Friday, February 08, 2008

Pol Pot number two blames outsiders for ills

Fri Feb 8, 2008

PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - Khmer Rouge "Brother Number Two" Nuon Chea blamed foreigners on Friday for Cambodia's current ills, thereby refusing to acknowledge the legacy of Pol Pot's murderous regime at the U.N.-backed "Killing Fields" tribunal.

"My fellow Cambodians, today Cambodia is enjoying peace, solidarity and national reconciliation and its development is improving gradually," the octogenarian former guerrilla chief, charged with crimes against humanity, said at his bail hearing.

"But difficulties remain due to the influence of foreign countries that are hindering Cambodia's growth," he said without elaborating.

His only other words were in praise of Prime Minister Hun Sen, a one-eyed ex-Khmer Rouge fighter who defected to Vietnam in the late 1970s before returning with the 1979 Vietnamese invasion that ousted Pol Pot's four-year reign of terror.

An estimated 1.7 million people were executed or died of torture, disease and starvation under the ultra-Maoist regime as Pol Pot's dream of creating an agrarian peasant utopia descended into the nightmare of the "Killing Fields".

The effects of the "Year Zero" revolution and the nearly two decades of civil war that followed are still being felt 30 years later, with Cambodia one of the poorest and most heavily mined countries in Asia.

The court is expected to rule on Nuon Chea's bail request in several days. He is highly unlikely to be freed.

Besides Nuon Chea, top cadres now in custody are former President Khieu Samphan, former Foreign Minister Ieng Sary and his wife, Ieng Thirith, and Duch, head of Phnom Penh's Tuol Sleng, or "S-21" interrogation and torture centre.

Pol Pot died in 1998 in the final Khmer Rouge redoubt of Anlong Veng on the Thai border.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, he is right. Now those clans is taking control Phnom Penh and took all Khmer valuable resources. I don't know when HUN SEN going to wake up. During the KR, you how many Cambodian Honoi killed them. A lot! then they washed and blame it on our Khmer patriot.

Anonymous said...

Not patriot fool! pirot may be! or monkey shit head for sure! all the fucking communist past and present and the pretend to be!

We need no fucking leaders but server to the people!

Anonymous said...

what i can't understand is that, this guy, noun chea was second in rank after pol pot. as one of the leaders of the infamous gov't, why were these stupid leaders so dumb to listen to other culprits as they pointed out to china and vietnam? why did they have to listen and take orders from these stinky countries if that was the case? and they called themselves "leaders"? cambodian people don't buy that story.

Anonymous said...

the fact was that they didn't have to kill people, they could just educate the population with their new gov't or what have they. the fact was that they didn't have to starve people, everyone worked so hard like slaves for their communist gov't but still have nothing to eat. that was really fucked up!! they could have order a stern warning to the village heads or angkor leu not to kill people or starve people. where was the justice system in their backward gov't? i think the problem with their communist gov't was that they kill and kill and kill and kill and starve and starve and starve people. i think if they have a policy not to kill and starve the people, things would have been different for them, then. but the truth was that they were so fucked up with their new revolutionary vision or something along that line.

Anonymous said...

if only they did not kill and starve the population, and if only they allow freedom for the people, their gov't would have been different, then; and perhaps cambodia would have been strong,then. but we know they had failed to do any of that.

Anonymous said...

Many of us heard Khmer Rouge follwoing propagandas and slogans during their rule and 1979-1993:

1-America imperialist make cars and airplanes, they are going to eat steel. We plant rice we eat rice. And guess what!!!!

2. We produce four to five tons per hecta. we are going to have plenty. And guess what!!!

3. Angka lead our nation forward speedy progress. And guess what!!!

4. Our soldiers sacrify their blood for our country and cover the field with red. And guess what!!

5. Our brave guerillas surrounded and attacked VN soldiers every directions and Guess what!!!

6. Hun sen and Heng Samrin are puppet of VN. Our patriotic mind comrades in arm and flesh must not allow this to happen over our motherland.
Guess what!!!. Noun Chea now praised Hun Sen and the Tombstones and souls of dead Khmer Rouge soldiers are being shaken and restless.

