Koh Santepheap
Translated from Khmer by Socheata
Phnom Penh City – Three ECCC officials led by Sean Visoth, director of the ECCC office of administration, plan to leave for New York to discuss with donor countries on aid for the KR Tribunal. The ECCC delegation plans to leave Cambodia on 24 March. The departure of the delegation appears to be linked to the ECCC funding crisis. Meanwhile, Ieng Thirith’s lawyer asked to delay her hearing to 21 May instead. Reach Sambath, ECCC spokesman, declared that Sean Visoth plans to provide clarification (to the donor countries) about the past progress of the tribunal, as well as to provide progress to “Friends of the court.” Nevertheless, Reach Sambath declined to answer when he was asked whether the ECCC delegation will leave to New York to ask for more funding or not.
It has been claimed that the KR Tribunal will deplete its $56.3 million budget for 3-year spending in April, and recently, the plan is to extend the tribunal until 2011, whereas the required budget has increased to $170 million. The OSJI is involved with the auditing of the ECCC expense also.
Reach Sambath indicated: “We do not plan to ask for more budget, but we are going to report to friends of the court, which, in the past, was done once every two months in Phnom Penh city.”
Reach Sambath added that only the UN side can evaluate and ask for additional funding, Cambodia does not make any request up to now.
Reach Sambath added that, at the same time, Ieng Thirith’s lawyer sent in a petition to delay her bail appeal hearing to 21 May 2008 instead of the 21 March 2008 date set by the tribunal.
It has been claimed that the KR Tribunal will deplete its $56.3 million budget for 3-year spending in April, and recently, the plan is to extend the tribunal until 2011, whereas the required budget has increased to $170 million. The OSJI is involved with the auditing of the ECCC expense also.
Reach Sambath indicated: “We do not plan to ask for more budget, but we are going to report to friends of the court, which, in the past, was done once every two months in Phnom Penh city.”
Reach Sambath added that only the UN side can evaluate and ask for additional funding, Cambodia does not make any request up to now.
Reach Sambath added that, at the same time, Ieng Thirith’s lawyer sent in a petition to delay her bail appeal hearing to 21 May 2008 instead of the 21 March 2008 date set by the tribunal.
I doubt that anyone is stupid enough to just hand over additional 114 Millions Dollars just to prosecute 5 Ex-Khmer Rouge. I certainly won't. I don't know what the stupid delegation is thinking?
PS: 170 Millions to prosecute 5 persons? hahaha, LOL, hahaha ...
This is like 1.7 billions dollars in the west or close to 2 billions in Australia, hahaha, LOL, hahaha. I can't wait to see the fool who okay this bill, hahaha, LOL, hahaha, ROFLMAO.
No more dollars for your gangs, k?
We are in a recession. Go and print out your own reils.
Bullshit, the ECCC is not our gangs. None of our trials cost millions, you moron (2:55)? Thus, how can it be our gangs?
What a best SHOW they put on.
Why cots multi million of dollars for just convicting these little pets?
Please do our part by signing the petition in the
and send it to the addresses as below:
U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
Mr. Chairman Joseph R Biden Jr.
Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-6225
U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations
Mr. Chairman Robert C. Byrd
The Capitol, S-131
Washington, DC 20510
U.S. House of Representatives_Committee on
International Relations
Mr. Chairman Howard L. Berman
2170 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
U.S. House of Representative Committee on
Mr. Chairman Dave Obey
Room HB-26 The Capitol
Washington, DC 20515
The White House
President George W. Bush
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Secretary of State Dr. Condoleezza Rice
U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520
Ly Diep
Subject: US must require conditional fulfillments on aid to the Khmer Rouge Trial-ECCC.
We, the American citizens of Cambodia heritage, are writing to ask the US Senate, House of
Representatives, and current administration to impose conditions upon the Extraordinaire Chambers in the
Courts of Cambodia before releasing the intended financial aid.
We felt it deemed appropriate and just as far as the ECCC action in the arrest and detainment of the
Second Chairman of the Democratic Kampuchea Comrade Khieu Samphan (1976-1979). To our disheartened,
the ECCC does not offer reason why it does not arrest and detain Comrade Norodom Sihanouk, who actually
was the first founding Chairman of the Democratic Kampuchea Presidium Council (1975-1976). He was the
chief architect in achieving all crimes against humanity and brought war from Viet Nam upon Cambodia from
1970 onward. In records, he is the prime culprit of all tragedies occurred in Cambodia.
Likewise, in the arrest and detention of Comrade Khiev Thirith aka Ieng Thirith, then was the Minister
of Social Affairs, is biased and unjustly since her fellow Democratic Kampuchea Ministerial members were not
arrested nor detained. If she was arrested for being the minister of such government then we saw no reason not
to arrest her follow high ranking ministerial officers:
1. Comrade Keat Chhon Delegate Minister for the Cabinet of Prime Minister of DK. Presently he is
the Minister of Finance of Cambodia.
2. Comrade Thioun Mum Minister of Sciences
3. Comrade Chhorn Hai Minister of Post and Telecommunications
Also equally we applauded the ECCC in the arrest and detainment of Comrade Kaing Guech Iev aka
Duch, the Butcher of S-21 Tuol Sleng Prison. However, we believe the ECCC should have done the same to
Comrade Hor Nam Hong who was the Butcher of Beung Trabaek Prison. He was especially responsible for the
holding and prosecuting the foreign educated Cambodians who were misled to repatriate by his boss, Comrade
Ieng Sary, DK Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister. Currently Comrade Hor Nam Hong is
holding the same post as his former boss, Senior Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Because of the ECCC selective justice, therefore, we implore your firm action in order to bring justice
and proper closure for the survivors and families of the killing fields. Cambodia killing fields victims deserve
no less but justice once for all.
Please find enclosed signatures and residence for the record. We thank you for your time and assistance
in this matter.
1- _______________________________________________________________________________________
2- _______________________________________________________________________________________
3- _______________________________________________________________________________________
I didn't know it cost 500K for a bowl of noodle in Cambodia? Now I understand why the EECU need more money..
Folks, once against, stay away from Ah Khmer-Yuon and close relatives of Sarimatak. They are not human enough to accept their own failure and responsibility. They will continue to insist on blaming other people for their stupidity. Just look out for more nonsense propaganda from them.
ly ngoc dinh diep again?
man why is this ah viet cong fake khmer won't leave us alone?
Mate 144AM. Ly Diep or Ly Ngoc Dinh is not Sirimitak relative he is a Vietnamese sent from Viet Cong to infiltrate into Cambodia. To take Cambodia is to kill King Sihanouk a closest friend of China.
Viet Cong already lost the war, Ly Ngoc Dinh (Ly Diep) should leave Khmer people alone. He does not belong to our community because he is not one of us.
How much do they want for this fake trial? A few hundred million of dollars and how long going to stop asking for money?
We have to ask our Congress not to send more million dollars of our tax's payers to this fake trial while we are in a big recession.
Okay 3:51, just spread the news. That way no one will be trapped in Ly Diep's or Ly Ngoc Dinh's propaganda.
8:44, I don't think the ECCC is asking the US for funding. They know the US ain't stupid enough to give to them such ridiculous amount. Right now they are trying to fool the International Community, but they will only fool themselves, just watch.
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