Translated from Khmer by KI-Media
2 officials from the Funcinpec party and one from the SRP defected their parties to join Hun Sen’s CPP. The Koh Santepheap newspaper reported that Sin Pin Sen and So Victor, both high-ranking Funcinpec officials, have decided to leave their party to join the CPP. Ahmed Yahya, SRP MP, also defected from the SRP to join the CPP also. Mrs. Mu Sochua, SRP Deputy Secretary-general, told Koh Santepheap that indeed, Ahmed Yahya left the SRP. She said that this was his decision, and there should be no problem within the SRP. Prince Sisowath Thomico blamed the defection of high ranking Funcinpec officials on the bad governance of current Funcinpec party leaders. The prince said that, in the past, people criticized the weak leadership of Prince Ranariddh, but he said that now, (the new party leaders) could not even stop the party bleeding.
Dissolve it and merge into CPP or other party in order to get the same job. Our CPP will warmly welcome to those who want to join us and hold the same position!
They are all Fomer funcinpec people. Who care ? they only run for position. Amed yaya know that his MP psotion with SRP will not be re-nominated due to his inactivity and uselessness so far. So good choice for him to earn a living.
So Victor ? he is a business man from Sydney. Since finished his uni in early 1990, he never worked, so he followed Funcinpec sucker t ocambodia. In fact he is never interested in Cambodian politcs or affiars, only mkney, money , more money, as a chinsese khmer. Her used to say whocare about cambnodia, i am into money only. He lied on the webstite of khmer parliament that he had a master degree , but liar , liar, bid fat chines liear.
I told freinds that Victor so would join CPP soon like his all-the time unemployed mates like Kong Vibol, Khov meng HEan,
so iam not surprise
All these people are the defectors.
Even Sam Rainsy himself defected from Son Sann to Fun and from Fun to Make himself a party.
We hope all will defect and join the CPP as one of throngest party ever run in Cambodia.
Sihanouk said Fun will melt it down by it members in 2008.
No more Royalist Party In Cambodia.
We Hate Royalist!
CPP slogan for 2008
For every Vote CPP get, you get a grain of rice.
Ranridh is still much more sensible than his joke maker father of killing fields.
He divorced Neang Marie Eng because she is four golden star nagger and abuser,not to say she is a female jack ass.
Sror aim Phalla does her duty wholely as a super loyal FUNCINPEC official ex wife,that's all and no crime.
Girl just wants to have fun!! says Cindy Lauper
It is good to have all the old cows and all the opportunists to join CPP. We need more room for our young generations who are really care for our country.
quoteed"Dissolve it and merge into CPP or other party in order to get the same job. Our CPP will warmly welcome to those who want to join us and hold the same position!,said
4:15 AM"
Question what is the same position?
69?? On the double or triple???
What happened to MP Son Chhay? Yet ready for the new boat?
CPP is a big tiger. This tiger rarely bite people when they wish to go into their mouth, but when you are out intentionally or unintentionally, this CPP tiger bite and eat not only you, but your property and family members.
This observation is real as you rarely see people who defected to CPP, no body we see they got out.
It is unnatural that the door must be for peoples to go in and come out. But CPP's door (not pusssy) welcome defectors only go in, and will not happy with you to get out.
SRP is very different from other parties because this party firmly united for the sake of nation, not for the sake of position and money. So, whoever want to defect for their personal interests, just do it. SRP respects individual's decision.
Son Chhay will nevergo anyhwere, either with SRP or quit politcs and caome back to live in Australia.
This is the Root of the so-called Royalist/DSemocrats etc...
They are just Politourists...
Dr. Roum Reak- Director of RGC Co. Ltd.
Change from one party to another is the root of So-called Royalists// Democrats.... as of Free market economy... everything can be sold... Bartered...Batgained including Govt. high Ranks
They are all poli Business men...
Dr. Roumreak/ Director of RGC Co Ltd
It would make SRP a lot stronger to see these shameless, faceless, no-principled defectors move in with the CPP. KY is right it would leave some places for the younger generation to come in and serve their loving country. Leave now if you only care for own selfishness.
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