Anonymous said...

god forgive those who repent and follow god. people can change and have changed; enemies can become friends. peace in the world!!

Anonymous said...

To Those Who Are Searching For The Truth:

In my professional opinion as a forensic field investigator, I have come to one conclusion, past Cambodian so-called leaders must learn to accept the truth about their failures as leaders. Let me probe into this problem by analyzing a statement by statement and phrase by phrase from these forum posters.

This is from 3:39am and he said : "Everyone worked so hard like slaves for their communist gov't but still have nothing to eat."

Sit and think for a moment and ask yourself:

(1)where did Khmer Rouge get their military supplies from? All Cambodian are working very hard during Khmer Rouge regime planting rice

(2)where were those bags of rice gone to? During the fall of Phnom Penh there were many jewelry shops and banks filled with US dollars

(3)what happened to these shops that filled with 24 karats gold and diamonds, rubies and emeralds and the dollars left inside each buildings when all of the population is evacuated into the country side?

These are just simple but critical questions that every Cambodians must ask themselves. Khmer Rouges are human therefore, their leaders certainly know how valuable these precious commodities were to them.

To answer these three questions and the answer is simple...who supplied the military equipment, ammunitions, artilaries, tanks and other necessities to the Khmer Rouge during and before the fall of Phnom Penh in order to win over the Lon Non Royal Army of Cambodia?

Right. You guess it right...CHINA is the main military supplier to the Khmer Rouge regime. From uniforms to caps, to AK47s, and tanks. Now why did Khmer Rouge pushed everyone to work hard and planted rice and when you harvested your end results ending up in China for the Chinese government to feed its own people. If you begin to put things together soon you will find the perpetraitors and its accomplices.

But is your government ready and willing to do anything about this problem? NO...because Cambodia can not stand on its own two feet that is why until this very day Cambodia sources of incomes are coming from donor nations.

Now if you want to talk about Russia involvement in Cambodia it is a different story. Russia is about the Vietnamese invasion on Cambodia when Cambodia is a neutral state that has its own sovereignty. Vietnam would not dare to lay a hand or even considered on invading Cambodia without the supports and the "OK" from Russia. That is why in 1979 once Vietnam invaded Cambodia, China launched its own attack on North of Vietnam in less than a week China has taken over 19 provinces from Vietnam...just to teach Vietnam a lesson. There is more to talk about but this is all the time that I had to share with you gentlemen.

I thank you for your time.


Anonymous said...

Vietnam would not dare to lay a hand or even considered on invading Cambodia without the supports and the "OK" from Russia. That is why in 1979 once Vietnam invaded Cambodia, China launched its own attack on North of Vietnam in less than a week China has taken over 19 provinces from Vietnam...just to teach Vietnam a lesson. There is more to talk about but this is all the time that I had to share with you gentlemen.

Dear ST;

Am not an expert in any filed but just an ordinary person. My point of view, the war in Cambodia was a spill over of the cold war to start with. The USSR, China and USA were playing a key role in the war there.

If we took into consideration the fact how Pol Pot regime could still retain an UN seat after the regime collapsed then one could see how the super power was influent over the Cambodia affairs and ignored the hardship of million Cambodians.

USA disliked Vietnam, China supported KR, again USA was in cold war with USSR and the final crunch USA rather supported China [it allied against USSR during cold war] with it veto power in the UN Security Council so the UN seat remained to KR regime.

Anonymous said...

i guess the court has to listen to their side of the story, too. they have to dig into the brains of the killers. but at the end, when all the dust settled, i can't imagine that they all will get away for their crime against the cambodian nation. i just don't think the majority of the cambodian people would let them go without some kind of punitive damages.

Anonymous said...

Jumreapsur 5:04AM

Let us dissect the statement to which you have written in response to my posting.

"My point of view, the war in Cambodia was a spill over of the cold war to start with."

