Saturday, December 22, 2007

SRP: Sam Rainsy touring Europe, visited Dutch Parliament, to inaugurate SRP chapter in Finland led by former political detainee Sok Yoeun

Former political detainee (2nd from left) standing next to opposition leader Sam Rainsy (Archive Photo: SRP)

21 December 2007

Cambodian parliamentary opposition leader Sam Rainsy visited the Dutch Parliament in The Hague for the first time on 20 December 2007. He presented the situation in Cambodia in front of four Dutch Members of Parliament representing four different political parties: Ms. Chantal Gill'ard (Labour Party, in Government); Ms. Mariko Peters (Green Party, in Opposition); Mr. Hans van Baalen (Liberal Party, in Opposition); Mr. Maarten Haverkamp (Christian Democrat, in Government). After the meeting, the four MPs told Sam Rainsy of their decision to collectively support international efforts to bring about real democracy in Cambodia and to help ensure genuine elections in our country in July 2008. They will jointly ask questions to the Dutch government to ensure that The Netherlands play an effective role in pushing Cambodia into the right direction.

After The Hague, Sam Rainsy went to the industrial cities of Amsterdam and Breda to meet with dozens of Cambodians who support the SRP and who are forming a SRP chapter in the Netherlands. On his way back to Paris on the same day, Sam Rainsy attended a lively working diner in Brussels organized by the SRP chapter for Belgium. On 22 December 2007, the SRP chapter for France is organizing a reception to be attended by over 300 supporters (1). On 29 December 2007, Sam Rainsy will fly from Geneva to Helsinki where he will inaugurate the SRP chapter for Finland led by former political detainee Sok Yoeun.

Source: SRP Cabinet

(1) Restaurant Chinatown Olympiades, 44 avenue d'Ivry, 75013 Paris.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love that guy. He should lead the country.