - for their own treatment and for the treatment of their humble people.

In this regard, we must praise our prime minister Hun Sen. It is not known he has gone abroad for medical treatment. Perhaps his health is very good - good for him - or perhaps he has very qualified doctors to look after his health inside the country.

I try to be a bit provocative: Vietnam ruled Cambodia for 10 years. Its health services are good. Why our health authorities and doctors did not copy Vietnam and set up the same kind of health services in Cambodia?

LAO Mong Hay, Hong Kong

Anonymous said...

Dr. Lao, stop guessing. Advance Medical Equipments isn't cheap. Some of the developed country don't even have it. I doubt it that those rich folks who went to Singapore could pool their money to buy those equipments. Furthermore, if you are going to build advance medical facility, you going to need more than one, at least 5 or so, and you'll have to staff them up, and then you going to have to have a fat budget to pay those Dr. for their services. Even some of the developed country couldn't hack that.

Anonymous said...

Mr.11:55 AM,

I've got your point, but I'm not convinced though. Some can afford cars of the latest model. Why can't they help our hospitals the latest medical equipment utilised the best of our doctors? Why can't they send their children or other students to do medicine abroad and become well qualified doctors? Our Prime Minister Hun Sen sent his son to West Point in America. Other leaders can also afford to send their sons or daughters to do medicine as well. In the past, several children of top people became well qualified doctors. Those returned, opened their clinics and served the rich, the powerful and others alike. Many could afford to go to such clinics.

Recently, I have been told that a group of Cambodian doctors could do sophiticated surgery in their clinics in Phnom Penh. Is this not a positive development for the country. If our powerful, our rich and government were to help such doctors further, they would be better qualified and acquire better equipment for the treatment of all - in Cambodia.

Health care is more like transport. If the powerful and the rich can afford private cars (luxerious cars with bodyguards to open the traffic for them) for their travel, they don't care much about public transport for the less better off who cannot afford cars. And this since the old days.

In the past our present August, Great and Valorous King, when he was running the country, succeeded in getting the then Soviet Union to build the Russian Hospital equipped with the latest (Soviet) medical equipment and manned by the most qualified Russian and cambodian doctors. And the cambodian all over the country benefited from that hospital.

At one time I suggested to a top army officer that the army should find scholarships to send our young men and women (officers)to do medicine and study other science courses, techology and engeenring. He was puzzled by my suggestion. He probably thought I was a fool or something.

Where there is a will there is a way!

We don't have to guess. Such things have existed already.

Anyway, we have different ways of looking at the same thing. They are not incompatible though, I think.

LAO Mong Hay, Hong Kong

Anonymous said...

Dr. Lao, I did have a moderate direct hand on experiences in advance biomedical equipments myself. I can tell you that a typical rich person may own a luxury car, living in a mansion, send their kids to world-class school ... but they normally don't own an advance biomedical equipments even if their very life depend on it. We are not just talking about the high price for the equipment, but also the cost to keep it in calibration, and that itself is quite a challenge because you have to maintain a bunch of calibration standard equipment as well.

The best way to have advance medical clinic is to form a public corporations a sell tons of stocks. And that is how it is normally done in country that have a lot of middle-classes, which is something that won't happened in Cambodia for a while. And by the time we have a majority of middle class, we should be able to support advance medical clinic naturally.

Sure, anyone can say anything they like, such as sending a bunch of kids to world-class school and we'll have a bunch of expert back to handle everything. If things will just follow our thought that easily, the world won't be in such a mess. Fact of the matter is, rarely anything will followed our thought consistently as we added two numbers. What you suggested may work in the west, but it will not work in the east. And the reason is human is not as universal as mathematic or science is.

Anonymous said...

Continue from 3:09:

And oh Dr. Lao, also human is not duplicable as a TV or a radio is, if you know what I mean.

Anonymous said...

Mr. 3:09 PM

China, Japan, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam are not in the west. They do have medical expertise and equipment to treat their people and others.

Man's dreams and science fiction even on TV and radio can become reality. Jules Verne wrote his book From the Earth to the Moon over a century before man could set his foot on the moon. TV Satar Wars have become a reality in term of the use of space for warfare.

Let's dare to dream. Let's have a big liver (thloeum thom) as we Cambodians have it or advice against it.

Our ancesters made the impossible: lifting boulders weighing tons to build huge temples, and experts still wonder how they did it.

You have a great idea already how to acquire and maintain that very costly biomedical equipment. That's great. We have already an emerging middle-class. A stock exchange is being created to mobilise capital. Some day your idea can be realised.

LAO Mong Hay, Hong Kong

Anonymous said...

The "doctor" seems rather ignorant about the subject of medicine. Wonder where he purchased his degrees?

Anonymous said...

Dr. Loa, some people go to Thailand for a certain treatment that is not as well done in Singapore, or some go to China that is not well done in the Japan.... Doesn't that tell you that none of the country you listed have the same equipments and expertise? If so, that tell you how hard it is to create a clinic in Cambodia that can cure everything and eliminate the need to go out of the country.

As for dream, yes we all have them, but not everyone can bring a particular dream to live. The westerner maybe able to bring space exploration to life that we (Khmer) can't, but we Khmer can bring Ankor Watt to life that westeners can't ... Again that is because the human mind is not universal and predictable as one can add 2 and 4 to get 4. I really wishes that was true, but it isn't.

As for my experience in biomedical equipment, you misunderstand me, Dr. Lao. I did not invented anything new. I was just participating in the company engineering team and learn about it from the project. That is all.

Anonymous said...

correction: can add 2 and 2 to get 4

Anonymous said...

If those Chinese doctors are so good, why not bring 20 of them home? and their medical treatment too! and may there is too many secret in China? what could it be?

(could be some organs market going on????!!!)

Anonymous said...

You never know. As close and as secret system as China. Young Chinese with fine organ can be accused of a felony and he doesn't have a lawyer. there goes his brand new liver.

Anonymous said...

8:55, I am sure that Somdach Euv have tried to get some Chinese experts to come over, but they don't want to come down here because they want to care for Chinese people first.

Anonymous said...

Wrong 9:05, China has law against organ transplant. You wouldn't want to be caught doing it. Trust me.

Anonymous said...

And you believe that is a zero black market for it? You're full of sh..!

Anonymous said...

No, nothing is perfect, but it is under control, just like capital crimes.