Friday, December 14, 2007

NRP reacts to Mam Sonando’s warning

13 December 2007
By Kim Pov Sottan
Radio Free Asia

Translated from Khmer by Heng Soy

On Wednesday, the NRP expressed its displeasure to the warning issued by Beehive radio station stating that it will no longer allow political parties to broadcast their programs on this station if they do not stop squabbling over the airwaves of the station.

Muth Chantha, NRP spokesman, called this warning a pressure exerted to prevent freedom of expression, and it also restricts the rights of the people to receive information.

Muth Chantha said: “Mr. Mam Sonando should not be concerned about lawsuits, his action affects the rights to broadcast information and the rights to receive information, and it is also contrary to the information law, should Beehive radio station forced us to show our source in advance, or to show proofs in advance, (then) it is contrary to the democratic process.”

On Tuesday, Mam Sonando, director of Beehive radio station, set conditions by asking the three political parties (SRP, HRP and NRP) which bought airtime on his radio station to stop attacking each other, saying that these attacks were baseless and they could affect the social atmosphere also.

Eng Chhay Eang, SRP secretary-general, also said that this warning is not proper, however, he said that his party can still abide by the Beehive rule.

Eng Chhay Eang said: “This can be construed as a threat to the freedom of information. The (SRP) Candlelight program that we broadcast, we respect the moral code of conduct … that is we talk about our party work activities to let people know.”

Keo Remy, HRP vice-president, said that he supports the Beehive imposed rule because there is no reason for these politicians to attack one another for personal gain.

Keo Remy said: “The HRP goal is that we want to show what we have done to the people, right now when we do not hold power yet, and when we win the election, (it shows) what we have done, what the possibilities are that we should use immediately when we win the election, when we become the prime minister, therefore (the issue raised by) Mr. Mam Sonando is not a problem.”

The three political parties have broadcasted about their political programs and their party activities on the Beehive airwave one hour each, every day, at noon.

The NRP broadcasts about democracy, the people’s rights, and criticisms on the HRP leaders for example. The SRP broadcasts about the activities undertaken by the party officials. The HRP is mainly concentration on broadcasting the party politics.

The broadcasting effort undertaken by each political on the Beehive airwave was done at a time when Cambodia is heading toward a general election next year.

It should be noted also that among all political parties in Cambodia, only the CPP has the several various means to broadcast itself (through their own stations, stations owned by CPP cronies, or government owned stations). For other political parties, the only way they can broadcast their programs is through renting private stations like the Beehive radio station.


Anonymous said...

Il faudrait mieux pour toi de te suicider Rannarith!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Stupidhead Ranarith is wasting his fucking time. He is a ghost and history now; no one would want to talk about him anymore, so whatever he says does not matter anymore. He is just an idiot running around!!

Khmer Young said...

Current Hun Sen's cruel reaction to Yash Ghai signified terrible future for Cambodians. Under Hun Sen's leadership, Cambodia is moving to become Vietnam's Indochina Federation member faster and faster. Few below considering facts should be useful for you all.

* 1. Hun Sen has denounced United Nations about its recognition of Khmer Rouge government is unusual. The original purpose of UN to recognize Khmer Rouge regime during 19 century is essential because the Vietnamese invasion in Cambodia and Khmer Rouge's brutality was two different things. UN considered KR brutality is worse, but Vietnamese invasion in Cambodia is the worst, especially the illegality of Vietnam that spread their troops throughout Cambodia land.

Question: What is Hun Sen's stand point of view about these two controversial issues? - Brutality of KR is ended, but Vietnamese influence is still overwhelming in Cambodia.

* 2. Now, Japanese government's role in Indochina is critical for Cambodians. Japanese has planned their aids not to providing solely to Cambodia, Laos or Vietnam, but Japanese government plans to aid as joint development project including Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos. We surely know that Japan needs to counterbalance with China in this region, but what is worse for Cambodia is the fastest of becoming a legal member of Indochina Federation.

Question: Has Hun Sen government used their capacity to monitor all those development projects with Vietnam? - In case of current Triangle and Land Concession to Vietnamese authority is well informed by Cambodian experts.

* 3. According to 2008 Calendar of Cambodia, we can see that the government recognizes January 7 day as the national memorable day that Cambodia can escape from KR brutality, but government has intentionally erased October 23 day in the national day calendar from commemorating. Significance of these two national days are both important that government has to value them. However, October 23 is considered as the second independent day for Cambodians from foreign invader (first independent day is from French which is still celebrated).

Question: Why Hun Sen's government neglect to commemorate Paris Peace Agreement day? - Khmer Rouge brutality is ended, but why Hun Sen's leadership is keeping January 7 as the memorable day. Now, the influences of Vietnam is still huge in Cambodia?

* 4. Hun Sen's leadership in the future is important for us to comprehend that: from current possibility, Hun Sen will change Cambodia to boost in economic development by neglecting human rights, freedom and democracy development. Currently, international aids have concerned only economic growth especially the competitive aids from Japan and China that those aids don't focus on building real democracy in Cambodia. The tendency that Hun Sen government is moving now truly copies from China and Vietnam that they see these two countries' economic growth as their model.

Question: Which one is more important between democracy and economy? - Both are important, but why Hun Sen's leadership is turning to Vietnamese style?

* 5. Current trial of Khmer Rouge will enable nothing better for future Cambodia because it is politicized by government since the beginning. As we can understand, Hun Sen's leadership will not hesitate to try Khmer Rouge leaders because this trial is absolutely benefiting his party (CPP). However, it is not benefiting to CPP only, it is also benefiting to foreign country who came to liberate Cambodians from KR brutality. Psychologically, more trial is loud through the media, the Cambodian peoples have more favors and loves to the CPP as well as Hun Sen. And the legality of invasion is coming near. Recently, Hun Sen cursed the UN's special envoy Yash Ghai as well as UN itself is the intention to dismiss Paris Peace Agreement and UN's presence in 1993. He accuses UN that didn't come to intervene KR during brutality and why now comes to Cambodia and criticize about human rights violation? - This accusation is baseless because during the KR period the world was fully chaotic.

Question: Does KR trial can improve Cambodia justice system? According to current government's attitude towards human rights report in Cambodia, is it fertile for creating the rule of law state? - KR is the best tool for Vietnam to achieve their Indochina Federation in current transitional politics of Cambodia under Hun Sen's Leadership.

* Notes: Hun Sen and his government's current policy doesn't only violate their treaty with UN about human rights, but also violate Cambodian national constitution. Hun Sen and his government has gradually violated Cambodian national constitution.


Anonymous said...

you fucking people all way try to survive even in bad condition! accept all suppression as long as you can live even as slave!

What the fuck you are difference from one another , you all comfoter and slave or whour!

Fight for principal do not stay and obey suppression that the Viet train us to be accept as long as you can live like paloav dog!


Anonymous said...

Hi Ky,

If I remembered well, it was Vietnam who scold the US and the UN when a leading democratic senetor, John Glenn?, brought up the issue of mass killings in Cambodia, and proposed that the UN invades Cambodia to stop the mass murders. I think a piece of the article was written by an Ambassador from Singapor, Tommy Koh who was an Ambassador to the UN at the time of that debate came up. It was Vietnam who denies that there was no mass killing in Cambodia, it was just a propaganda by the US. That what I saw on the article back in the late 80s.