The definition of a "cold war spilled over into Cambodia" is something vague and we do not want to insinuate while we (Cambodia) were not involved in the cold war itself. To be specific, the caused of this war was the effort made by those who are the allies of the United States and because of these allies (South Vietnam and Thailand) were forced to join this union of nations and be protected under the domination of the United States. To make matter worst, Sihanouk was squeezed by South Vietnam and Thailand pressured him to join the union. Sihanouk refused and got really angry thus sought the Chinese government for supports while Lon Nol quietly creeping behind Sihanouk's back joinning the United States and overthrown Sihanouk, hence, the Coup Detat in early 1970 and all these things happened while Sihanouk is in France with his family. Why Sihanouk seeking the Chinese government for supports until this very day I have no clue as to why Sihanouk did what he had done. He despised Communism, yet he is seeking the very wrong supports to fight for his movement. Thus, the Chinese government instructed some of their delegations to bring Sihanouk to meet with Khmer Rouge directly in Cambodia, but these Chinese delegations were told not to let Sihanouk know that Pol Pot (Saloth Sar) who was in fact the leader of the Khmer Rouge and Sihanouk bought the idea, hence, joinning force with the Khmer Rouge. The Chinese government sees this as the only opportunity to push Khmer Rouge to grow even stronger by using Sihanouk as pawn (Sihanouk's popularity among Khmer Peasants) on a chess board played by China while China is in the driver seat. In this case and point, we see that China has the upper hand in controling Khmer Rouge and Sihanouk at the same time. Khmer Rouge needs military assistance while Sihanouk needs his power.

Cold war was not directly involved with the Southeast Asia war which known as the Vietnam Experience here in the United States. What matter now is that the endurance of this experience has already in the past, what Cambodia needs now is to prepare for the future and not to let this sort of crimes ever happens again in Cambodia.

"The USSR, China and USA were playing a key role in the war there."

These are the Super Power nations that strive on smaller countries throughout the world. Smaller nations do support the rich and the wealthy ones. This is reality and we have to learn to accept what comes our ways. These Super Power nations have already divided this world into pieces for their interests. China would take certain region of the world, while United States and Russia have their own shares what left on certain parts of the world. These Super Power will not dare to engage in each other affairs. They keep everything hidden from the naked eyes while only a few among the elites would know the truth about this world and the world's business. About the cold war, if you really want to find out about the "cold war" I reccommend you to read a book written by Henry Kissinger titled" Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Diplomacy" You will have a true definition of what the Super Power intentions for this world. They are all about Security of a nation and its economic stability.

I am running out of time. I thank you.


Anonymous said...

"The USSR, China and USA were playing a key role in the war there."

I spent hours to draw the maps of Cambodia, Lao and Vietnam as one, there no such map in google search engine, oh
shit I can't Publish here either.
If you saw my map you'll see a thousand words, just like an eye can see a million stars.

Anonymous said...

the definition of a "cold war spilled over into Cambodia" is something vague and we do not want to insinuate while we (Cambodia) were not involved in the cold war itself. To be specific, the caused of this war was the effort made by those who are the allies of the United States and because of these allies (South Vietnam and Thailand) were forced to join this union of nations and be protected under the domination of the United States.

Dear ST;

Carefully study your above mentioned statement, it drawn to my attention that in the matter of fact and because Cambodia did not want to join the union of nations and be protected under the domination of the US, Cambodia was inevitably became the play ground of war, and the 18 March 1970 was justified, and the sufferings of innocent Cambodia were discounted , and the friendly bombing of Nak Leoung just another sufferings that Cambodia deserved it. Please correct me if my point of view is off track.

Thank you

Anonymous said...

To 7:45pm,

The definition of "did not join or join the union" offered different perspective as analyst. Sihanouk has a choice to make between Communism and Capitalism. It did not mean that this is an act of involving in the cold war.

Indochina has always been an interest of the United States because the US has already an allied to Thailand and South Vietnam. We are debating based on your statement made pertaining to the "cold war spilled over to Cambodia" which is not true. It has always been a belief and a choice to make. And Sihanouk chose to make the wrong choice by supporting Communism. If you ask Sihanouk today right here and now he still supports China decision to interfere with Cambodia. If you look at Sihanouk's actions toward democracy...there is none to be mentioned. Which countries that Sihanouk has any relations at all if any...with the free world? If you track Sihanouk activities, you would see that every time Sohanouk is ill or feeling the blue he will fly to China where his residency kept well managed and maintained. I watch Sihanouk interview with ABC back in the 80s when Sihanouk was asked why did he support Communism that led to the genocidal in his counrty he refused to answer.

