Saturday, December 15, 2007

Hun Sen's gov't quietly spends $100 million each year to subsidize fuel costs?

Hun Sen Denies Reports of Gov't Fuel Price Failings

By Win Thida, VOA Khmer
Original report from Phnom Penh
13 December 2007

Prime Minister Hun Sen said Thursday the government had taken several quiet measures to curb the rapidly rising price in fuel.

He was responding to recent criticism that the government had ignored a looming price crisis, as Cambodians find themselves paying more for gas than their neighbors.

Hun Sen said the government had "quietly subsidized" fuel costs, with more than $100 million.

"It's not that the government ignores it, but we don't have an oil reserve" to cushion the price spike, Hun Sen said.

Even Indonesia, which does have a reserve, has had to raise the price of fuel, he said.

Human Rights Party officials said they would gather up to 500 participants in a public forum later this month in an effort to find a solution.

"And if there is no solution to the problems, we are going to stage a big demonstration as our last measure," said Keo Remy, Human Rights Party vice president.


Anonymous said...

The only thing I don't like about subsidizing fuel is that it only benefitted the fuel users. The rest are not benefit from it. Thus, it's better to distribute the $100M to the people directly. That way, everyone will benefited.

Anonymous said...

Is there evidence in this claimed? HunSen, you're the master in promising & saying thing to paint yourself for more credits!

Anonymous said...

AH HUN SEN subsidized the oil for dirt poor Cambodian people at $100 million a years? How on Earth did he come up with that kind of a number? How!

Something is very wrong with AH HUN SEN accounting system! AH HUN SEN is bullshitting him to get the fucking vote!

I dare anybody to do the research on the yearly fuel consumption in Cambodia to verify if AH HUN SEN is being truthful about his so called subsidy scheme! I am willing to bet on my life that AH HUN SEN is lying flat out about the fuel subsidy!

It is a fact that AH HUN SEN government subsidized only his corrupted government officials and his so called government public works! Dirt poor Cambodian populations never once get any kind of subsidy from AH HUN SEN government! Never! Never!

Now just imagine if AH HUN SEN government uses the $100 million to subsidize the fuel cost for mass transit, commercial trucks, commercial boat and ships...and it will drive down the cost of any consumer products at any market in Cambodia! The fact that dirt poor Cambodian people continue to complain about higher price from oil to food showed that AH HUN SEN is lying!

AH HUN SEN words never equal his action! I had been observing AH HUN SEN over the years and he is nothing but a liar and he will continue to lie and it is his culture to lie straight in the face! This fucken liar deserves to have a gun point at his fucken head!

This is fucking insulting for dirt poor Cambodian population when they are already suffering from higher oil price and the fucken corruption!

Anonymous said...

Manifestation prévue à Phnom Penh pour soutenir les Cambodgiens migrants

On estime à plus de 200 000, le nombre de Cambodgiens qui partent chaque année travailler à l'étranger. Souvent dans des conditions très difficiles. Une marche de soutien est organisée dimanche 16 décembre à Phnom Penh à l'occasion de la Journée internationale des migrants.
Un cortège pour protester contre les violences et l’exploitation subies par les ouvriers émigrés cambodgiens sera organisé dimanche 16 décembre. La participation d'environ mille personnes est attendue. Le défilé se rendra de la pagode Langka aux Jardins Hun Sen. Vendredi 14 décembre, lors d'une conférence de presse, Ya Navudh, directeur de l’ONG CARAM au Cambodge (Coordination of Action Research on AIDs and Mobility), chargée de l'organisation de la manifestation, avec la coopération d'autres ONG, explique que des abus ont été récemment contastés à l'encontre de migrants cambodgiens. Le slogan « stoppez les violences contre les migrants cambodgiens », a d'ailleurs été retenu pour la journée internationale de cette année.
« Les violences physiques et mentales sont souvent le fait d'entrepreneurs de pays d'accueil. Elles ont été constatées en Thaïlande et en Malaisie. Là bas, la majorité des ouvriers n’ont pas la liberté de déplacement, ne peuvent contacter leur famille. Ils ont trop peu de temps pour se reposer, pas assez de nourriture, et parfois leur passeport est confisqué par l'employeur. Déjà au départ du Cambodge, beaucoup contractent des dettes avec les agents intermédiaires en raison de frais de dossiers, de transports indûment facturés. Ils ne connaissent même pas les termes exacts de leur contrat », détaille-t-il.
Les ouvriers khmers partent majoritairement travailler en Thaïlande, en Corée du sud, et en Malaisie. On estime à 200 000 le nombre de personnes travaillant en Thaïlande, de 8000 en Malaisie. « Mais tout de même on remarque une amélioration de leur condition. Le ministère du Travail est en train d’exécuter des contrats standards. Les ouvriers sont mieux informés de leurs futures conditions de travail. Le gouvernement a réduit le nombre des agents et compagnies d’intermédiaires qui exploitent les ouvriers, il en reste une dizaine aujourd’hui », ajoute Ya Navudh.
Chup Narath, directeur adjoint du département de l’emploi au ministère du Travail, précise pour sa part que ces problèmes concernent plutôt les migrants illégaux. « Si les entrepreneurs de ces pays ne les acceptaient pas, il n’y aurait pas tous ces dysfonctionements», estime-t-il.
Le directeur de Caram veut profiter de cette campagne pour lancer un appel au gouvernement cambodgien et aux pays receveurs, et surtout aux entrepreneurs concernés pour qu'ils contribuent à faire cesser les violences sur les migrants, obligés de quitter leur pays à cause d'un marché du travail encore trop peu développé.
Ung Chansophea

