Tuesday, December 25, 2007

A brief look at Cambodian schools program

Click on the map to find out the names of all the schools funded

December 24, 2007
Newsday (Long Island, New York, USA)

NAME: American Assistance for Cambodia

WHAT: An independent, nonprofit organization dedicated to improving opportunities for youth in rural Cambodia; operates programs across Cambodia in the areas of education, health, rural development and technology. Has helped build nearly 400 primary and lower secondary schools in rural Cambodia since 1999.

START: Founded in 1993 by American journalist Bernie Krisher, former head of the Newsweek and Fortune Tokyo bureaus. He also started The Cambodia Daily, Cambodia's first English language daily.

PROGRAM: Donors raise $13,000 to sponsor the construction of a school in a village that currently lacks one. Matching funds are provided by the World Bank and Asian Development Bank.

After the school is built, donors are encouraged _ but not obligated _ to fund improvements for their school, such as providing English and computer teachers, computers powered through solar panels, Internet access, a well or water filter, a school nurse or a vegetable garden.

ON THE NET: http://www.cambodiaschools.com

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

there are so many school throughout Cambodia. but why are the people still uneducated? how come the majority of the population still illiterate?