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Cartoon by Sacrava (on the web at
Ambassador Mussomeli, a Strongman indeed, it's not just depicting a man, but he is doing something about the issues that nobody care enough to stand up to the injustices and malficient and malignant syndromes that the CPP does to the Khmer citizens.
He is a compassionate being: one principle in buddha teaching. Ah Hun and Cephalopods' brain like the Norodom claimed to be a very devout Buddhist. Do these creamy "merde la tet" know what is Buddhism all about?
Here's we have a man that 9:56PM said, "Bullshit, no one listens to stupid westerner trained people who constantly destroyed Cambodia." The world now know more about the Dark Mask that HunSen wore. Everytime when someone Nailing HunSen on the Head, he very Frightened. And he would come out of the Rats' hole, and barking like a dogs!
Ambassador Mussomeli, on behalf of the unfortunate and scared citizens of Cambodia. I, Stephen Bach Vanhaussen, appreciate your perseverance & struggle to fight justice for us all.
Ambassador Mussomeli, a Strongman indeed, it's not just depicting a man, but he is doing something about the issues that nobody care enough to stand up to the injustices and malficient and malignant syndromes that the CPP does to the Khmer citizens.
He is a compassionate being: one principle in buddha teaching. Ah Hun and Cephalopods' brain like the Norodom claimed to be a very devout Buddhist. Do these creamy "merde la tet" know what is Buddhism all about?
Here's we have a man that 9:56PM said, "Bullshit, no one listens to stupid westerner trained people who constantly destroyed Cambodia." The world now know more about the Dark Mask that HunSen wore. Everytime when someone Nailing HunSen on the Head, he very Frightened. And he would come out of the Rats' hole, and barking like a dogs!
Ambassador Mussomeli, on behalf of the unfortunate and scared citizens of Cambodia. I, Stephen Bach Vanhaussen, appreciate your perseverance & struggle to fight justice for us all.
The inevitability of the perils of Hunism.
កម្ពុជាយើងតូចតែសម្បូរណ៍ មានយួនហៀរហូរពាសពេញដី អាយួនប្រុសៗធ្វើមន្រ្តី មីយួនស្រីៗធ្វើពេស្យា។
Where Bonary Tela?
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