Anonymous said...

Hey dude, if the government didn't subsidized the fuel, it would had cost more because we don't buy as much fuel as Thailand or Vietnam. Don't you know that you get discount with quantity? Plus, a lot of these countries refined their own oil, that is why its cheaper.

Anonymous said...

To 8:07AM Hey bonehead!

So base on what you have said! Since AH HUN SEN government can afford to subsidize the fuel cost at $100 million a year and for 10 years it will amount to $10 billion worth of subsidy and is that a wise investment to help reduce fuel cost for dirt poor Cambodian people in the long term? Of course not! Why can AH HUN SEN government save up the $100 million worth of subsidy a year and invest it into oil refinery that can produce more oil and at lower price!

"For example, a 20,000 bpd capacity refinery may cost $20 million, while a 100,000 bpd capacity refinery might cost $500 million. For example, in Nigeria, I recently read that the 12,000 bpd topping modular refinery for Akwa-Ibom is for $10 million, while the 100,000 bpd complex refinery being touted for Tonwei Refinery in Bayelsa is estimated at $1.2 billion."

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen is the Master Lie,He get his degree without going to school. he is the master lie. he lie everything from human trafficking to the Theft of land. He never lie when he put the people again his govement in jails. that one this hunsen do best. Master slave Vietnam ah Hunsen and his cpp.

Anonymous said...

Why didn't Keat Chhon elaborate more clearly about"Quiet subsidies"?. Ist it like quiet bribe or something?.
We need "transparent Subsidies" instead of Quiet...quiet....

Anonymous said...

listen to the villagers living along khmer-vietnam border complaining about encroachments

Anonymous said...

That $100 million went through to his bank account, not to subsidise the fuel prices increased.
No sparancy, it means he cheated the nation and betray Khmer people.

Anonymous said...

The claimed of "quiet subsidy" has two reasons. This may be correct and the subsidy is just to transfer money state moeny to his wife's account because his wife has oil company. Later on, if people find that about that transfer is not the corruption but it was a quiet subsidy for oil price. Does Cambodian government have any subsidy law? If not, on what basis the government subsidise the oil price?

Anonymous said...

From 8:35AM!

Typo error!

$1000 million = $1 billion

It should read as:

Subsidize the fuel cost at $100 million a year and for 10 years it will amount to $1 billion worth of subsidy! Ahahhahhahahah!

By the way the oil refinery cost a little as 20 million dollars to build!

Anonymous said...

Off course he must subsidise the price of petrol. You cannot exspect RACF people to run their hummers and 4wd lexus on a salary of $60 a month.

Anonymous said...

Good point, 10:20, but we can't have our own oil refinery at this point because our infrastructure in not at where we wanted to be yet.

Anonymous said...

AH HUN SEN government wasteful spending need to stop! It is all about excuse and after excuse for not doing the right thing!

Now go do the right thing Hun Sen!

Anonymous said...

Ambassador Mussomeli, a Strongman indeed, it's not just depicting a man, but he is doing something about the issues that nobody care enough to stand up to the injustices and malficient and malignant syndromes that the CPP does to the Khmer citizens.

He is a compassionate being: one principle in buddha teaching. Ah Hun and Cephalopods' brain like the Norodom claimed to be a very devout Buddhist. Do these creamy "merde la tet" know what is Buddhism all about?

Here's we have a man that 9:56PM said, "Bullshit, no one listens to stupid westerner trained people who constantly destroyed Cambodia." The world now know more about the Dark Mask that HunSen wore. Everytime when someone Nailing HunSen on the Head, he very Frightened. And he would come out of the Rats' hole, and barking like a dogs!

Ambassador Mussomeli, on behalf of the unfortunate and scared citizens of Cambodia. I, Stephen Bach Vanhaussen, appreciate your perseverance & struggle to fight justice for us all.