True that bombing in Cambodia was an illegal act made by the United States and to be precise, by the Nixon Administration and everyone knew it very well till this day and there is no deny about that. However, Sihanouk has made one mistake after the other as leader who hope is for peace and stability, but his actions toward peace and stability was none to appeal. If you put Sihanouk on trial today and to be questioned by the professional attorneys who are specialize in war crimes, Sihanouk would be in the "hot" seat. Need I say more? The problem with Cambodian leaders is that when they made mistakes they dont want to admit that they have made mistakes. They have forgotten that everytime they made a involve human lives just like you have mentioned the "innocents".

Now if you want to know why Sihanouk did not want to join the allied of the United States I do not know. You will have to ask Sihanouk that one important question. Why did he turned around asking the supports from China when the United States has already supported him. This question remains to be illusive until this day and only Sihanouk know how to answer this question.

Once again I have to run. I thank you.


Anonymous said...

Dear ST;

It has always been a belief and a choice to make.

There is no doubt about that. It is existing in every and individual human being whether the a normal civilian or leader of a nation.

chose to make the wrong choice by supporting Communism.

During the interview on one of the documentary, quote:

1] Cambodia at that time, a nation less than 7 million population, no military muscle and hardware, was not strong enough to oppose the North from using its sanctuary.

2] "Imagine if they could do that to it ally, what would they do to a non allied nation" [Referring to a mid-air chopper blast that killed the South VIP personnels]

3] rather reached a deal with North in exchange for respect of national sovereignty after the war.

Dear ST, as always thank you for your inputs on the debate issue. By the way, if you would not mind me asking a personal question.

Are you the appointed personnel in the newly inauguration office attached to US embassy some 2 weeks ago.

Anonymous said...

My Dear 4:03AM,

I wish I am, but I like to live a life of a humble man to which I recalled the life of Dr. Mohuddma Ghandiji in India. In this world to which I have come to understand the values of our existance and that is happiness in all that God has given to us upon this planet earth. Those who seek power will remain to be illusion and lost in the realm of power, while those who seek to live in harmony thus peace and harmonious spirits shall they reaped.

The world has no ending in sight, just like Mr. Henry Kissinger was saying and I quote:

"The more powerful the weapons, however, the greater becomes the reluctance to use them. At a period of unparalleled military strength, President Eisenhower summed up the dilemma posed by the new weapons technology in the phrase " there is no alternative to peace."

"Mankind has at its disposal the means to destroy itself at the precise moment when schisms among nations have never been deeper.The challenge of the nuclear age is not only enormous but also inescapable. Within a generation the peaceful uses of atomic energy will have spread across the globe."

Everytime I read this paragraph I have chills on my spine. That is why it is imparative that our leaders among the free world must do whatever in their power to avoid confrontations. War means destructions and due to this destructions innocent lives will be at risk if not on a huge scale, but definately will have some casualties.

Foreign policy is very critical in any stage during all discusion at round table just to avoid war and destructions. Wars of word are much safer then war itself.

I can sympathize during Sihanouk's time that he has no political advisors that he can expose to and discuss such matters that would help ease problems with Cambodia's neighbors. Hatred and vengence can only lead to destructions if we learn to recognize and respect each other boundaries, cultures and traditions, perhaps we can do much better than to use weapons and pointing at each other.

I wish to live in peace and deep down in your heart I knew that peace you also wanted.

Once again I thank you.


Anonymous said...

Stupid, ignorant, selfish, personal gains and irresponsible are Khmer politicians. Now Cambodia pays a hefty price because of them;the price which Cambodia can never recover forever.

Anonymous said...

Cambodia is a neutral country!

So who violated Cambodia neutrality?

If Cambodia is a neutral country recognized by United Nations and who dare attacking it?

Case closed!